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1. There will be 4 rounds. Each round may have 5-6

questions with a pictorial hint to it.

2. The questions are all related to Brahmanand Swami.

3. Since, we all know he was a great poet and a singer,

questions will be based on KIRTANS!!

4. There will be a prize in the end for all who participate!

Pehchaan Kaun?!
Janam Sudharyo Re Ho Maro...
Jivu Chu Rasila Tara
Mandire Padharo Piya
Mara Nena Tana Shangar
Aaj Mane Samo Malyo Che
It is important to not
miss any words!
1. Aadhaar
Vhala Lago Cho Vishwa Aadhaar
2. Hirlo
Harivar Hirlo Re Ladhyo Re
3. Bor
Sonana Bor Jhule
4. Ekadashi
Kode Kode Ekadashi Kijiye Re
5. Diwali
Raj Mare Din Din Diwali
Beech Majdhaar...
Sant Samagam Kije
Joi Murti Manohar Tari
Shyam Saluno Aviya Re
Tara Mukhni Lavanta Mithi Re
Lagadi Te Priti Lal
Harijan Sacha Re
Hamare Zamaane Me!
1. Taro

• One day in Gadhada, Maharaj decided that He would give a  niyam to all sadhus and
devotees. The fi rst rule was that no one is to sleep before 12 o’clock midnight and must
wake up by 3am everyday.

• Secondly, all sadhus and devotees must then get ready and sit in the temple the whole
day and listen to the discourses until midnight when it is time to sleep again.

• The third rule was that during the discourse no one is to yawn, doze off or go to sleep.

• Maharaj held a berkho (a rosary of big Rudraksha beads) which He used to spin around
and throw it at whoever would fall asleep in the  sabhā. Whoever it was thrown to would
have to return it to Maharaj in the  sabhā and do dandvat (prostration) of Maharaj in
front of everyone.
• One day, Brahmanand Swami fell asleep during the  sabhā. Maharaj noticed and threw
the berkho at Swami. Brahmanand Swami immediately awoke asked Maharaj, “Why did
you unnecessarily throw the  berkho at me?”

• Maharaj replied, “Because your eyes were closed and you were asleep.”

Swami said, “But I was not sleeping. I was composing a  kir tan for You.”

And Maharaj replied, “If that’s the case then sing your  kir tan so all of us can listen to it.”

Swami said, “I will sing only if you all repeat after me.”

Maharaj agreed and told the whole  sabhā to repeat after Brahmanand Swami.

• Swami had actually dozed off during the  sabhā. But as he was a great poet, while
the sabhā repeated the line he had just sung, he would compose the next line instantly.
In this way he sang four verses, the fi rst of which is the one here
2. Aaj Ni
Ghadi Re
3. Vataldi
Rone Rataldi

• Once, during his travels, Shriji Maharaj separated from the group in the middle of the night.
All the devotees awoke to fi nd Maharaj missing and wondered where he could have gone.

• Brahmanand Swami and Surakhachar went out to search for Maharaj. Maharaj walked the
night to arrived in Limli village where the devotee Sagram Vaghari lived. He belonged to a
low caste; however, af ter having attained  satsang, his conduct surpassed even that of

• Sagram of ten wished that Maharaj would bless his hut; however, he erased those wishes
thinking Maharaj would ever grace a hut. Besided, he thought how he could ever ser ve
Maharaj with his meager means.

• Maharaj, however, was hungr y for devotees’ love, not comfor ts and conveniences. Maharaj
had indeed separate from his entourage to give  darshan to Sagram and bless his hut.
• Maharaj arrived at Sagram’s hut and knocked on the door. Sagram opened to fi nd
Maharaj standing at the door. His joy knew no bounds. Maharaj said, “Please hide me
somewhere! One sadhu and one  kāthi are following me.”

• Sagram said, “Where can I hide you? My house is too small and I do not have any hiding
places. Go to my brother Shadul’s house. He has a large grain vessel (barrel) where you
can hide. Maharaj quickly tried to climb over the fence to Shadul’s house but one of his
sandals came off . Sagram took the sandal and said, “Give me your other sandal as well
or else I will tell everyone that You are here.”

• In Maharaj’s childhood, when Dharmadev ’s family was going from Chappaiya to Ayodhya,
the boatman had said, “Let me wash your feet, only then will I let you sit in my boat.”
Sagram did the same as he knew of that story. Maharaj quickly dropped off the other
sandal and went to Shadul’s house and hid in the large grain vessel.
• Brahmanand Swami and Sura Khachar arrived and asked Sagram, “We’ve heard that
Maharaj is at your home. Where is he? Show us!” Sagram said, “He is not in my house.
Come and have a look for yourselves.” They searched the small house but could not fi nd
Maharaj anywhere.

• Then they searched Shadul’s house but could not fi nd him there either. Brahmanand
Swami and Sura Khachar were very clever. Brahmanand Swami said, “Shadul! I can smell
Maharaj’s scent in the air in these premises. Regardless of what you say, Maharaj is
defi nitely here.”

• Saying that, he and Sura Khachar sat on the bed outside the house, knowing Maharaj
would not stay hidden for long. The night passed. Without proper ventilation, Maharaj
got stifl ing in the large vessel. He thought, “What shall I do now?” He saw women’s
clothes in the vessel and wore them, posing himself as a woman.
• The wives of Shadul and Sagram were in the house. Maharaj sat between them. Both
ladies said, “Now we have to go to clear weeds in the farm.” Saying this they wrapped a
sickle in a piece of cloth and put it on their head, ready to leave. Maharaj said, “I also
want to come to the farm. Give me a sickle and a piece of cloth.”

• Shadul’s wife gave Maharaj a sickle and a rolling pin wrapped in a piece of cloth. Maharaj
in Mohini’s form (Vishwa-Mohini  avatār) walked between the two ladies, veiling his face
and placing the wrapped piece of cloth on his head.

• Seeing them, Sura Khachar asked the brothers, “The ladies in the rear and front are your
wives but whose is in the middle?” Shadul replied, “That lady does not have a husband.”
Hearing this, Maharaj lifted the veil off his face and burst out in laughter.
So The Prize For All The
Participants Is...

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