The Speckled Band

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The Speckled Band

Kevin Andrés Álvarez

Adriana Saray Oviedo
Oskar Stiven García
The story tells us about the most important cases of Dr.
Sherlock's career and his Watson assistant.

The story starts narrating when Helen arrives to search for

Dr Sherlock to comment on the case in April 1883, Sherlock
was excited to help Miss and since the case seemed to him.
Helen tells us that she lives with his stepfather Dr. Rotylt, and gives us a brief description of the life of
the one, this was a family that in the last century was one of the most important in England but that
because of four brothers they had mislended all the money and they had only been with a small heavy
of land, he also tells us that he was enclosed in jail for killing a servant to blows, and that after he
turned free he met his mother in India from that moment he lived as a family.
That night when everyone was asleep, Julia started to scare scared and made alender to Helen who ran quickly
across where Julia was to know that Ilen was happening began to ask Julia to pass him but she did not know how to
answer, she could only say" the Spectres Dand "and after repeating that phrase several times he died after those
two years Helen is the one who is going to marry and because she had to go to the room where Julia died.

And now Helen is the one who listens to the whistle, and she is afraid that the same thing happens to her sister. Dr
Sherlock told him that he was going to the afternoon where she lived and would be an inspection to find tracks and
to help her Sherlock Holmes and Watson went to the house where he was looking for Miss Helen with his father.
Helen and his team was in his rooms and Sherlock was very serious and asked for a hill ring in the room and also asks
that because there was a vent that connected the room with her room with Dr Roylott.

I had to have a Metal and I had a bad cup next to the box, I also saw that a hatch lock was likening that I had a little
chair Sherlock Holmes already knew that I had a good plan. I would have known that you were the right. I have seen
that you were the right.
That you were the right. I have a good plan. That you were in the room. That. Sherlock's was now. I wanted to know
that. I have a good plan. That is the right. That I have heard that. I have a good plan. That is the right. That I have
heard that. I have seen the plan. That I had a successful for the sherlock and I wanted to know that. I have a good. I
have seen that the first. I find it that is the right. That I have heard that. Their truth was that you were in the room.
That. Sherlock's was now
I wanted to know that. I have seen that the first. I find it that is the right. That I have seen the plan. That I would have
the right. I find it that is the right. That I have heard that. I have a good plan. That is the right, That I have heard that, I
have seen the plan. That I had a successful for the sherlock and I wanted to know that. I have a good. I have seen that
the first.
I find it that is the right. That I have heard that. I have a good plan. That was the right. That I have heard that. I have
seen the plan. That I had a successful for the world. Sherlock and I had to be known that I have a good plan. That was
the right. That I had a successful. I have seen that the conclusions that were said in the room
That you were the right. That you were the right. I have a good plan. That you would have to be heard that you were the
right. That you were the right. I have a good plan. That is the right. That I have heard that. I have seen the plan. That I had
a successful for the sherlock and I wanted to know that. I have a whole. Sherlock's and I wanted to know that. I would
have the truth that you were in the room.
That Sherlock's and I have seen that the Sight. You have not been. Sherlock and I was. I would have the right. That you
were the right. I have a good plan. That you would have to be that you were the right for that. Their truth that you were
the right.

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