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How to close the loop for

program learning outcomes

Dr Hassan Bukhari
Clinical Nutrition Program
Why we do it?
• To evaluate the program learning outcomes (PLOS) and find the
weakness point out of them

• To arrange plan for future

• To measure annual performance

What does it include?
Table contains the following:
• program learning outcomes: in each cycle one PILOs is chosen from each domain
e.g. K1 from program
• Courses learning outcomes: the same connected to the PILOs from course matrix
• Assessment methods
• Data collected e.g. final exam marks, class activity marks from rubrics
• Indicators: e.g. 70% of all students in course XXXX have achieved B+ or above in
final exam
• Start and end date
• Which courses will be involved
• Who is responsible to provide data
• Application level of this learning outcome
How many PLOs to choose
As shown in the table:
• It is a cycle runs every year for one learning outcome of each domains PLOs (e.g.K1, S1
and C1 for cycle 1)
• It should be repeated annually for new PLOs if the 1st cycle’s PLOs are achieved
• If some PLOs in the 1st cycle not satisfactory, it/they need/s to go in the next cycle (e.g.K2,
S1 and C2 for cycle 2)
• If all achieved add another new 3 PLOs (e.g.K2, S2 and C2 for cycle 2)
• Usually do one ILOs from each domain
• Repeat cycle till all PLOs have been studied and analyzed
• Write a report of progress and achievement
• Make improvement plan according to reason why this PLIS has not achieved in the
previous semster or year e.g. no enough class, staff needs development workshop, text
book needs update…. etc
• Add to it indirect KPIs at the level of the program that the NCAAA have approved
PLOs cycle 1
COLLECTI ON re s p o n s i b
does he/she
domains PILS courses to use Course ILOs i n d i c a t or s c r a t e d fr o m p r ov i d e
methods WHAT TO l e p e rs o n
i n fo rm a t i o n ' s

Foundations of Human To identify types of nutrients in Quizzes
Nutrition meals
1702221-3 Long written Beginning of 2nd
exams semester 2019
Knowledg K1- Define the basic clinical Dr Eslam Yes/no
  80% OF STUDNETS pass
e nutrition theories and its Case studies Total marks grading with 85marks and above D El Sayed  
  application Lab marks
Diet Planning Critical reports
List all types of diet at hospital  
1702323-3 Essays

MNT-ӀӀ To plan a diet with a specific End of 1st semester 85% of the students achieve
  restrictions to nutrients for 2019 12 or above out of 15 for the
1702433-4 metabolic disorders Essays Lab file essay
Skills S1- analyze essential issues Dr Hassan
of clinical nutrition interest and Presentations Class activities Yes/no
  suggest the suitable solutions Dr Doaa
Nutrition Education To apply educational   rubrics 90% of students get 4 and
program for nutritional cases above out of 5 for the
1702466-3 or patients   presentation

Nutrition Through the Life 70% of the students achieve

Cycle II Student apply building team End of 2 semester
nd 12 or above out of 15 for the
  work ability Written reports 2019 essay
1702223-2 Dr
Scientific Class activities  
Competen Abdulelah
C1-Ability to work with team debate for rubrics Yes/no
published Dr Samma
Food Services & Quality group written 75% of students get 4 and
Able to work effectively in team articles
control in assignment rubrics above out of 5 for the group
Hospital1702335-3 debate
Data collected at level of the courses
Indicators comes from the overall marks for the course after final
exam(overall indicators)

Sometimes it much better/ it should be to measure indicators from

each group of questions or activities in the course connected to a
specific CLO to be sure which CLOs has pass or failed

See next example

Choose the best 5 questions
1702446-4 ILOSFINAL
Course LOs
Knowledge K1 Q1-Q4-Q16-Q23-Q33 xxxxxxxxx Q7-Q9-Q26-Q37- Q1-Q4-Q16-Q23-Q33
T&F1-SHORT Q42 T&F1/13
ANSSWER Q6/12/15 Q1/3/7/15
Skills S1 Q7-Q9-Q26-Q37-Q42 xxxxxxxx Q7-Q9-Q26-Q37- Q7-Q9-Q26-Q37-Q42
T&F2/4/11-SHORT Q42 T&F2/4/11-SHORT
ANSSWER Q6/12/15 T&F2/4/11-SHORT ANSSWER Q6/12/15
ANSSWER Q6/12/15
competencies C1 xxxxxxxx FROM xxxxx xxxxxx
e.g. develop a RUBRIC
leadership ability Evaluation
for leader
in the
group or
From course report you need
• Class activities marks from rubrics and for group homework
• Practical exams marks
• Final exam mark and all final exam question should be either
knowledge or skills from them you make indicators form PILOs
• Hospital training marking
Nutrition course same activity above
How to use rubric in
the course report
indicator formation
Grading xl table for course activities and exams
‫اعمال السنة= واجب‬
‫ اعمال السنة= نشاط‬15= ‫ فردي‬+‫جماعي‬
‫دوري‬ total year ‫اجمالي درجات الطالب‬
15=‫ دوري ثاني‬5= ‫فصلي روبريك‬ ‫اختبار نهائي‬ ‫التقدير‬
15=‫اول‬ for each 3 + activities Total mark for
2nd quiz Rubric for Final exam Grade level
1st quiz one in the mark=50 student
10.5 10 4 15 39.5 42.5 82 B
7.5 12 4 14 37.5 41.5 83 B
8 9 4.5 14 35.5 40.5 81 B
11 12.5 5 15 43.5 45.5 91 A
14 14.5 4.5 11 44 47 93 A
8 11.5 5 14 38.5 44.5 89 B+
13.5 14 4.5 14 46 48 98 A+
12.5 15 5 12 44.5 29.5 69 D+
11 14 4 13 42 43 86 B+
11 13.5 4.5 12 41 45 90 A
10 12.5 5 15 42.5 47.5 95 A
12 14 5 12 43 45 90 A
9.5 12.5 4.5 12 38.5 39.5 79 C+
How to develop an ILOs indicator
“(Target) (subject) (action verb) (criteria) (object) (method)”
• Example:
• 90% of students completing the program will achieve an evaluation of
satisfactory or above in critical thinking for the capstone project (in 4th
year course 403) using the critical thinking rubric
List course learning outcomes
List methods of assessment Summary analysis of assessment results for
for each LO each LO 
1 List the importance of nutrients 1- quizzes test ( 30% of final target: 70% of all students achieved very
Identify the optimal nutrition and diet assessment). good and above (B and above)
2 requirements for some diseases 2-Assessment of group
Actual : 72% of all students achieved very
by students 15%
Determine the benefits and functions of each 3- Activities representing 5% good and above (B and above)
4 Recognize the sources of each nutrients 4-Final exam: (50% of final New target: 80% of all students achieved
assessment). very good and above (B and above)

known what is the relationship between

5 human health and nutrition
  Cognitive Skills    
 1 2- Assessment of 2- target: 80% of all students achieved
Discuss the importance of nutrition group assignment 14 grades and above in the assignment
and nutrients
by students 15%  
 2 Actual : 60% of all students achieved
4-Final exam: (50% of 14 grades and above in the
Assess the benefits of food . final assessment). assignment
  New target: 70% of all students
 3 achieved 14 grades and above in the
Explain the deficiency symptoms of assignment

The ability to discuss the dietary
therapy for some diseases
  Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
 3.1 2- Assessment of group  
Ability to perform effective communication and assignment 2-target: 70% of all students achieved 4.5
positive relation with others especially respondents and above in group discussion rubrics
by students 15%
of a research  
3- Activities representing
5% Actual: 80% of all students achieved 4.5 and
 3.2 above in group discussion rubrics
Ability to work with team and individually
 3.3 Apply the ethical and professional standards in the New target: 90% of all students achieved 4.5
clinical research and above in group discussion rubrics
Communication, Information Technology, Numerical

4.1 Perform effective communication with peers and 2- Assessment of group

teaching faculty.
Ability to use technology in analyzing data and
4.2 information by students 15%
the ability to practice within the ethical, cultural,
3- Activities
4.3 and professional standards representing 5%

The ability to be an active participator on the class

4.4 with the professor and his colleagues
Summarize any actions you recommend for improving teaching strategies as a result of evaluations in table 3 above.
Use documentaries to clarify the meanings at every stage of the food service.
In knowledge domain for ILOs
Two KIPs have been chosen and one of them only has been achieved the target KPI. Yet, the other is very close to the
target. this might be that the students are not used to the lecturer method of exams and questions, when they have been
asked why they have achieved lower results, it turns out that they failed to understand the English language and they find
the slides and lecture are too much to handle.
Thus, next year the content of the lectures might be reduced.
In cognitive domain ILOs
KPI has been drawn out of the group assignment that has been provided at the end of the semester.
The target was 80% to achieve higher grade out of total (14/15) yet, only 60% has reach to this high level. When the
students have been asked to do a group report using formal writing and to read one published article as reference for the
topic of choice, they have admitted that they never been asked to do the same. Therefore, this is was their first assignment
of the sort and for sure as 2nd year students is a limitation for university students who have studied for almost 2 years. Not
surprising also that they are not able to read and analyze an article although we have used similar articles during class
activities and exposing the group to this experience which is good to be approached from early stages. It might be difficult
for them and next year may be more activities during the classes should be based on scientific published paper to improve
their knowledge.
For interpersonal and communication domains of ILOs:
Two KPIs have been chosen one was the same for the cognitive ILOs (group written assignment) so it has the same results,
while the other was a rubric for class weekly discussion of a topic or class activities. The last KPI for the group discussion
has been achieved the target (70% has 4.5 out of 5) the actual was (80%) have reached the target. the students have rated
their group every other week and the groups are changeable for each activity.
However, one should be cautious as these students might overrate their colleagues even though many times the instructors
have worn them not to and also he rates them himself. Thus, this type of KPI and assessment method might lose part of its
authentication as long the students are not used to it. However, it was a good experience for them. The purpose of working
together, having a leader, discuss among each other, making rating finding their weak and strength points are all important
characters to be developed for all university students.

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