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Gas or Grouse?

Abdul Haseeb (1911190)
Hassaan Ali Qazi (1911199)
Saqlain Haider (1911220)
Wajahat Ullah (1911229)

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• Pinedale Mesa in the state of Wyoming contain 25 trillion cubic feet of gas worth
billion of dollars.
• Questar and other companies wanted to drill thousands of natural gas well in area
around Mesa.
• Bureau of Land Management is responsible for deciding how much acreage should be
devoted for natural gas drilling.
• Pinedale Mesa provide habitat for mule, elk, deer and sage grouse.
• Grouse is extremely sensitive to human activity.
• Questar want additional drilling area that is used by pronghorn and deer to migrate
during winter.
• Bureau announced five main alternative, out of which Questar choose the
• 4th alternative is about allowing winter drilling, prohibit drillings during the mating
seasons of antelope and nesting areas of sage grouse. Requiring companies to
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from any00:19:17
12-16-2021 impact
GMT - on wildlife.
Q1) What are the Systemic, Corporate and Individual issues raised in
the case?

Systematic Issues Corporate Issues

➢ Damaging the landscape of ➢ Getting sued over the
Pinedale Mesa. environmental matter.

➢ Decreasing number of wildlife ➢ If drilling operation is stopped then

species. the price of gas may increase.

➢ Local economy has been ➢ New technology costs too much.


Individual Issues
➢ Jim Sims negotiated for Questar that sage grouse was
not endangered.
➢ Dru Brower try to keep the species at Pinedale Mesa out
of endangered species
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Q2) How should wildlife species like grouse or deer be valued, and how
should that value be balanced against the economic interests of a society
or of a company like Questar? What principles or rules would you
propose we use to balance the value of wildlife species against economic

➢ Wild places should be allowed to develop on their own

without human interference.

➢ Ecological ethics must be taken into account by the


➢ Extra funds should be collect from all the companies to

pay for the cost of any impact on wildlife.

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Q3) In light of the fact that natural gas reduces the US economy’s
dependence on oil, and the fact that natural gases produces less
greenhouse gases then coal, oil and other fuels, should Questar continue
its drilling operations? Does the environmental impact of Questar’s
drilling operation imply that Questar is morally obligated to cease its
drilling wells on the Pinedale Mesa? Explain.

➢ Questar and other companies provide new jobs for the

society and increases the local economy.

➢ Supplying clean energy as compared to oil and coal.

➢ Restriction should be imposed by BLM i.e. no drilling in

winter season, roads or well should be located at least 2
mile away from breeding and nesting area.

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Q4) What, if anything, Questar and other
companies be doing differently?

➢ Questar should use directional drilling so that many

well can be dug from single pad.

➢ Questar need to consider the solution of the impact

for environment and wildlife around Pinedale Mesa.

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Q5) From an ethical point of view, was alternative(4)
best option among those from which the BLM chose?
Is another point better from an ethical point of view?
Explain your answer.

 Alternative (4) is the best drilling environment

choice if we want to have minimum impact on
wildlife and along side giving access to the
natural gas beneath Pinedale Mesa.

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Q6) Should the loss of species produced by the drilling operations
of Questar be considered a problem of pollution or a problem of
conservation? Can the loss of species by evaluated as an
“external cost”? Explain.

➢ The loss of species in this case is both a problem of pollution

and conservation.
– Land pollution by occupying or damaging wildlife
– Water pollution caused by drilling sediments
– Air pollution from drilling rigs
– Conservation problem that BLM not imposing strict rules about the
usage of land which is habitat for wildlife species.
➢ The loss of species can be regarded as external cost. So it must
be internalized to company cost. i.e. funds collected from
drilling companies to support the wildlife

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 Environmentalist must also put into consideration

the impact of their regulations on economic and
the welfare of Pinedale residents.
 Quester should be ready to incorporate methods
that will ensure that their drilling operations are
sustainable i.e. Drilling pads and remitting funds.
 An amicable solution can be reached to ensure the
gas is produced without any possible harm to the
existence of grouse and other wildlife.
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