Ejercicios de Sistema de Contabilidad y Sistema Definición 2020

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Ejercicios de sistema de contabilidad

y sistema de definición
 Identifique las formas nominales contables y las no
contables e indique sus marcadores gramaticales:
 When it concerns their activities and beliefs, men are rarely
content to rely entirely upon such practical knowledge as is
basic for everyday affairs. A people using a culture that
embraced no other technique than prayer to grow rice would
not survive a generation.
 And yet despite all the practical knowledge obtained through
rational observation that a rice farmer may possess, many
occurrences can still prevent him form reaping a good
harvest. The rain may come too late, or it may come early,
then stop when his young plants need it most.
 An insect plague may descend on the growing plants. A
disease may attack the plants. The farmer may get sick just
at harvest time.
 Analice las FRASES NOMINALES DEFINIDAS del siguiente
texto, señale el tipo de identificación que se produce e
indique el referente:
 Scientists across the world are battling to rescue the multi-
million-pound space probe, Soho, which has spun out of
control. They fear that the spacecraft, which has
revolutionized our knowledge of the Sun, will fall so far from
its orbit that it will be lost forever.
 The European and American space agencies have dropped
non-urgent work to focus the full might of the Nasa Deep
Space Network on blasting signals into space. They hope
that the sheer power of their signals will trigger a response.
 But last night space experts were pessimistic that they
would ever make contact with the craft. Soho (Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory) discovered sunquakes and gave
us vivid pictures of violent storms, 50 comets and the first
picture of the Sun "sneezing".
 Scientists had hoped that it would be an unprecedented
eye in space to watch the build-up of solar activity to its
maximum in 2001. Dr Paul Murdin, director of science at the
British National Space Center, said: "They are working
against time to recover it."
 Mission control, at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center in
Maryland, realized that something was wrong during a
routine maintenance operation on Wednesday. Soho is
powered by sunlight and the team routinely sends a
message to the craft's thrusters to nudge it back into the
best orientation for soaking up the Sun's rays.
 Compare los ARTÍCULOS en inglés con las formas
equivalentes en español; indique si existe transferencia,
divergencia o interferencia en el uso y señale sus
 An atomic pile is a concentrated source of neutrons. It
uses these neutrons to turn ordinary uranium into
explosive plutonium.
 Una pila atómica es una fuente concentrada de
neutrones. Allí se utilizan estos neutrones para convertir
el uranio ordinario en plutonio explosivo.
 But, in the process, it gives out heat, and this heat is
already being used for daily civilian purposes. It will soon be
used as a source of power, to drive an engine or to
generate electricity.
 Pero en el proceso se desprende calor que ya se está
usando diariamente en menesteres no militares. Pronto se
usará como fuente de energía para mover una máquina o
para generar electricidad.
 But the neutrons in the pile are more than a source of
power. They are also a source of radioactivity.
 Pero los neutrones de la pila son más que una fuente de
fuerza motriz; son también una fuente de radioactividad.
Ejercicio de sistema de
contabilidad 2
 Identifique las formas nominales contables y las no contables
e indique sus marcadores gramaticales:
 Such events are unpredictable. What does the farmer do?
Does he say, “It is kismet or fate and can’t be helped,” then
simply try again, doing nothing further about it? No, not if he
is a normal human being. He may say it is fate; but insofar as
his culture dictates, he will try to remedy the situation as best
he can through his beliefs in the supernatural.
 He will pray, or make ritual offerings to his god or field
spirits, or he will perform some magic rite to bring the rains
or drive the insects away. The world to him is a place where
certain happenings are more predictable than others. He is
pretty certain that if he plants a seed in moist ground a plant
will come up; he is far less certain that the rains will come in
sufficient quantity at the right time.
Ejercicio de sistema de definición
 Analice las FRASES NOMINALES DEFINIDAS del siguiente
texto, señale el tipo de identificación e indique el referente:
 At the Gyuto Monastery in the foothills of the Himalayas, a
love both familiar and exotic was in the air. Some 60 Tibetan
schoolgirls had come to be in the presence of the living
Buddha - who, in this case, just happened to be a strikingly
handsome 14-year-old boy.
 The 17th reincarnation of the Karmapa had recently made a
daring escape from Chinese-controlled Tibet, and the girls,
were flushed with excitement. They sat cross-legged on a
cold concrete floor, surrounded by tapestries which portray
dramatic stories of Buddhist lore.
Ejercicio de sistema de
 Incense wafted through the air, and a table was covered
with offerings for the teen deity who was already part of an
eternal legend.
 A murmur rose as the six-foot Karmapa - dressed in maroon
and saffron robes - strode into the hall and sat on a downy,
makeshift throne.
 First the Karmapa politely thanked the few Westerners in
the room for their interest in Tibetan affairs.
 Then he turned to the schoolgirls. "Don't forget your ...
homeland," he instructed them in a voice sure and serene
beyond its years.
Ejercicio contrastivo de uso de
 Compare los ARTÍCULOS en inglés con las formas
equivalentes en español; indique si existe transferencia,
divergencia o interferencia en el uso y señale sus causas:
 The children of Iraq have been caught up in war for the third
time in 20 years. Although a clear picture of the impact of
the fighting on civilians has yet to emerge, UNICEF is deeply
concerned by the deteriorating conditions children in the
country are facing.
 Por tercera vez en 20 años, los niños y niñas de Iraq se han
visto atrapados en una guerra. Si bien todavía es pronto para
determinar con claridad el alcance de los enfrentamientos
armados sobre la población civil, la UNICEF está
enormemente preocupada por el empeoramiento de las
condiciones a que están expuestos los niños del país.
Ejercicio contrastivo de uso de
 Almost half of Iraq’s total population is aged under 18. Even
before the conflict began, many children were highly
vulnerable to disease and malnutrition.
 Casi la mitad de la población iraquí tiene menos de 18 años.
Incluso antes de que comenzase el conflicto, muchos niños
y niñas se encontraban en una situación de gran
vulnerabilidad frente a las enfermedades y la desnutrición.
 One in four children aged under five is chronically
malnourished. One in eight die before their fifth birthday.
 Uno de cada cuatro niños y niñas menores de cinco años
padece de desnutrición crónica. Uno de cada ocho muere
antes de cumplir los cinco años.
Ejercicio de sistema de
contabilidad 3
 Identifique las formas nominales contables y las no
contables e indique sus marcadores gramaticales:
 A related controversy was the proliferation in the
Egyptian news media of articles and commentaries
sharply critical of American foreign policy.
 Although most Egyptian news outlets were
nominally independent, they tended to echo the
Egyptian government’s position on international
questions, and in even more pungent terms.
 The Egyptian media, in turn, heavily influenced
news coverage in other Arab countries.
 Foreshadowing Colin Powell’s later attempt to get the
government of Qatar to ‘tone down’ the alleged anti-
Americanism of the al-Jazira television station - and showing
a similar lack of sentimentalism regarding the principle of
free expression - Eisenhower administration officials
repeatedly urged the Egyptian government to compel
Egyptian (and, later, Syrian) news outlets to moderate their
criticism of U.S policy.
 Egyptian officials typically countered this pressure by
insisting that they were powerless to control their local
media, and by charging that American news commentaries
were equally hostile to Egypt.
Ejercicio de sistema de
definición 3
 Analice las FRASES NOMINALES DEFINIDAS del siguiente
texto, señale el tipo de identificación e indique el referente:
 British medical company growing cannabis
 A secret cannabis farm has been established with the
support of the Government to investigate the medicinal uses of
the illegal drug.
 Thousands of cannabis plants are being grown in large
glasshouses, with humidity, light and temperature controls, at
an undisclosed location in south-east England. The £ 10 million
project is being carried out behind tall fences, amid tight
 GW Pharmaceuticals, the first company licensed by the
Government to cultivate and possess large quantities of
cannabis, has been advised on security by the Home Office
and Special Branch.
 Dr Geoffrey Guy, who founded the company, hopes that his
research could lead to the production of a cannabis inhaler
that would offer pain relief from multiple sclerosis, nerve
damage and spinal injuries.
 Any pharmaceutical product resulting from the project
would be available only on prescription. Dr Guy, 43, said:
"There is a considerable body of evidence to suggest that
cannabis may have a number of medicinal uses."
 The uses include relief of pain in a variety of conditions, an
appetite stimulant for Aids sufferers and preventing nausea
for chemotherapy patients.
 He said: "But there have been very few systematic research
programmes or controlled clinical trials. This is a first step
toward being able to produce pharmaceutical grade
materials which can be used in clinical tests to establish the
 Dr Guy said he expected the Home Office would amend the
Misuse of Drugs Act if he developed a suitable product.
Ejercicio contrastivo de uso de
artículos 3
 As soon as the first adult ants emerge, they find
jobs waiting for them. The fungus gardens must be
weeded and pruned; leaves must be brought in for
 Tan pronto alcanzan edad adulta las primeras
hormigas ya tienen diversas tareas esperándolas.
Hay que podar y limpiar el huerto de hongos y traer
hojas para el mantillo.
 The new subterranean quarters must be enlarged
till the dome-like mushroom cellars, connected by a
system of corridors as complex as a big-city
subway, grow to the size of a man's head.
 Es menester agrandar la nueva residencia
subterránea hasta que las cuevas abovedadas
donde crecen los hongos (comunicadas por un
sistema de corredores tan complicados como el
ferrocarril subterráneo de una gran ciudad)
alcancen el tamaño de una cabeza humana.

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