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Sara Gómez
María Huerta Pérez

1. What is the first advertisement that comes to your mind?

2. What is what you like the most of it? A) music b) actors c) slogan

3. What is the first song from an advertisement that comes to your mind?

4. Have you ever download a song because of an advertisement?

5. Do you think that the music of an advertisement can influence the purchase of the

1. What is the first advertisement that comes to your mind?

Dilara , 19 years old ,


“Some chat apps that

María , 20 years old , appears during the
Spain youtube videos or mobile
Incilay , 22 years old , games”

2. What is what you like the most of it?

A) music b) actors c) slogan

Dilara , 19 years old , María , 20 years old ,

Turkey Spain
Incilay , 22 years old ,

3. What is the first song from an advertisement that comes to your mind?

Incilay , 22 years old , Some air conditioner

Don´t stop me now Turkey advertisement music but its
(Queen) , of Nissan's ad. turkish

Everything at once
(Lenka), of Windows
María , 20 years old , ad Dilara , 19 years old ,
Spain Turkey

4. Have you ever download a song because of an advertisement?

Incilay , 22 years old ,

Many times Turkey Never

Yes,, I download
couple of songs
María , 20 years old ,
Dilara , 19 years old ,

5. Do you think that the music of an advertisement can influence the purchase of the
Of course, including a jingle Incilay , 22 years old , It depends on the
can be very useful to create a
Turkey quality of
good spot. In Spain, a lot of
advertisement i
companies use this technique
I think it is not efficient to buy a think
product but it is definetly
important for awareness of brand.
María , 20 years old , And some how the good song of Dilara , 19 years old ,
advertisement helps creating
Spain reputation and building of trust for Turkey
Mahou, un sabor muy grande, 2018
Mahou, a very big taste

Important concepts are: youth, travel,

happiness, friendship, change…

The ad focuses on a conversation

between a father and daughter who talk
about how quickly society changes.
Both reflect on the taste of beer by
saying that it tastes like more than it
used to.
San Miguel, Lo mejor está por llegar, 2015
San Miguel, the best is yet to come

Important concepts are: quality,

history, old, experience …

The company wants to discover to the

world the curious and fascinating
history of its origins that very few
know: an adventure of two Spanish
entrepreneurs who wanted to create the
first beer in Southeast Asia.
La Brava, 2015
Slogan: Costabravamente

Important concepts are: different,

innovative, handmade...

The Catalan beer La Brava in this spot

pays tribute to that part of the region
that the ads do not usually show. "We
already know what we have. We don't
need to see our crystalline coves in
advertisements filled with young,
handsome models," says a voice-over
at the start of the video.
Christmas lottery, 2014 The biggest prize is to share it

Important concepts are: friendship,

happiness, emotion…

The main character plays the role of a

person in their fifties who seems to be
unemployed, that's why he gets so
angry for not having bought a lottery
this year. When this advertisement was
broadcast on television, Spain was in a
deep crisis. Therefore, it is played with
the fact that that year the character did
not buy the ticket. It is a way to warn
people that they have to buy the lottery
even being bad economically.
Christmas lottery, 2014
Slogan: The biggest prize is to share it

Important concepts are: friendship,

happiness, emotion…

Justino is a security guard who works

nights at a mannequin factory. Every
day his alarm clock goes off at 10 p.m.,
he takes the bus and goes to work in a
mannequin factory. He doesn't see his
colleagues and works alone...

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