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Dr. I Nyoman Gede Wardana, M.Biomed
Anatomy Department Udayana Medical School
• The alimentary canal, about 9 mm long
• The accessory digestive organs

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• The oral region includes:
– The oral cavity
– Gingivae
– Palate
– Teeth
– Tongue
– The palatine tonsils

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• The mouth is the primary portal of the alimentary system
and a secondary portal for the respiratory system
• The oral cavity extends from the oral fissure to the
oropharyngeal isthmus
• It is divided by the upper and lower jaws and their dental
arcades into a superficial oral vestibule (between the lips
and cheeks and the gingival and teeth) and a deeper oral
cavity proper (internal to the jaws and dental arcades)
• The oral cavity (and specifically the oral vestibule) is
bounded by the lips and cheeks, which are flexible dynamic
musculofibrous folds containing muscles, neurovasculature,
and mucosal glands, covered superficially with skin and
deeply with oral mucosa

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Oral cavity
The oral cavity
consists of two parts:
• Oral vestibule
• Oral cavity

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Leeps and cheeks
• The lips are mobile, musculofibrous folds
surrounding the mouth, extending from the
nasolabial sulci and nares laterally and
superiorly to the mentolabial sulcus inferiorly
• They contain the orbicularis oris and superior
and inferior labial muscles, vessels, and
• The lips are covered externally by skin and
internally by mucous membrane

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Lips, Cheeks, and Gingivae

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• (L. buccae) have essentially the same structure as the lips
with which they are continuous.
• The cheeks form the movable walls of the oral cavity.
• Anatomically, the external aspect of the cheeks constitutes
the buccal region, bounded anteriorly by the oral and
mental regions (lips and chin), superiorly by the zygomatic
region, posteriorly by the parotid region, and inferiorly by
the inferior border of the mandible.
• The principal muscles of the cheeks are the buccinators.
• Numerous small buccal glands lie between the mucous
membrane and the buccinators.

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• The palate forms the roof of the mouth
• It consist of two regions:
– The hard palate in front
– The soft palate behind

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The hard palate
• Is formed by the palatine processes of the
maxillae and the horizontal plates of the
palatine bones
• It is bounded in front and at the sides by
alveolar arches and gums
• Behind, it continuous with the soft palate
• It is covered with a dense tissue, formed by
the periosteum and mucous membrane

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Soft palate
• Is a movablefold, suspendedfrom the
posterior border of the hard palate, and
extending downwards and backwards
between the oral and nasal parts of the

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The palatine musculature
• The levator veli palatini: is cylindrical muscle
situated on the lateral side of the posterior nasal
– Action: elevates soft palate during swallowing and
• The tensor veli palatini: is a thin, triangular
muscle, which lie lateral to medial pterygoid
plate, the auditory tube and the levator veli
– Action: tenses soft palate and opens mouth of
pharyngotympanic tube during swallowing and
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• The musculus uvulae: a bilateral structure, arises
from the posterior nasal spine of the palatine
bones and from the palatine aponeurosis
– Action: shortens uvula and pulls it superiorly
• The palatoglossus: is a small, fleshy fasciculus,
narrower in the middle than at the ends, forming,
with the mucous membrane covering its surfaces
– Action: elevates posterior part of tongue and draws
soft palate onto tongue

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• The palatopharyngeus: consist two fasciculi,
which are separated by levator veli palatini.
– Posterior fasciculus is in contact with the mucous
membrane covering the pharyngeal surface of the
– Anterior fasciculus, the thicker, passes between
the levator and the tensor veli palatini
– Action: tenses soft palate and pulls walls of
pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during

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• Temporalis m.
• Masseter m.
• Lateral pterygoid m.
• Medial pterygoid m.

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• The parotid gland:
– Is the largest, weight 25 gr, irreguler, lobulated,
yellowish mass, lying below the external acoustic
meatus, between the mandible and th
– The parotid duct: is about 5 cm long, crosses the
masseter, and at the anterior border turns inwards
pass through the corpus adiposum of the cheec and
pierces the buccinator
– Opens upon small papilla on the oral surface of the
cheek opposite the crown of the second upper molar

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• The submandibular
– Is irregular form
– About a size of a walnut
– Submandibular duct is about 5 cm long
• The sublingual gland
– Is the smallest
– It is narrow, flattened, shaped like almond
– Weight between 3-4 gr

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Muscle of Tongue
• The extrinsic muscles:
– genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and
palatoglossus originate outside the tongue and
attach to it. They mainly move the tongue but
they can alter its shape as well
• Intrinsic Muscles:
– The superior and inferior longitudinal, transverse,
and vertical muscles are confined to the tongue.
They have their attachments entirely within the
tongue and are not attached to bone

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• External layer: constrict walls of pharynx during
– Superior constrictor
– Middle constrictor
– Inferior constrictor
• Internal layer: elevate (shorten and widen)
pharynx and larynx during swallowing and
– Palatopharyngeus
– Stylopharyngeus
– Salpingopharyngeus

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• Is a muscular tube
• Consists of striated (voluntary) muscle in its upper third,
smooth (involuntary) muscle in its lower third, and a
mixture of striated and smooth muscle in between.
• Its first part, the cervical esophagus, is part of the voluntary
upper third. It begins immediately posterior to, and at the
level of, the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage in the
median plane. This is the level of the C6 vertebra.
• Externally, the pharyngoesophageal junction appears as a
constriction produced by the cricopharyngeal part of the
inferior constrictor muscle (the superior esophageal
sphincter) and is the narrowest part of the esophagus

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