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Multimedia 17.

Casey-Louise Dodd
Asset Link/Location Use

When player walks up / Key: W

When player walks right / Key: D

When player walks left / Key: A

When player walks down / Key: S

When player takes damage (Unused)

Full health (Nine each)

Health goes down one (Unused)

Asset Link/Location Use

Swift bracelet Makes the player walk faster (Unused)

Heals the player – one heart (Unused)

Enemy that charges towards the player

Enemy that shoots fireballs at the

player (Unused)

Enemy that throws bombs at the player


Mochi the Fairy Rabbit - Gives the

player a health potion
Asset Link/Location Use

Plays the game (Unused)

Tells the player the controls (Unused)

Of the forest (Unused)

Bush - Part of the maze

Hazard – if player falls in, game ends


Game music - 3 minutes

13 seconds
Sway link
Game test plan
Test Actual outcome notes
Collisions Character does not phase through At first, the character got stuck on the walls
the wall or get stuck. but I fixed the max of the wall and character
to be smaller.

Lives One life gets lost when touching an The lives are following the character instead
enemy. of fixed on the screen. Originally had nine
lives but altered to be three due to the
difficulty of the game.
Player movement Easy to move in four directions, and The character was too slow at first so I had
the speed if just fine. to speed it up just a bit.

NPC movement NPCs/Enemies move at a moderate The enemies did not turn when collided
pace, not too fast to catch the with the wall, had to add another spite that
character easily. They go from left to the enemy would touch for it to turn the
right. opposite direction.
Collectables The only collectables are the lives Had to create another sprite for when the
from ‘Mochi the Fairy Rabbit’. This player collected the health so ‘Mochi’
character gives the player one health. wouldn’t give endless lives.

Animations The animation from Maple walking Only had to flip the spite for the boar from
turned out right. The animation with facing right to facing left.
the boar too.
Sway test plan

Test Actual outcome notes

Does the link work? Yes

Do the graphics load? Yes

Do the videos play? Yes

Spelling and grammar No Had to add a comma in ‘Maple the

cat’s description.

Is the info correct? Yes Information to play the game, there is

a link to play the game and
Game test user 1
Areas Likes Dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and Does indeed seem to mostly Sometimes seems
functionality work unresponsive near edges

Graphics (sprites) The characters seem a bit Move the health meter to be
big which looks odd. just above the character since I
Also the health meter think that would make it look
moving around looks odd more natural

Does it meet the intended audience Certainly suitable as there’s

8-12 year olds nothing inappropriate and it
isn’t too difficult

Does it meet the adventure I mean it is indeed a maze

maze theme?
• The game is suitable for the intended audience because it does not
include graphic images and is fairly simple to beat and isn’t too
intense. The sway gives basic info about the game as well as
showcasing the sprites included in the game.
• The game’s purpose is for entertainment and for puzzle solving skills.
For this, it makes the player navigate through the maze, coming
across dead-ends and enemies to avoid which builds up skill.
• The pros of the game is that it fits the target audience and works well.
The cons are that the character sprites could be a bit smaller so that
they wouldn’t catch on the walls not often.

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