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Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Presentation-III on “Few Shot Learning for Chest X-rays”

G roup/Team
Dushyant Singh
Name of the
BT19CSE07 Shivam Kumar
1 Dr. Tausif Diwan

BT19CSE122 Astitva

BT19CSE09 Yogesh Walecha


• Machine Learning, Deep Learning works well if a large amount of labelled data is present.

• But deep learning models fail to work with less data as they will end up overfitting it.

• Few shot learning can be used to classify a new task just by looking at a few labeled
Dataset used
• Covid-19 Radiography dataset (Covid-19, Normal, Pneumonia)
• NIH Dataset 13 classes (Base classes)
Features of Covid-19 X-ray

• Ground Glass Opacities (GGOs):

Hazy areas in the lungs.

• Consolidation:
Appears as white patches in the lungs.

• Peripheral Distribution:
Peripheral distribution of the lung abnormalities, meaning that they are more
commonly seen in the outer areas of the lungs.
Features of Covid-19 X-ray

Arrows depict Hazy areas and white patches on

the outer areas
Architecture of Our Network
• We have used Transfer Learning + Siamese Network
• Siamese network pairs naturally with Transfer Learning
• Pairs of images as input and it predicts if they are similar or not
• Each image is passed through a CNN feature extractor which gives
us the feature vector of the image.
• Then we combine these 2 feature vectors by taking Euclidian
distance and make the prediction.
Transfer Learning
• We are using VGG-16 classifier as our feature extractor.
• We tried some other models such as Xception , Resnets and
Mobilenet but VGG-16 worked out best for us.
• And instead of using random weights as initializer we are
• Because it will help us in capturing high level features and then we
can finetune the model according to our task.
• So, combining transfer learning with Siamese Network we can
increase performance and save a lot of time
Siamese Architecture
Our Hypothesis
• Hard pairs are the pairs which are from same class and have large
Euclidian distance between their feature vectors
• And the pairs belonging to different class but have similar Euclidian
• As there are N^2 pairs, randomly selecting we won’t be able to
capture the hard pairs.
• So, we find these hard pairs explicitly
• Training on hard pairs makes our model more model more robust
and it forces it to learn the true distinguishing feature
• After every 10th epoch we use our trained model till now and
generate hard pairs equal to half our batch size
• For hard pairs we choose pairs from same class having distance
greater than threshold (> 0.7)
• And the pairs from different classes having less than threshold
distance (< 0.3)
Loss and Accuracy after training


Epochs Epochs
Base model vs ours

• Around 2-3 % improvement over base model.

• Query example Covid-19 image.
• Out of N images only 1 is Covid-19 image.
• N-way, form N- pairs and take least Euclidian distance pair.
• We do this to make our model task harder as now there are 20 pairs with only 1
possible correct answer.
Our Web Application
• Get diagnosis report from uploading chest Xray.

• Generate heat map of effected regions.

• Trained on CheXpert dataset which contains 14 different

classes of radiology conditions
Upload Xray
• The web application allows user to upload chest X-ray image in any
popular image format
After uploading the image user can see the
predicted classes by model
Heat Maps
• User can also generate heat map which highlights the features CNN
has used to predict the condition.
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