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1.Identify the location of Ghana empire on the map of Africa

2.Describe the socio-political structures of Ghana empire
3.Discuss the factors that led to the rise of Ghana empire
4.Discuss the factors that led to the fall of Ghana empire

Points to note:
West Africa is blessed with different physical characteristics like highlands, rivers,
coastlines and vegetation.
People that made up west Africa include: Negroes, Mande, Kru, Akan, Fon,
Yoruba, Igbo, Ewe, etc.
Ghana empire is situated in grassland surrounded by about two rivers (river
Senegal and Niger).
The founder of Ghana empire was believed to be Diabe Cisse.
The empire is also called Wagadou empire by its rulers and was located in what is
now southeastern Mauritania, western Mali and Eastern Senegal.
The empire was first mentioned by an Arab geographer Al-fazari in his book al-
Masudi in 773 A.D where he called it “ a land of gold”
Al-bakri an Arab traveler said the name Ghana was the title of the Soninke
kingdom called Aoukar and it means “war chief” and its capital then was
kumbi Saleh.
The empire has a rich gold bearing region of Wangara where gold is bartered for
salt and other goods.
 the empire has been believed to be founded by Diabe Cisse, who was a younger
son of Dinga who was considered to be the ancestor of the Soninke people. At
the point of death, he called his eldest son to bless him with chiefly powers but
the younger son disguised himself and received the blessings because the father
was blind.
He left and settled in koumbi Saleh which later became its capital.Thus, wagadou
(Ghana empire) was founded in Koumbi Saleh.
Socio-political organization of the empire
1. Social organization: there was six social classes in Ghana empire; first- the
king, secondly-the nobles who fought and the empire with weapons, third-the
farmers that worked in the land of the nobles. Fourt-the craftmen who handled
the metal work and pottery, fifth-the tradesmes and lastly- the slaves. The last
two are always looked down upon.
2. Political organization: the king of the empire was a great king, he was the
supreme ruler of the kingdom. He is assisted by cabinets of ministers and civil
servants, he is known by the title Ghana. The people show the king respect by
kneeling down and showering dust over their hnads.
4. Justice system: justice was taken seriously in the empire, the justice system
was based on taking poisonous substances.
5. Death of a king: once the king dies, a special hut made of wood was erected
as the royal grave. His corpse put on a bed with his ornaments, weapons, dishes
and cups, his servant too- his cook and drink maker go with him because it is
believed that they will serve him in the great beyond.
6. Religion of the empire: most of them are pagans and others Muslims but the
king tried to treat everyone same.
7. Major economy: was gold, salt and trans-Saharan trade.
8. Military organization: the ruler was the military commander of the empire,
the king could pull 400, 000 warriors and 40,000 archers to the war field.
The following are factors that led to the rise of the empire:
 Location: situated close to rivers, its became a great empire for agriculture-
producing crops like millet, cassava and so on and rearing of animals like goat,
cattle and sheep for their source of protein.
Economy-countries from north africa traded with them on slaves, gold, ivory,
kola-nut, gum, ostrich feather etc. in exchange for-horses, copper, camels,
brocade and dried fruits.
Imperial expansion
Effective military
Religious tolerance and use of foreigners
Administrative system
Sacred kings
Below are factors that led to the fall of the empire:
1. Political instability 2. heterogeneity of the empire
3. Size of the empire 4. attack from berbers
5. Dissatisfaction with the government
6. Quest for independence
7. Religious conflict 8. Neglect of agriculture
9. Attacks from the Samanguru in 1203 and impacts of the almoravids in 1076-1077

1. Write four results from the collapse of Ghana empire.

2. Put down five reasons why the Almoravid invaded Ghana


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