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Group 12
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Alief Rohmatullah Tesya Adinda K. Rahma Nur Iffani

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Table of contents

01 02 03
Definition of Information Factor of Information Integration Of Information
Technology in ELT Technology in ELT Technology in ELT
Definition of Information
Technology in ELT

Information Technology
Technology can be defined as everything that people have produced to shape their
environment, from individual tools which are used in their daily life to the systems and
institutions which guide and define our societies (Barrs, 2011).

Teaching and learning of English as part of education process are benefited with
technology. Information can be access wherever and whenever fast and easily including
information regarding English lesson and knowledge which help the success of teaching-
Identifying The Information Technology in ELT

ELT in Indonesia and Malaysia

At this digital era, the emergence of new technological tools,

such as computers, Internet, Smartphone and many more has
triggered the gradual development of new teaching and
learning methods and strategies in English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) classrooms. Digital technologies surround
them and they spend a lot of their time watching television,
using smart phones, playing games, surfing the internet, and
Comparison The Use of Information Technology in ELT between Indonesia and

At present in Malaysia it applies a standard In Indonesia, curriculum changes are carried out
curriculum in 2011 Elementary School by focusing on character education, where
Standard Curriculum (KSSR becomes its students are required to able to learn
acronym in Malay). The content and independently by utilizing Information
standards of learning described in the Technology with all available sources. The 2013
standard curriculum are specifically aimed curriculum emphasizes honesty and courtesy
at ensuring students to acquire knowledge, that are below the affective domain and skills
skills and values and to achieve the basic such as practical tasks or school projects that are
competencies needed in current and future under the psychomotor realm.
Factor of Using Information
Technology in ELT
Factors of Using Information Technology in ELT

1. Culture 2. Technology
3. The Goverment
English language skill is Technologies have allowed Each country may
valued culturally in both for flexible and accessible implement technology
nations as a sign of status English language learning differently and place a
and career advancement. opportunities, different focus on them
Factors of Using Information Technology in ELT

4. Teacher profesional development program

These professional development programs have been crucial in
giving teachers in Indonesia and Malaysia the information and
skills required to use technology effectively in their English
language instruction
3. Integration Of Information
Technology in ELT
The indicator (create) between Malaysia and
Indonesia is very different. In Malaysia, the
most widely used is 63 Viva video pro,
followed by Vid compact with 52 respondents, Comparison of the indicator apps
Zoom cloud meetings with 38 respondents, (create) between Malaysia and
Designer with 32 respondents and Google docs
with 23 respondents. For Indonesia, the most
widely used is Zoom cloud meeting with 79
respondents, Vid compact with 75 respondents,
iMovie with 69 respondents, Audio Boom with
63 respondents, and Creative Book with 61
Thank You!
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