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Effects of
Surgical Plume

By Leonard Lee & Madison Morgan

 Introduction

 Primary statement

 Effects of surgical plume

 NQSHS & ACORN standards

 Smoke Evacuator & Smoke

(Surgical Technologies, 2017)

Evacuator Pencil

 Action plan

 Closing
The purpose of this presentation is to emphasis
the importance and the difference that diathermy
smoke evacuation systems will have within the
theatre. Without these evacuation systems the
health and safety of all healthcare workers and
the patients are being put at risk. Evidence will
be used to support the must for the
implementation of diathermy smoke evacuation
(Surgical Technologies, 2017)
Surgical plume (Surgical smoke) is an extremely
harmful by-product produced from electrosurgical
instruments such as the diathermy.12,15 Surgical smoke
has been shown to be cytotoxic, genotoxic, and
mutagenic.1,12,14 Surgical plume has detrimental effects
on thousands of healthcare worker’s.10,14
Despite the fact that surgical plume is highly hazardous,
compliance with smoke evacuation is not routine in
QLD.6. ( Lemmons, 2021)

Effects of Surgical
Plume within theatre
Side effects of surgical plume had been widely
researched for many years.
There are numerous health risks that have been linked to
the exposure to surgical smoke. They range from but are
not limited to:
 Headaches11
 Aggravation of asthma11
 Dermatitis (eye, nose)11
 Throat irritation, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea11.
 Effects the lymphatic circulation causing adverse
respiratory and cardiovascular effects9. (Kay Ball, 2017)
 Cytotoxic components 14
 Transmits diseases and chemicals 7
There are many Nursing standards that are hindered by the
noncompliance regarding the use of the diathermy smoke
evacuators, for the purpose of this presentation only some of them
will be discussed.

 “1.29 The physical environment supports  Standard 23. All surgical plume generated
safe and high-quality care and reflects the during electrosurgery shall be evacuated
patient's clinical needs,”2 and, “1.3 The with all appropriate evacuation equipment”5
clinical governance framework is
comprehensive and effective in improving AND
safety and quality.”2  “Standard SP.27-29 all staff members should
 “Action 1.01. The governing body must be educated about the side effects of being
assure itself that a culture of safety and exposed to surgical plume” 5
quality improvement operates in the
Smoke Evacuators &
Smoke Evacuation
Within Sunnybank Private Hospital there are six
laparoscopic evacuators and we have routine access to
the handheld, showing the capital expenditure
investment has already been made, however currently
they are not being routinely used presenting a
discrepancy between the investment and utilizing that
investment efficiently.


Action Plan
Step One Step Three
 Ensure that all staff are educated on the health  Ensure that safety and quality systems reports are
risks regarding being exposed to surgical plume. provided, and 100% compliance is continuously
worked towards
This supports NQSHS standard
This supports NQSHS standard
“1.08 An effective quality improvement system is
operating across the organization”2 “1.09 Health service organisations provide accurate
and timely information on safety and quality
performance to key stakeholders.”2
Step Two Step Four
 Identify barriers and discuss with VMOs. Ensure they
are aware that they have access to six of them, and  Work towards being the first hospital to have an
that the equipment has been evaluated. In hopes to official policy regarding the mandatory
increase compliance with surgical plume evacuators. requirement to use surgical plume evacuators.
Some aspects support NQSHS standard This supports NQSHS standard
“3.14 The health service organisation minimises “1.07 The health service organisation has current,
infection risks to patients and the workforce from comprehensive and effective policies, procedures
equipment, device, product and environmental hazards.” 2 and protocols that cover safety and quality risks.”2
Overall, it is undeniable that we need
to achieve 100% compliance
regarding the use of the surgical
smoke evacuators to support quality
care and safety for patients and
workplace safety to staff.

(Stryker, 2022)

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Available from:


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