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Curfew Ordinance for Youths in Barangay San Roque is a proposed solution to Barangay San Roque’s problem
about youth’s curfew. It is a project for community safety which everyone in the community will benefit specially
youths. It is proposed with the hope to help ensure the safety of youths and avoid youth victimization which is now
very timely in the town of the chosen Barangay. The project will run for a year, every 8 PM to 4 AM to make sure it’s
effectiveness and efficiency in the community. The people involved in this project are TSCHI G11 – Aristotle
Empowerment Technologies Group 1 members; Nessie Zuniga, Rosun Balmes, Ralph Catacio, Jacobe Arcena, and
Apple Pepito alongside the Barangay San Roque officials and Barangay San Roque barangay police. The budget
requirement for this project will run for approximately about 88, 308 pesos since this project will be using three ICT
equipment’s namely CCTV cameras, Sirens and Surveillance drones. Each ICT equipment’s will play a big role in this
project. CCTV cameras will serve as eyes of each assigned personnel and members for each zone, Sirens which will
serve as warnings for youths to stop loitering, wandering or standing in public areas and Surveillance drones which
will patrol and spot suspicious activities in the chosen Barangay.
This project will help restrict the hours that minors are permitted on streets or in public places at night likewise
help reduce the likelihood that minors will be the victims of criminal acts or become involved in criminal acts during
curfew hours. Curfew Ordinance for Youths may also aid parents and guardians in their responsibility to supervise
their children as well as give police officers additional control over juvenile activity taking place after curfew hours.
Since the start of the pandemic, people had an experience with laws that effectively prohibit or
limit the right to be out it public at certain hours, or what we call curfews. But as the cases of virus
are going low, the curfew in some barangays of Tanauan were dropped, including our chosen
barangay. With that people especially youths gained the freedom again to roam the streets at night.
As a result, many cases of kidnapping, gang wars and other youth victimization incidents rose again.
By keeping youth under the age 18 off the street, curfews are expected to reduce the incidence of
crime among the cohort. In addition to equipping law enforcement, tools like installing CCTV
cameras which will serve as the eye in every zone of each Barangay Officials, using sirens to keep
youth off the streets and releasing Surveillance drones to patrol and detect or spot suspicious or not
normal activities of people on the streets or in public areas. With the help of these ICT equipment’s,
it will be easier for us to determine who are the people who did not follow the rules, who are
involved and who needs help. Implementing curfews again provide parents to place boundaries, and
restrict activities on their children with a legitimate and legal basis. .
Curfew is a strategy that includes setting limitations as to the period where an individual
can freely roam around the streets or a certain area. This are more than just house rules that can
result in a firm if violated. This is considered as one of the effective tools in minimizing crime
rates, victimization and crime schemes. Many legislators initiated that curfew for youths will be
implemented because of the belief that if young people can be kept inside at night there will be
fewer problems. In the Philippines, Philippine National Police officials say that in imposing the
curfew for minors across the country would become strong deterrent against crimes involving
minors and juvenile delinquents. Implementing ordinance like this will ensure that the minors
were really protected against possible forms of violence like kidnapping, robbery, and gang wars
and can help promote social order. A curfew assists in ensuring the safety of the people. When
curfew is implemented, with the help of ICT law enforcement tools like CCTV cameras, Sirens,
and Surveillance drones, it can be said to be safer during riskier times especially at night.
The use of curfew serves the same purpose, it is to ensure the
safety and control for the people and those in the authority. The goal
of this project is twofold: to prevent juvenile crime and protect youth
from victimization. And connected with the goal aforementioned our
project’s main objective is to drop and stop the increasing rates of
youth victimization, help prevent more cases of gang riots and to
determine the effect of the curfew hour implementation as to
perception of Barangay officials and Barangay police of Barangay
San Roque.
The desired impact of our project is twofold: to prevent juvenile crime and to protect youth from
victimization. By keeping youth under the age of 18 off the street, curfews are expected to reduce the
incidence of crime among the cohort. Since juvenile perpetrators of crime often take as their victims’
other youth, it is hoped that rates of youth victimization will drop as well. Curfews are credited by
some with restoring and maintaining order in lower crime neighborhoods, according to the Ruefle and
Reynolds analysis. In addition to equipping law enforcement with tools to keep youth off the streets,
curfews provide parents with a legitimate, legal basis for restricting the activities of their children. It is
easier for parents to place boundaries on their children's activities, proponents argue, when other youth
in the neighborhood are similarly restricted by a specific time to return home. Analyzing both sets of
impacts and outcome is important because curfew policies. Can be thought that juvenile curfews
average on juvenile crime during curfews hours was slightly positive that is a slight increase in crime –
and close zero from crime during all hours. The stated goal of most curfew laws in twofold: to prevent
juvenile crime and to protect youth from victimization.
However, in every project there are some risks that may hamper or hinder the successful implementation of
the project activities there are;

1. Lack of budget - Without proper budgeting, a project may not be completed on time. It allows the project
manager to know how much he can spend on any given aspect of the project. Cost Estimating: Once a
budget is in place, the project manager can determine how much money can be spent on each component of
the project.
2. Lack of resources- Without sufficient resources or improper resources, the project is at risk of failing to
deliver the expected scope, completing on time, and staying within the financial budget. Additionally, the
project team members experience added pressure to achieve unrealistic goals with the lack of resources.
3.Lack of stuffs, when coming up a project you must have a concrete plan in everything including the stuffs
(e.g., Barangay tanod, volunteers and etc.)
4. Lack of planning is certain to result in shortages or delays of necessary materials. Without an analysis of
how often resources need to be replenished, these necessities will not be found where and when needed.
The one outcome evaluation uncovered by Ruefle and Reynolds described the efficacy of a Detroit, MI, curfew
ordinance evaluated during the summer of 1976. The before-and-after comparison of youth gangs indicated that the presence of a
curfew seemed to reduce or suppress crime levels effectively during curfew hours. However, the authors note that this diminished
incidence of youth misbehavior while under curfew was accompanied by an observable increase in criminal activity between 2
and 4 p.m. Thus, it appears as if youth misconduct was merely displaced to time periods when the curfew ordinance was not in
effect. THE Manila city government has ordered all village officials to strictly enforce curfew hours for minors. Manila Barangay
Bureau Assistant Director Gilbert Sugay issued the directive pursuant to the Revised Ordinance 8547 or the ordinance establishing
protection and discipline hours for children and wards. Ordinance 8547 prohibits children under the age of 17 from loitering,
wandering, or standing in public areas in Manila from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. On the other hand, City Ordinance 8243 penalizes any
person who abandons or exposes a minor or allows said minor to be abandoned or exposed to a perilous situation that endangers
human life, health, or wellbeing. Parents of the child caught violating the curfew face a fine of P2,000 or imprisonment of one
month if the minor is 15 to 17 years old. ‌ If the age of the minor is 13 to 14 years old, the fine increases to P3,000 or
imprisonment of three months. There will be a fine of P5,000 or an imprisonment of six months or both, depending on the
discretion of the court, if the minor is around 12 years old and below. City Ordinance 8547 was enacted on June 28, 2018, by
former mayor Joseph Estrada, after the lenient version of the previous curfew law, which was passed in 2002 when Jose "Lito"
Atienza was mayor, was nullified by the Supreme Court in August 2017. It was ruled "unconstitutional" because the high court
said it runs counter to Republic Act 9344 or the "Juvenile Justice Law" since it contained provisions to reprimand, fine and
imprison minors. A curfew is a government order specifying a time during which certain regulations apply.
The implementation of curfew ordinance wasn't some news to our barangay even before the rise of the
pandemic. It just so happens that it was heightened to several degree during the lockdown period. This was
mandated in order to control the spreading of the virus and also to avoid any circumstances that may
happen generally at night. There was several news that was broadcasted by our barangay council regarding
the nightly riot of young individuals. There were reports stating that some of these young individuals
involved weren't even citizens of the barangay. We, together with the help of the barangay council, hopes
to address this rising concern among youths in the barangay especially during night hours. Our proposed
activity will be in the form of raising awareness among the youths regarding the importance of abiding the
curfew ordinance of the barangay. We will convey points that highlights the penalties and compensations
that can occur upon not following the said ordinance and imply insights that may raise their social
awareness. In conclusion, curfew reduce juvenile offending and victimization by keeping children off the
streets. They also may encourage parental responsibility and family cohesiveness. Curfew laws are
attempts to force young adults to follow laws by taking away their ability to be out of the home after set




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