ONDANSETRON Presentation

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ONDA Tablets

Ondansetron 4 mg Tablets

Onda Syrup 30 ml
Each 5 ml contains 2 mg Ondansetron

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Emesis
• Nausea

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
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Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
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Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• Physiology of Emesis:

Pharynx GUT
Cerebral Cortex

Liver CTZ
Vomiting Centre


Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Emesis is a reflex phenomenon. It is a
complex process involving several organ
systems. It is controlled by vomiting centre
(VC) in the brain. the centre receives
inputs from gastrointestinal tract, liver,
vestibular apparatus and the CTZ.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• The CTZ responds to any chemical stimuli
(due to drugs or toxins) which in turn
activates VC. the main pathway from the
gut to the VC is via the vagus nerve.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Role of serotonin in emesis
• Recent research has emphasized the importance of
serotonin (5- HT) receptors (specifically the 5-HT3
receptor ) in controlling emesis.

• Until recently dopamine (D3) receptors were considered

the most important.

• But it was found that the dopamine receptor antagonist

metoclopramide, when given in high doses, was also a
serotonin receptor antagonist.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Probably the blockade of this serotonin receptor is responsible
for its antiemetic effect. Simultaneoulsy 5-HT3 receptors were
identified in brain and gastrointestinal tract.

• 5-HT3 receptors are densely located in areas known to be

involved in the emetic reflex.

• There are 5- HT3 receptors on vagal afferent terminals which

innervate the gastrointestinal mucosa and on the same vagal
afferent nerves located in the brain stem

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product


mechanism of serotonin (5- HT) in chemotherapy induced vomiting

Chemotherapy and
Radiation therapy
Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone

Act on rapidly dividing

cells of the gut mucosa

Cell damage, cell death


Release of 5-HT

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Activation of 5-HT3 receptors Manager-MPD)
central mechanism of serotonin in
chemotherapy induced vomiting?

• The direct action of cytotoxic drugs or the

peripheral activationof vagal afferents
causes 5-HT
• to be released from these neurons. This
then activates 5-HT3 receptors located
withn the vomiting centre.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• The Vagus Nerve is a Cranial Nerve (Number X) that starts in the medulla
oblongata of the brainstem and travels downward to various organs of the
• It has been called the "wandering nerve" because of the many areas that it
innervates. The Vagus Nerve has two major components, efferent fibers and
afferent fibers.

Efferent fibers are those that travel away from the origin of the nerve, the
central nervous system (CNS).

• Vagus Nerve efferents from the brainstem to organs like the lungs, heart,
and those of the gastrointestinal tract. These fibers send signals that assist
in the control of those and other organs. These efferent fibers make up
about 10% of the Vagus Nerve.

The afferent fibers carry sensory information from the organs back to the
brainstem which is part of the central nervous system (CNS).

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• Post-operative nausea and emesis continue to
be frequent occurrence even when conventional
antiemetic therapies are used prophylactically.
• No single mechanism can be invoked to explain
post-operative nausea or emesis.
• The frequency of post-operative emesis is
influenced by factors such as the patient’s age
and sex, type of surgery, duration of the surgical
procedure, anesthetic technique and the
patient’s ambulatory status.
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• Antiemetic in common use are blockers of
one or more of neurotransmitters. The
main antiemetics used in the treatment of
radiotherapy and chemotherapy induced
emesis are given
• Metoclopramide , Haloperidol, Droperidol ,

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Metaclopramide
• Metaclopramide is a widely used anti- emetic.
• The anti- emetic action of metaclopramide involved is the
antagonism of dopamine receptors.
• Metoclopramide also possessed weak 5- HT3 receptor
antagonistic activity in high doses.
• It is this activity which is responsible for its antiemetic
effect in cancer chemotherapy.
• Faster gastric emptyingby increasing peristalsis.
• Increases lower Esophageal sphinter pressure thus
preventing eophageal reflux.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• extrapyramidal effects of metaclopramide?
• Metaclopramide, the dopamine antagonist anti-
emetic agent (which is widely used in high doses
in preventing cancer chemotherapy induced
nausea and vomiting) causes extrapyramidal

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• These are restlessness, involuntary
shaking of the limbs, totricollis (spasms of
neck), rolling movements of the eyeballs
agitation, foot tapping, inability to sit still,
tremors, unstable gait.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Domperidone
- Dopamine Receptor Blocker
- It increases oesophageal peristalsis,
gastric motility & facilitates gastric
- Extrapyramidal reactions lower than

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Receptor
• a molecule that recognizes specifically a second small
molecule whose binding brings about the regulation of a
cellular process…in the unbound state a receptor is
functionally silent
• protein molecule usually found embedded within the
plasma membrane surface of a cell that receives chemical
signals from outside the cell

• Agonist
Drug or any substance that produce stimulation of

• Antagonist
That block the stimulation of(Sr.
Pabitra Thapa agonist
What are 5- HT3 receptor antagonists?

• What are 5- HT3 receptor antagonists?

• It is clear that 5-HT (serotonin) is the principal

neurotransmitter of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
induced emesis and it exerts its reaction by acting on the
5- HT3 receptor subtype.

• Therefore, there are a number of 5- HT3 receptor

antagonists which have been developed. These
compounds are Ondansetron, Tropisetron, Granisetron,
Pancopride and Zacopride.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

5- HT3 Antagonist

• These brings about their acting by

inhibiting the 5- HT3 receptors.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Indications:
• Chemotherapy and radiotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.
• Inpost operative nausea and vomiting
– as prophylaxis
– -rescue therapy.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Hyperemesis gravidarum

• Nausea and vomiting are common in pregnancy, occurring in

70-85% of all gravid women.

• Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe and intractable form of

nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

• It may result in weight loss; nutritional deficiencies; and

abnormalities in fluids, electrolyte levels, and acid-base
• The peak incidence is at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, and
symptoms usually resolve by week 20 in all but 10% of
patients. Uncomplicated nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is
generally associated with a lower rate of miscarriage, but
hyperemesis gravidarum may affect the health and well-being
of both the pregnant woman and the fetus.)

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Pharmacokinetics: Oral bioavailability of Ondansetron
is 60-70% due to first pass metabolism. It is hydroxylated
by CYP1A2, CYP2S6 and CYP1A3 but no clinically
significant drug interactions have been noted. It is
eliminated in the urine and faeces, mostly as
metabolites; t1/2 being 3-5 hours and duration of action
4-12 hours.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Drug Interactions:
• Ondansetron can be safely
coadministered with cytotoxic drugs,
corticosteroids, anaesthetics and

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Safety profile:
• ONDA is safe and well tolerated. Main side
effects are headache, flushing or warmth
in the head or epigastrium.

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Dose:
• PostOperative: Adult: 16 mg taken 1 hr
before anaesthesia followed by doses of 8
mg at 8 hr interval.
• Highly Emetogenic Chemotherapy: Days
2-5: 8 mg orally twice daily for upto 5 days.
• Emetogenic Chemo/Radiotherapy: Days
2-5: 8 mg orally twice daily for upto 5 days
• Children: 4 mg orally twice daily
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• chemotherapy induced nausea and
• Nausea and vomiting usually begin within the
first 4 hours after administration of
chemotherapeutic agents, peaking at 4-10
hours and generally subsiding by 12-24
hours(acute emesis) .
• However, emesis starting from 24 hours and
lasting for 2-5 days may occur with high dose
cisplastin and cyclophosphamide. (delayed
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• Classification of emesis
• Acute emesis
• Delayed emesis
• Anticipatory emesis

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

• Pregnancy:
• Category B
• Reproduction studies have been
performed in rats and mice.
• It was not found to be mutagenic .
• No evidence of impaired fertility or harm to
the fetus.
• There are, however, no adequate and well
controlled studies in pregnant women.
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
• Dose
• 8 kg to 15 kg: 2 mg
• 15 kg to 30 kg: 4 mg
• Greater than 30 kg: 6 mg to 8 mg

• Adult: 4-16 mg twice a day

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product

Category A: Category B: Either
Controlled studies in animal reproduction
women fail to studies have not
demonstrate a risk to demonstrated a foetal
the foetus ; and the risk but there are no
possibility of foetal controlled studies in
harm remains remote. pregnant women.
Eg: Folic Calcium,
acid,Electrolyte, Vit. B Cephalosporins
complex, C,D,E Pantoprazole,Paraceta
Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product
Category C
Either studies in animals have revealed
adverse effect in the foetus but there are no
controlled studies in women.
Omeprazole, Salbutamol

Category D Category X
There is positive evidence of Demonstrated fetal abnormalities
human foetal risk, but the in human and animals.
benefits from use in pregnant Contraindicated in women who
women may be acceptable are or may become pregnant.
despite the risk. Norgestrel, Warfarin, Nimesulide,
Tetracycline, Lorazepam Northisterone, Thalidomide

Pabitra Thapa (Sr. Product


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