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TheStan's lifeLee
TheStan's lifeLee
•TheStan's lifeLee

•Stanley Martin Lieber, but know as, he was born in Manhattan, New York, EUA,after graduating
from middle school and while studying at WPA federal theatre project, Stan Lee became assistant
to Timely comics, his first work he published was ´´captain America foils the traitor´s´´, in may
1914. at the end of the year 1941, Stan Lee at the age of 19 was apponted interim editor of temily
comics after the departure of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.
•La,he remained as editor in chief of the comic book team and art editor until.
•The first joint creation of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee was the group of Super heros called ´´Fanstatic
Quartet´´,in 2008, he was awarded the America national medals of the arts for his contribution to
the production of comics, Three years, in 2011, Lee gained a star on the walk of fame in Los,
Angeles, California.
•Stan Lee died at tha age of 95 on 12 Dezember

•That was Stan Lee team line.

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