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Expert Mission on risk management and control


organised in co-operation with

Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP)/Polish Intermediate Body of
Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (OPIE)
and Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (OPEP)

Online TAIEX Event, 14th – 18th June 2021

Day 1
Monday, 14 June 2021

Transport strategy of Croatia and the

contribution of the ESIF
Boris Prelčec
Service for Audit of ERDF and CF
Sector for Audit of Structural Instruments
Transport sector in Croatia
• 8% of the total GDP of Croatia
• 3 main branches: ground, water and air transport
• Ground transportation: road transport and railroad
• Water transport is one of the most important
• Air cargo an insignificant part of goods transport
• Logistics - still regarded as a new business he situation in
Croatia has improved over the last couple of years and
education in the field is available, but it is for the
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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021
• The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)
policy addresses the implementation and
development of a Europe-wide network of railway
lines, roads, inland waterways, maritime shipping
routes, ports, airports and railroad terminals
• The ultimate objective is to close gaps, remove
bottlenecks and technical barriers, as well as to
strengthen social, economic and territorial
cohesion in the EU

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Expert Mission on risk management and control process

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• The Core Network includes the most
important connections and is to be completed
by 2030
• The Comprehensive Network covers all
European regions and is to be completed by

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• Nine corridors of a core network are a priority
of the European Union's transport policy,
which is why an additional financial fund CEF
(Connecting Europe Facility) has been
established, from which MS can finance
projects on these corridors, in addition to the
existing Structural and Cohesion Funds, based
on tenders to be announced by the EC

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• The TEN-T policy supports and symbolises connectivity
and accessibility for all regions of the Union. Through
several revisions, the policy has coped with growing
transport demand and geo-political developments
• Transport in Europe is facing unprecedented challenges,
namely with regard to sustainability, user-driven mobility
and technological progress, as well as following the
coronavirus outbreak
• These challenges call for new solutions. TEN-T policy is
currently being reviewed to ensure a future-oriented,
sustainable transport system
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Transport network in HR
• Croatia is located on two corridors of the Trans-European
Transport Network (TEN-T), on the Mediterranean Corridor and
on the Rhine-Danube Corridor
• The Mediterranean corridor is a road and railway corridor, and its
integral part is the route Rijeka-Zagreb-Budapest (railway and
road route that has become common in our country under the
name Vb corridor). The Zagreb-Slovenia road and railway route
continues to the Mediterranean Corridor, for which the name X
Corridor has become common
• Through this corridor, Croatia will be connected to the Baltic-
Adriatic corridor, which runs from the Baltic Sea through Poland,
through Vienna and Bratislava to northern Italy.

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Transport network in HR
• The Rhine-Danube corridor is a river route
that connects Strasbourg, Frankfurt, Vienna,
Bratislava, Budapest, from where one part
goes towards Romania, and the other goes
along the Danube between Croatia and Serbia
and further to the Black Sea
• In our country it has become known as
Corridor VII.

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Basic transport network in HR

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EU co-financing
• Priority for co-financing from EU funds is given
to projects that are on the Core network,
primarily for funds from the CF
• Additionally, projects on the core network
corridors have the highest priority for co-
financing from CEF funds
• Opportunities for co-financing a Comprehensive
network relate primarily to funds from the ESIF.

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National Transport Strategy
• The Transport Strategy of the Republic of
Croatia for the period 2017 - 2030 assesses
and defines measures (infrastructure,
activities and organization) in the transport
sector related to international and domestic
transport in all transport segments
independently from funding sources

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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021
General aspects of Transport in Croatia

• In the last twenty years a steady decline in

• Population trends differ according to the
specifics of the regions
• The average age of the population is growing
• Uneven economic development of the regions
• The availability of cars is increasing

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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021
General aspects of Transport in Croatia

• Traffic loads are significantly higher during the

tourist season
• The average age of personal vehicles is
• Six functional regions that reflect the majority
of daily migrations

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Strategy development methodology

• From previous assessments at the strategic or

project level, a number of hypotheses have
been identified that have been confirmed by
data or analysis and have served to identify
the main findings within the Strategy
• Based on the main findings, activities and
measures are defined

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Key principles of the Strategy
• Key principles established in the the Strategy
and of relevance in the wider EU transport
and Cohesion policy contexts include
environmental sustainability, accessibility and
social inclusion, modal shift, improved
interoperability whilst additionally prioritizing
the connectivity with neighbouring countries
and interconnection within the wider EU TEN-
T network
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6 Key objectives of the Strategy

Improvement of:
• transport connectivity and coordination with neighbouring countries
• passengers' long-distance accessibility inside Croatia
• passenger regional connectivity in Croatia and the promotion of
territorial cohesion
• passenger accessibility to and within the main urban agglomerations
• freight accessibility inside Croatia
• organizational and operational setup of the Transport System to
enhance efficiency and sustainability of the system

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Main conclusions of the Strategy
• The competitiveness of the Croatian economy
is influenced by poor quality and maintenance
of public transport options, a lack of
comfortable and reliable transport
connections between and within regions, as
well as an absence of multi-modal transport
options and hence more environmentally
friendly and safe means of transport

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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021
Main conclusions of the Strategy
• The limited capacity and lack of standardised
management systems across Croatia's inland
waterways results in a low level of utilisation
of this transport mode and low levels of
safety, with interconnectivity hampered by
deficiencies in maritime ports and maritime
carriers especially with regard to access to the

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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021
Main conclusions of the Strategy
• Strategy aimed to improve connections
between the Adriatic and Mediterranean and
the heartland of Europe through the
modernization and development of transport
infrastructure identified within the EU core
and comprehensive TEN-T network and

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Main conclusions of the Strategy
• This will enhance development of individual
regions, promoting their integration both into
the EU internal market and global economy,
enhancing trade, accessibility and mobility
and creating wealth and jobs

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Contribution of the ESIF

• The OPCC 2014-2020 contributed to the first five of the

six key objectives of the Transport Strategy
• Focused on investment in transport infrastructure that is
necessary for a modern, competitive and inter-
connected European economy, facilitating the movement
of goods and people not only across and within Croatia
but to other parts of Europe, and improving the
accessibility of towns and isolated areas to regional
functional centres and enhancing territorial cohesion

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TAIEX Video Tele Conference, 14-18 June 2021

• OPCC interventions in Transport sector in 2021-2027 will focus on the

continuation of the strategic goals established and the project finished in
• Transport OP for 2007-2013 (modernized railway infrastructure and the
road network) and in the
• OPCC 2014-2020 (increased use and relevance of the rail network (CF);
improved TEN-T road network and access to the TEN-T road network
(ERDF); increased number of transported passengers in urban public
transport (CF); improved accessibility of Dubrovnik by air (CF), improved
accessibility of islands (CF); improved road safety in sections with mixed traffic
(ERDF); increased volume of freight traffic on inland waterways (CF), and the
last but not least the problem of road connectivity with southern Dalmatia is
going to be solved soon by the construction of the Pelješac bridge

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• Modernisation of the remaining sections of the

TEN-T core network
• Increase the use of railways for commuters in
Zagreb and Rijeka
• Increase the sustainability of the railway network
• Continuation of modernisation of local and
regional lines

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Pelješac bridge

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Pelješac bridge

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Pelješac bridge

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Thanks for your attention!

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