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1. Ahmad danil 20.31.0014
2. Putri Nurul Kusuma Dewi 20.31.0010
3 Moch Rizal Hermawan 20.31.0012
4. Muhamad Idzam Syahroni 20.52.0007
5. Vidya Meidita 20.52.0009
6. Veti Ningrum 20.51.0010

Here we go………

Implicit: Implicit refers to something that is implied or not explicitly expressed verbally or in writing.
This means that the implied information or meaning is not directly stated but can be understood through
context or prior knowledge. Implicit often requires interpretation from the message receiver to recognize
or understand it.

1. Conveying implicit or deeper messages.
2.Eliciting curiosity or intrigue.
3. Creating subtle impressions or nuances.
4. Triggering imagination and interpretation.
5. Providing intellectual challenges.

Explicit means information or meaning that is openly and clearly expressed, without any ambiguity or
additional interpretation required. An explicit message directly

1. Conveying information clearly and explicitly.
2. Preventing misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
3. Providing detailed instructions or guidance.
3. Expressing opinions, attitudes, or feelings explicitly.
4. Reinforcing beliefs or conveying verifiable facts.

"Please close the door." (Implicit: The door is open.)
"Would you like something to drink?" (Implicit: I am
offering you a drink.)
“The room was dimly lit, and a soft melody filled the air,
creating a warm and romantic atmosphere.” (Tersirat:
Ruangan itu remang-remang, dan melodi lembut mengisi
udara, menciptakan suasana hangat dan romantis.)
"Please send the report by 5 PM tomorrow."
"I am not interested in joining that project.”
“The sun was shining brightly, and the temperature reached
30 degrees Celsius.” (Jelas: Matahari bersinar terang, dan
suhu mencapai 30 derajat Celsius.)
“Jack said, "I will meet you at the café tomorrow at 2 PM."
(Jelas: Jack berkata, "Aku akan bertemu denganmu di kafe
besok jam 2 siang.")
"The Unforgettable Gift"

Emily was browsing through a quaint bookstore when she stumbled upon a beautifully bound
journal. Intrigued, she opened it and saw blank pages waiting to be filled.
Without hesitation, Emily purchased the journal and took it home. She knew exactly who
would appreciate it as a gift.
On her sister's birthday, Emily gave her the journal. Her sister's eyes sparkled with excitement
and gratitude. Emily's heart swelled with happiness, knowing she had chosen the perfect gift.

In this story, the implicit main sentence could be: "Emily wanted to give her sister a
meaningful gift." This intention is implied through Emily's actions of purchasing the journal
and presenting it to her sister without explicitly stating her intention in the narrative.

Certainty are expressions used to show confidence or certainty about something. Expressing
Certainty is used when someone feels sure, believes, and has no doubts about what he is
saying. Functions…

1. Reinforcing Belief: Certainty expressions are used to reinforce the speaker's.

2. Building Authority: By expressing certainty, the speaker can enhance their authority or
expertise in a particular field.
3. Influencing Opinions: Strong certainty can influence or persuade the message receiver to
accept the speaker's viewpoint or opinion.
4. Increasing Certainty: When someone conveys high levels of certainty, it can help reduce
uncertainty or doubt.

Uncertainty is the state of not having definite information or a high level of confidence
about a statement, situation, or outcome. Its functions are as follows:

1. Recognizing the Limits of Knowledge: Uncertainty helps us acknowledge that there are
limitations to our knowledge and that not all information is available or can be predicted
2. Acknowledging Possibility of Variation: With uncertainty, we recognize that there is a
possibility of variation or alternatives in a situation or outcome.
3. Promoting Caution: Uncertainty prompts us to be cautious and think critically before
reaching conclusions or taking action.

Miko: What should I give to Windy as her birthday

Rini: A doll. I think it would be great.
Miko: Are you sure? EXAMPLE
Rini: Yes, certainly. As far as I know, Windy is like a
doll… I mean she likes doll.

Dika: Don’t you know that our school will be
effective tomorrow?
Diki: I’m not sure. It’s still Lebaran day. Are you
EXAMPLE kidding?
Dika: No, it is serious.
Dono: I don’t believe that is true.
Dika: Well, I only tell what I know.
Dono: I will call Mr. Juned.
Diki: That’s a good idea.
“Feel free to ask”

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