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Chapter 11 General Manufacturing

systems: analytical queuing models

• Introduction
• A single workstation
• Open networks
• General Jackson networks
• Relaxing assumptions (open networks)
Industrial Engineering

• Closed networks (Mean Value Analysis)

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A. Introduction to Queues
arrivals QUEUE
Service Customer
Channels departures


• Customers arrive
• Customers decide whether to enter
• Customers wait (possibly)
• Customers are served
• Customers
Industrial Engineering depart
• A/S/c:X/Y/Z modified Kendall classification scheme

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A/S/c:X/Y/Z (modified Kendall classification scheme)
• Arrival Process (A). GI = General; M = Poisson
• Service Process (S). G = General; M = Exponential,
D= Deterministic; Ek = Erlang k;

Hek = Hyperexponential probabilistic mix of k exponentials

• Service Channels (c). c = number of parallel servers

• Queue discipline (X). FCFS; priority; SPT; GD (general
discipline); SIRO (random)
Industrial Engineering

• Queue capacity (Y). Max jobs in system before balking.

• Calling population (Z). Max number of potential customers.

IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Little’s Law Reminder

As always, for any system in steady state

L   W
Average Number in System = Throughput Rate x Average Time in System

N  X  T if you prefer

Thus, if we only need expressions for 2 of the 3.

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A Single Workstation
• Poisson arrivals, exponential, FCFS service
• Exponential arrival rate λ (single arrivals)
• Exponential service rate μ (serve one job at a time)
• Infinite queue capacity
• Infinite population (constant arrival rate)
• Continuous time

• M/M/1 queue μ
λ λ λ λ

0 1 2 3 …
Industrial Engineering

μ μ μ μ

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
λ λ λ λ

0 1 2 3

μ μ μ μ

Let pt (n) be the probability of n jobs at the workstation at time t

pt  t (0)  pt (0)  (1   t )  pt (1)   t

pt  t (n)  pt (n)  (1   t   t )  pt (n  1)   t  pt (n  1)   t n  1

Prob (0 jobs at t+δt) =

Prob (0 jobs at time t and no arrivals during next δt)
+ Prob (1 job at t and that job is completed in time δt)
Industrial Engineering
Prob (n>0 jobs at t+δt) =
Prob (n jobs at time t and no arrivals or departures during next δt)
+Prob (n+1 jobs at t and one job is completed in time δt)
+ Prob (n-1 jobs at t and one job arrives)
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Transient Analysis

pt  t (0)  pt (0)  (1   t )  pt (1)   t

pt  t (n)  pt (n)  (1   t   t )  pt (n  1)   t  pt (n  1)   t n  1

Rearranging terms,

pt  t (0)  pt (0) dpt (0)

lim    pt (0)   pt (1)
 t 0 t dt
p (n)  pt (n) dpt (n)
lim t  t   (   ) pt (n)   pt (n  1)   pt (n  1) n  1
 t  0 t
Industrial Engineering dt

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Solving for Steady State Analysis

dpt (n)
In steady state: 0
dpt (0)
 0   pt (0)   pt (1)
dpt (n)
 0  (   ) pt (n)   pt (n  1)   pt ( n  1) n  1

 pt (0)   pt (1)
(   ) pt (n)   pt (n  1)   pt (n  1) ; n  1
Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Steady State Analysis
 pt (0)   pt (1)
(   ) pt (n)   pt (n  1)   pt (n  1) ; n  1

pt (1)   pt (0)

(   ) 
pt (n  1)   pt (n)   pt (n  1) ; n  1
 
 
pt (2)   pt (1)   pt (0)
 
Let n = 1
Industrial Engineering   
  pt (1)     pt (1)
  

  pt (1)

IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering

pt (1)   pt (0)

pt (n  1)   pt (n  1) ; n  1

Let   , be the utilization or "traffic intensity" factor

pt (1)    pt (0)
pt (n  1)    pt (n  1) ; n  1

pt (n)   n  pt (0) ; n  1
Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Continuing with Steady State
pt (n)   n  pt (0) ; n  1
p (n)   n  p(0) ; n  1

Add  p (n)  1  p(0)  1      ...  p(0) 

n0 1 
p(0)  1  
Industrial Engineering
p(n)  (1   )  n , n  1


IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
E(jobs in queue)

Lq   (n  1)  p(n)  0  p (1)  1 p(2)  2  p(3)  ...
n 1

 (1   )   2  1  2   3 2  ...

 (1   )     n  n 1

n 0

d (  n ) 
d (1   ) 1
  n n 1   (1   ) 2
d n 0 d

Industrial Engineering
2 
Thus, Lq  L  Lq   
1  1 

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Multiple Parallel Channels ( c = 3)

λ λ λ λ

0 1 2 3 …

μ 2μ 3μ 3μ

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
M/M/c Queuing results
M / M /1 M /M /c
 

 c
 (c  ) c c 1
(c  ) n 
p0 1   c !(1   )   n ! 
 n0 
2   (c  )c  p0
1  c !(1   ) 2
 
L Lq 
1  
 (c  )c  p0
Industrial Engineering  (1   ) c !c (1   ) 2
W Wq   1
 (1   )

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example 11.1 (Page 366)
A manufacturing facility operates as a flow shop
Interarrival times are exponential with an average of 10 orders per week
FCFS with a constant production schedule from week to week
The system is capable of processing about 12 orders per week
Find the average time from order arrival to completion.

1 1
Throughput time: W    0.5weeks
 (1   ) 12(1  )
Industrial Engineering
1 5
Queuing time: Wq  0.5   weeks
12 12

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
One Server or Two?
M / M /1 M /M /c
 
Six arrivals per day. Would you prefer one 
 c
server that can serve eight per day or two 1
 (c  ) c c 1
(c  ) n 
servers that can each serve four per day? p0 1   c !(1   )   n ! 
 n 0 
2   (c  )  p0
1  c !(1   )2
 
L Lq 
1  
 (c  )c  p0
 (1   ) c !c  (1   )2
W Wq   1
 (1   )

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Variance of Queue Length
Let n = number of jobs in system. Find V(N).

 n 
n 0 (1   )
 
2 2
V ( N )  E ( N  L)  E ( N )  E ( N ) 2
n 0
   n   n 1
n 0

   d (1   ) 1 
  n  p (n )  
  
1   
n0  1   d

  2 n 1  d   
 (1   )  2
  2
n      n      
 
d   (1   ) 2 
V (N )    n 0  n 0 
(1   ) 2 (1   ) 2 (1   ) 2 (1   ) 2  2    (1   )
(1   ) 4
Industrial Engineering   (1   )  2  2  (1   )
 
(1   )3 (1   )3

E ( N )  (1   )   n 2   n

n 0

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Class Exercise
Find the E(Busy Period) for an M/M/1 queue.

P(empty) = P0=1-ρ
Mean Empty Period
P0  =1 
Mean Empty Period+ Mean Busy Period
1/ 

1 /  + E(busy period)

(1   )   1  E(busy period)    1

Industrial Engineering

 1  1  1    1
E(Busy Period)= 
(1   )   (1   )

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Semi-Markov Processes

Suppose the time between events is not exponential.

Stochastic process {Z (t ), t  0} on finite state space S.

nth event occurs at time Tn and the system state is Xn = Z(Tn), with an
understanding that a convention defines the state as immediately before or
after the event changes the state at Tn. (Initialize T0 = 0).

 X n , Tn  , n  0 is a Markov Renewal Sequence if

P X n 1  j, Tn 1  Tn  x | X n  i , X n 1 ,..., X 0 , Tn ,..., T0 
 P X n 1  j, Tn 1  Tn  x | X n  i Irrelevant past;
 P X 1  j , T1  x | X 0  i Time homogeneity
Industrial Engineering

Note: If all event times are exponential, we have a Continuous Time Markov chain (CTMC).
The sequence of states, Xn, at the nth shift, form a Discrete Time Markov chain (DTMC).

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Semi-Markov Process cont.

The Markov Renewal Sequence has kernel P ( x )   pij ( x ) 

pij ( x )  P X 1  j, T1  x | X 0  i

i.e. if in state i, an event occurs in less than x and takes the system to j

• Embedded DTMC defining state change probs at events is irreducible,
aperiodic, positive recurrent;
• Distribution of time between events has finite moments

•  = stationary distribution of DTMC with transition matrix P( )
Industrial Engineering
•  i  E ( S1 | X 0  i ) , the expected time to an event when in i
 i  i
Then the stationary distribution for the SMP is pi  lim P X (t )  i 
t 
  j  j

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Semi-Markov Process Example

λ λ λ
Let λ=3, µ=2 and solve.
0 1 2 3
(From Review Lecture on CTMC).
µ 2µ 2µ

Find  ,  P
 0 1 0 0 
     
 0   1
 0 0      
    
2    2 
 0 0  1   0  
   2   2   2
   2  
 0 0 1 0 

Industrial Engineering
     2  2  2 
yields 1   0 1   
  2 2 2  2 
  0.1379 0.3448 0.3621 0.1552 

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example cont.

1 1 1 1
   Mean time to next event
3 5 7 4 Note: Only means matter;
Sum of Poisson RVs is Poisson

(0.1379) 
p1  3  0.2237
 0.1379 0.3448 0.3621 0.1552 
 3  5  7  4 

p  0.2237 0.3356 0.2518 0.1888 

Industrial Engineering

Can you solve using Rate Out = Rate In equations for this case?
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Alternative (for Exponential Case):
Rate Out = Rate In
 p0   p1
(   ) p1   p0  2  p2
(  2  ) p2   p1  2  p3
2  p3   p2
p0  p1  p2  p3  1

  2 3 
1  p0 1   2  3  Recall
  2 4 
  3,   2
Industrial Engineering  3 9 27 
 p0 1    
 2 8 32 
p0  0.2238
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A Single Workstation
• M/G/1:GD//
Poisson arrivals, General service, Single server
• Let S be the random variable for service time
• Let T be the random variable for throughput time, i.e. E(T) is W.
• Let N be the random variable for the number of jobs at the workstation
 E (S 2 )
E (T )  E ( S ) 
2(1   )

 E ( S 3 )  2 [ E ( S 2 )]2
V (T )  V ( S )  
3(1   ) 4(1   ) 2

 2 E (S 2 )  2   2 V ( S ) Pollaczek-
Industrial Engineering
E(N )     Khintchine formula
2(1   ) 2(1   )

2  3 E ( S 3 )  4 [ E ( S 2 )]2
V ( N )  E ( N )   V (S )  
3(1   ) 4(1   )2
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A Single Workstation: GI/G/1

You could try to solve using an approximate Phase-type distribution, or

Let S = Service time random variable

Ca2 , Cs2 squared coefficient of variation for arrival and service process
W  Wq  E ( S )  Wq   1

 2 (1  Cs2 ) (Ca2   2Cs2 )

Wq  2 2

(1   Cs ) [2 (1   )]
Industrial Engineering

 1      Ca2  Cs2 
Wq      
    (1   )   2 
Mean x util. factor x variance factor
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
A Single Workstation
• General, part-based priority service
• Suppose there are P part types
• Type p has arrival rate and service time of  p and S p
• Parts are ordered such that the lower the number the higher the priority

Average service time:

E (S )   1
  E (S
p 1
p p )    p
p 1

Utilization due to the first p types:

 ( p)   l E ( Sl )
l 1
Industrial Engineering  E (S 2 )
E (Tp )  E ( S p ) 
2[1   ( p  1)][1   ( p)]

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering

• Repair System – 1 repair person, N machines

• The λ now represents arrival (failure) rate per operating
n 1
N N!    
P0      
 n 0 ( N  n)!    

N! 
Pn      P0
 N  n !   
Industrial Engineering
Lq  N     1  P0  ; L  Lq  (1  P0 )
  

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example Problem
One repairman, two machines
 n

Each fails once per 8 operating hours on average
N!   
P0       Repair takes two hours on average
 n 0 ( N  n)!     Shift is 8 hours
Find Probability repairman is idle.

What do you think will happen? How busy is repairman?

First order approximation: 2 repairs/day, 2 hours/repair 50% utilization

Second order refinement: Will arrival rate be higher, lower or 2 per day?

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example Problem
One repairman, two machines
N N!    
Each fails once per 8 operating hours on average
P0       Repair takes two hours on average
 n 0 ( N  n)!     Shift is 8 hours
Find Probability repairman is idle.
N! 
Pn      P0
 N  n !   
 2! 2! 2! 
P0   (0.25)0   (0.25)1   (0.25) 2 
  2! 1! 0! 
Lq  N     1  P0  ; L  Lq  (1  P0 )
  
 1 2
Industrial Engineering
 1   
 2 16 

 0.64
Could you develop the balance equations on the final exam?
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Open Networks
• A network of servers with different task capabilities
• Arriving jobs that require some sequence of servers
• An external arrival process generates jobs that arrive at
one or more workstations and enter the network.

• Fact 1: Poisson Reproductive Property: the sum of independent Poisson

random variables is Poisson.

• Fact 2: If the number of arrivals per time is Poisson distributed, then

time between arrivals has an exponential distribution.
Industrial Engineering

• Fact 3: The interdeparture time from and M/M/c system with infinite
queue capacity is exponential.

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
H Assume exponential
S service times and
E Kitting Assembly Inspect/Pack infinite buffer
0    10  A =12  I =15 capacity

Assume 0  1; 0  , 2 else, there will be an infinite queue.

What are the relevant states of the system?

0,0  1,0  2,0  i+1, j-1

2 1 2 1 i+1, j
2 i, j-1
  2 
0,1 1,1
 2
2 1 2 1
Industrial Engineering 0,2 
i-1, j i, j+1

2 i-1, j+1

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
State Rate out = Rate in
(0, 0)  p(0, 0)  2 p(0,1)
(i >0, 0) (  1 ) p(i, 0)   2 p(i,1)   p(i  1, 0)
(0, j >0) (  2 ) p(0, j )   2 p(0, j  1)  1 p(1, j  1)
(i >0, j >0) (  1   2 ) p (i, j )   p (i  1, j )  1 p(i  1, j  1)   2 (i, j  1)

Solution: i+1, j-1

i, j-1 i+1, j
p (i, j )  (1  1 )  (1   2 )  2 j 1
1 2 
  i,
1  ,  2   j 2
1 2 1
i-1, j i, j+1
Do you
Industrial believe
Engineering me? How would you check? i-1, j+1

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
What if (1-g) percent of products go back from inspection stage to
assembly stage?
E Kitting Assembly Inspect/Pack
0   A I

i+1, j-1

Let i' be the effective arrival rate at stage i

i, j-1  2 (1  g ) i+1, j
1  A'    (1  g )I'
2 g  I'  A'
2 g Then:
Industrial Engineering

1 
 2 (1  g ) I'  A' 
i-1, j g
i, j+1

i-1, j+1
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
General Jackson Network

• Workstations j = 1,…, M with cj parallel identical servers

• External Poisson Arrivals to WC j at constant rate λj

• Exponential Service rate μj per server at WC j

• Internal transfers from WC j to WC k with probability pjk

• FCFS Service

• Single priority class

Industrial Engineering
• Infinite buffers (no blocking)

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Jackson Theorem
The effective arrival rate:    j   k' pkj
k 1

If,  'j  c j  j j then the steady state distribution is:

Product Form Solution

p (n1 ,..., nM )   pnjj
j 1

 j  'j n
 p0 ( ) / n ! n  0,..., c j
j  j
pn   '
 j j n n c j
 0 ( ) / ( c j ! c j ) n  c j  1,...
Industrial Engineering
 j

p is such that
0  n =1 for each j.
p j


IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Visit Counts

v j : the expected number of visits to workstation j per part produced

j M
vj  M
  pkj vk
k 1
k 1

Closely related to arrival rates

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example 11.7 (Page 378)
2  10 3  6
4  3
Part Demand/Wk Route (WC, Hrs/Unit)

Mill Drill 0.5

1  2 1 2 M, 2 L, 1 G, 2
3 3
2 10 M, 4 D, 5 G,1(.5)

0.5 3 6 M, 10 L, 1 G,2(.5)
Lathe Grind
1 1 4 3 D, 10 L, 2 G, 2


Industrial Engineering
WCs operate 40 hrs/wk

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
a. Find Effective Arrival Rates
M'  18      18
10 '
D'  3   M     13
8 ' 3 '
L'    M   D    11
18 13
5 ' 8 '
G'     D   L   13
13 11

2  10 3  6
4  3
Or, more directly from individual part types
Mill Drill
M      3
1 2  18 1  2
3 3

D    4 2  13 0.5
Industrial Engineering
 '
     4  11 Lath 0.5
L 1 3 Grin
' d1
G    0.5  0.53  4
1 2  13 1

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
b. Find effective Service Rates
2 2 10 4 6 10
 M1        M  6.92
18 40 18 40 18 40
10 5 3 10  D  6.50
 D1    
13 40 13 40  L  31.43
2 1 6 1 3 2
 L1       G  24.76
11 40 11 40 11 40
2 2 10  0.5 1 6  0.5 2 3 2
G1        
13 40 13 40 13 40 13 40
Part Demand/Wk Route (WC, Hrs/Unit)

1 2 M, 2 L, 1 G, 2

2 10 M, 4 D, 5 G,1(.5)
Industrial Engineering
3 6 M, 10 L, 1 G,2(.5)

4 3 D, 10 L, 2 G, 2

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
c. Aggregate for Performance
Use M/M/1 and M/M/c expressions

Station   c  W Wq L Lq p0
M 18 6.92 3 0.867 0.4185 0.2741 7.534 4.934 0.035
D 13 6.50 3 0.667 0.2222 0.0684 2.889 0.889 0.111
T 11 31.43 1 0.350 0.0489 0.0171 0.538 0.188 0.650
G 13 24.76 1 0.525 0.0850 0.0446 1.105 0.580 0.475

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
How long is a part 4 in system on average?
Part Demand/Wk Route (WC, Hrs/Unit)

1 2 M, 2 L, 1 G, 2

2 10 M, 4 D, 5 G,1(.5)

3 6 M, 10 L, 1 G,2(.5)

4 3 D, 10 L, 2 G, 2

Station   c  W Wq L Lq p0
M 18 6.92 3 0.867 0.4185 0.2741 7.534 4.934 0.035
D 13 Engineering
Industrial 6.50 3 0.667 0.2222 0.0684 2.889 0.889 0.111
T 11 31.43 1 0.350 0.0489 0.0171 0.538 0.188 0.650
G 13 24.76 1 0.525 0.0850 0.0446 1.105 0.580 0.475

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Relaxing Assumptions
• General service time

• Decomposition/Recomposition approach:
• relate,
• separate,
• aggregate.

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Relate Workstations

1. Find visit counts as before

vi  qi   v j  p ji

qi  Probability first operation is at WS i

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Relate Workstations (cont.)

2. Find interarrival and interdeparture times at WSs

- Assume a renewal process for interarrivals at WSs

(but not necessarily exponential)
- Describe interarrival process by its mean and squared coef. of variation(Cai )

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Finding Ca2i

Let Tij =time between arrivals at WS i from j

Tij  X 1  X 2  ...  X n

Where X’s are interdeparture times from j and

1  p ji
n is a geometric random variable with E (n)  p , V (n)  ji
p 2ji

Using moment generating functions you can show

E (T )  E (n)  E ( X )  p ji1  E ( X )
2 1
(1  p ji )
V (T )  V ( X )  E (n)  V (n)  [ E ( X )]  p V ( X ) 
Industrial Engineering
ji  E2(X )
p 2ji

Thus, for arrivals at WS i from j V (T )

Ca2i ( j )  2
 p ji  Cd2j  (1  p ji )
E (T )
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Now What?

Useful Notes:

1. For outside Exponential arrivals Ca2i ,external  1

2. A common approximation for interdeparture times in general
service queues is

Cd2j  (1   2j )  Ca2j   2j  Cs2j

 'j
3. And  j 

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
We’re Getting There
We can estimate the arrival process at WS i as a weighted average of
the arrival processes from outside the system and other WSs.

 j ji  ji d j  (1  p ji )  i  1

 p   p  C 2

Ca2i 

2 V (T )
(Recall: Ca  2
 p ji  Cd2j  (1  p ji ) )
i( j)
E (T )

2 2 2 2 2
Then, adding Cd j  (1   j )  Ca j   j  Cs j
Industrial Engineering

 
  'j  p 2ji  (1   2j )  Ca2j  i'  Ca2i    j'  p ji  p ji   2j  C s2j  1  p ji  i ; i  1,..., M
j j

M linear equations in M unknowns

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
The Hard Work is Done, It’s Smooth Sailing Now

Step 2: Solve for each WS’s mean performance characteristics separately

 2 (1  Cs2 ) Ca2   2Cs2  1      Ca2  Cs2 

Wq  { } Wq    
1   Cs2 2
2 (1   ) Or  

  (1   )  2 
W  Wq 

Step 3: Aggregate across WSs

Industrial Engineering M
E (Tp )   v jp [ E (Wq j )   jp1 ]
j 1

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Closed Networks
• CONWIP: CONstant Work In Process
In a closed network, the number of jobs in process is kept at the
fixed level N. When a job finished all its operations and leaves the
system, a new job is dispatched to replace it.

• As N increases, both production rate and expected throughput time will

• Workstations can no longer be independent
• The set of possible states contains all state for which

j 1
j  N , where n j is the number of jobs at station j.
Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Mean Value Analysis

• Exact algorithms are slow for large problems and can be

numerically unstable.


Allow for P part types;

Control the system to have N p , p  1,..., P parts of type p in process
at all times: P

p 1
p N

Mean service time for a part of type p at workstation j:  jp1

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Mean Value Analysis

• Throughput Times
N p 1
W jp   1
jp  L jp  jp1   L jr  jr1 j , p
Np r p

Service Waiting time for Waiting time for

time other type p parts other part types

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
An Approximation for Multiple Parallel Servers1

• When there are multiple servers at workstation j:

Divide the workstation into the original plus a pseudo WS
The original station works faster at cj the rate for 1/cj of the job:

 jp1 N p 1  jp1  jr1

W jp   L jp   L jr
cj Np cj r p cj

The accompanying pseudo WS finishes the job as an

ample server (no wait) station:

c j 1
W j' p 
Industrial Engineering
 jp c j

L j' p  0; Lq '  0
see Seidmann et al. 1987

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Mean Value Analysis

• Throughput Rates (Little’s Law)

Xp  M
p  1,..., P
j 1
jpW jp

v jp : visit counts, the expected number of visits a part type p makes to station j.

• Queue Lengths (Little’s Law)

L jp  X p (v jpW jp ) j , p

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
MVA Algorithm
Step 1. Initialize.   0.
For all p let Z p be the number of stations visited by part type p, that is, the
sum over j of the number of nonzero v jp . Set L(0)
jp  N p / Z p .

Step 2. Update W.     1.
For all j, p compute W jp( ) .

Step 3. Update Throughput.

For all p compute X ( ) .

Step 4. Update L.
For all
Industrial Engineering j, p computer L(jp )  L(jp 1)
. If any go to step 2; otherwise
L( )
jp  0.001
stop. ( )
L jp

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
What Assumptions Did we Make in MVA?

• N jobs always available

• State independent, Exponentially distributed service times
• FCFS priority
• Single server Workcenters (at least in basic model)
• Algorithm will converge (can be shown)
• Parameter values are known

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Example 11.9 (Page 389)

Visit Counts
Part L/U TC HMC1,HMC2 HMC3 Shuttle
1 1 1 1 1 4
2 1 1 1 0 3

• HMC1 and HMC2 are identical. A shuttle cart transports pallets between stations.
• The shuttle must reach the origination point, load the pallet, travel to the
destination, and off-load the pallet.
• All machining operations average 10 minutes.
• To unload a part from the system and to load a new part onto the same pallet and
fixture takes about 12 minutes.
Industrial Engineering
• Load/unload time at machines is minimal.
• Each station has space for three pallets in input queue and one pallet in process.
• Sufficient storage, extra pallets can always be kept at the storage area.
• Of the nine pallets, six are part type 1 and three are part type 2.
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
• Stations 1 through 5 are L/U, TC, HMC1 and HMC2, HMC3, and the shuttle,

N1 6
• Step1. Initialize. L11  L21  L31  L41  L51   1.2
5 5
N 3
L12  L22  L32  L52  2   0.75
4 4
L42  0
• Step2. Compute W.
L/U TC HMC1,HMC2 HMC3 Shuttle
1 33 27.5 18.75 20 2.75
2 32.4 27 18.5 0 2.70

Industrial Engineering W11(1)  12  (1.2)(12)  0.75(12)  33
Load/unload 6

5 3
TC W21(1)  10  (1.2)(10)  (10)  27.5
6 4
IEE 561Production Systems
© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
Continue Computation

Step3. Compute Throughput.

X 1(1)   0.05442parts / min
33  27.5  18.75  20  4(2.75)
X 2(1)   0.03488parts / min
32.4  27  18.5  0  3(2.7)

Little’s Law – It’s Everywhere!

Industrial Engineering

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
• Step4. Compute L L jp  X p v jpW jp
L/U TC HMC1,HMC2 HMC3 Shuttle
1 1.7959 1.4966 1.0204 1.0884 0.5986
2 1.1302 0.9419 0.6453 0 0.2826

Compare with the initial value at step1, we find sufficient discrepancy to

warrant continuing. Thus we start iteration 2, go to step 2.

• Step2. Compute W. L/U TC HMC1,HMC2 HMC3 Shuttle

1 43.52 31.89 17.48 19.07 1.781
2 42.59 25.59 17.25 0 1.787

Industrial Engineering 6
• Step3. Computer Throughput. X 1(2)   0.05038parts / min
43.52  31.89  17.48  19.07  4(1.781)
X 2(2)   0.03304parts / min
42.59  25.59  17.25  0  3(1.787)

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering
• Step4. Compute L L/U TC HMC1,HMC2 HMC3 Shuttle
1 2.1925 1.6066 0.8805 0.9607 0.359
2 1.4072 0.8456 0.57 0 0.1771

Compare with the results in the first iteration, we still have not converged.
Thus we start iteration 3.

After several more iterations, we settle on the solution:

X 1  0.0473parts / min
X 2  0.0278parts / min
Industrial Engineering
Machine utilizations can be found by U j   X p v jp

p 1  jp c j
For example:
U1  0.0473  1 12  0.0278 1 12  0.901

IEE 561Production Systems

© Ronald G. Askin 2010
Industrial Engineering

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