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First Aid and the Components of the First

Aid Kit

Learning Outcome 4.4 Work Health & Safety HSC-1123


What is First Aid?

• First Aid is the immediate care you give to someone with an illness or injury
BEFORE someone with more advanced training, such as Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) arrives.

• It uses the available human and material resources at the site of accident to

provide initial care to the victim until more advance care is provided.

Objectives (Aim) of the First Aid:

1. To preserve life.
2. To prevent the victim's condition from getting worse.
3. To promote recovery.

• A first aider should first check for the safety of the scene that area is safe to
approach (no danger).

What is the First Aid Kit?

• A small box containing medical

items for use in giving help to a sick
or injured person until full medical
treatment is available.

• Each first aid kit should contain

items that may be needed for a
particular location or activity.

Emergency Phone Numbers in the UAE:

• Police: 999
• Fire Department (Civil Defense): 997
• Ambulance: 998

• First Aid Guide: Contains instructions

for first aid steps towards different
emergency situations.

Components of the First Aid Kit and their uses:

• Components of the First Aid Kit are classified into FIVE (5) categories:
A. Rescuer Protection: 3 items
B. Bleeding & Wound Care: 9 items
C. Burns: 2 items
D. Fractures & Sprains: 2 items
E. Eye Injuries: 2 items

A. Rescuer Protection:

1. Gloves: used to prevent contact with an injured person's bodily fluids (blood,
saliva, urine).

2. CPR Barrier: used as a mouth barrier between the rescuer and the victim
during resuscitation.

3. Microbial Hand Wipes: used to clean the rescuer’s hands during (or after)
providing emergency care.

B. Bleeding & Wound Care:

1. Absorbent Gauze: used to clean a wound or to apply anti-septic cream. Also

used for protecting minor cuts after treatment.

2. Adhesive Bandages: come in different sizes and shapes to protect minor

scrapes and cuts after they have been cleaned and medicated.

3. Bandage Compress: used for applying pressure to a large wound or scrape

that is bleeding.

B. Bleeding & Wound Care (continued):

4. Antiseptic Swabs/Wipes: used for cleaning skin or wounds.

5. Scissors: used for cutting clothes, tapes or bandages and providing a better
fit around the wound.

6. Tweezers: used for removing foreign bodies from minor injuries. NOT used
for eye injuries.

B. Bleeding & Wound Care (continued):

7. Roller Bandage: used to secure a wound dressing in place.

8. Triangular Bandage: used as an arm sling or as a pad to control bleeding.

9. Adhesive Tape: used for securing wound dressings or giving additional

protection over bandages.

C. Burns:

1. Burn Dressing: used for immediate pain relief from the cooling gel and the
anesthetic properties.

2. Burn Treatment: used for burn healing and fast pain relief. Example: MEBO

D. Fractures & Sprains:

1. Cold Packs: used on a sprain, fracture, or severe bruise to reduce swelling.

2. Triangular Bandage: used to support or immobilize an injury to a bone or



E. Eye Injuries:

1. Eye Wash: used for emergency eye cleansing and flushing loose foreign
objects, chlorine, pollen and other irritants from the eye.

2. Eye Covering: used to cover the injured eye.


First Aid Kit Inspection:

• Verify that first aid kit is in its assigned specific location.

• Check to see if it has been used without any notification: all first aid kit use
should be reported.

• Ensure that there are no items that are beyond their expiration date.

• Re-stock any items that have been used or damaged.

• No storage of over-the-counter pain relievers or medicine (example Panadol

and Brufen) in the first aid kit.
Thank You

800 MyHCT (800 69428)

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