7.MSDM Carrier& Planning

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The Objectives
• Advise someone about the major points in
career planning
• Describe how HR department encourage and
assist career
• Identify the major advantages of career planning
• Explain the relationship between career planning
and career development
• Explain the uses of performance appraisals
• Describe commonly used appraisal methods

Istilah-istilah dalam
perencanaan karir
• Career. A career is all the jobs that are held during one’s
working life
• Career path. A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs
that forms one’s career
• Career goals. Career goals are the future positions one
strives to reach as part of a career. These goals serve as
benchmarks along one’s career path.
• Career planning. Career planning is the process by which
one selects career goals and the path to those goals
• Career development. Career development consists of the
personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal
career plan

Source : Wherther & Davis 3

Perencanaan karir dan
kebutuhan karyawan
• Career equity. Employees want equity in the promotion system
with respect to opportunities for career advancement
• Supervisory concern. Employees want their supervisors to play
an active role in career development and provide timely feedback
on performance
• Awareness of opportunities. Employees want knowledge of
opportunities for career advancement
• Employment interest. Employees need different amounts of
information and have different degrees of interest in career
advancement, depending on a variety factors
• Career satisfaction. Employees, depending on their age and
occupation, have different levels of career satisfaction

Source : Wherther & Davis 4

Manfaat perencanaan karir
• Aligns strategy and internal staffing requirements
• Develop promotable employees
• Facilitates international placement
• Assist with workforce diversity
• Lowers turnover
• Taps employee potential
• Further personal growth
• Reduce hoarding
• Satisfies employee needs
• Assist affirmative action plans

Source : Wherther & Davis
Pengelolaan karir
• Organization focusing on individuals
– Organizational entry
– Mentoring
– Early career: The impact of the first job
• Organization focusing on their own maintenance
and growth
– Internal staffing decision:
• Promotions
• Demotions
• Transfer and relocations
• Layoffs, retirements and resignations

Source : Cascio 6
Pengembangan karir
• Pengembangan karir oleh individu :
– Job performance
– Exposure
– Networking
– Resignations
– Organizational loyalty
– Mentors and sponsors
– Key subordinates
– Growth opportunities
– International experience
• Pengembangan karir dengan dukungan Dept.SDM :
– Management support
– Feedback

Source : Wherther & Davis 7

Pilihan dan preferensi karir
• Holland vocational preferences

• The schein anchors
Technical-functional competence,managerial
competence,security-stability,creatifity, and
• Jung and the Myers-Briggs Typologies
(Extrovert & introvert, sensing & intuitive)

Source : De Cenzo & Robbins 8

Kegunaan dari penilaian kinerja
• Performance improvement
• Compensation adjustment
• Placement decisions
• Training and development needs
• Career planning and development
• Staffing process deficiencies
• Informational inaccuracies
• Job-design errors
• Equal employment opportunity
• External challenges
• Feedback to human resources

Source : Wherther & Davis 9

Elemen dari penilaian kinerja
• Performance standards
Performance standards serve as benchmarks against which
performance is measured
• Performance measures
– Objective measures
Objective performance measures are indications of job
performance that are verifiable by others and are usually
– Subjective measures
Subjective performance measures are ratings that are
based on the personal standards or opinions of those
doing the evaluation and are not verifiable by others.

Source : Wherther & Davis 10

Tantangan dalam penilaian
• Legal Constraints
• Rater biases
– The halo effect
– The error of central tendency
– Leniency and strictness bias
– Cross-cultural biases
– Personal Prejudice
– The regency effect

Source : Wherther & Davis 11

Metode penilaian : Post-
• Rating scales
• Checklists
• Forced choice method
• Critical incident method
• Accomplishment records
• Behaviorally anchored rating scales
• Field review method
• Performance tests and observations
• Comparative evaluation approaches

Source : Wherther & Davis 12

Metode Penilaian : Future-
• Self appraisals
• Management by objectives
• Psychological appraisal
• Assessment centers

Source : Wherther & Davis 13

Implikasi dari proses penilaian
A successful performance appraisal system requires
more than good technique. It depends on a consistent
approach for comparability of results, clear standards
and measures, and bias-free ratings. The implications of
the process are:
• Training raters and evaluators
• Evaluation Interviews
Evaluation interviews are performance review sessions
that give employees essential feedback about their past
performance or future potential.

Source : Wherther & Davis 14

Effective Performance
Management System
Requirements of effective Appraisal
• Relevance
• Sensitivity
• Reliability
• Acceptability
• Practicality

Source : Cascio 15

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