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Discussion Method

Teaching Method

It is a systematic way of doing something. It

implies an orderly logical arrangement of
Discussion Method
• A discussion method is the means by which people
share experiences, ideas and attitudes.
• Discussion involves two-way communication
between participants.
• In the classroom situation a teacher and students all
participate in discussion.
• During discussion, the teacher spends some time
listening while the students spend sometimes
• The discussion is, therefore, a more active learning
experience for the students than the lecture.
Characteristics of Discussion Method
Ensure maximum participation.
Students have the opportunity to criticize
and evaluate.
Logical and meaningful criticism should
be accepted.
Keeping teachers as guide.
Teacher selects the topic only with the help
of students.
Teacher divides the class in to different groups
and gives the topic of the discussion to each
Every group has a leader to anchor and
conduct the discussion.
Relevant topic should only be considered.
In the end, teacher draws the conclusion of
the discussion with the help of leaders.
Types of discussion Method
Discussion method includes
1. Small group discussion technique
2. Socialized classroom discussion
3. Panel discussion technique
Small group discussion method
Socialized classroom discussion technique
Panel discussion method
Preparation and Implementation of
Discussion Method

• Orientation
• Engagement
• Examine
• Provide the discussion topic.
• Clearly describe the question
• Explain how students have to prepare for
• Explain how the discussion will be conducted
• Encouraged the students to think
• Develop an environment
• Present clear question to focus the
• Start by asking students to define the terms
• If necessary, help the students.
• Wait for each student to answer the question
• Close discussion by summarizing or
• Allow time for students to make their own
• Facilitate student reflection on what they
Principles of conducting discussion
• The objective should be clearly defined and
understood by all participants.
• The teacher should prepare carefully as a
facilitator to guide
• Question outline should be prepared carefully
• The members of the group should come
prepared; have a basic knowledge about the
topic to be discussed.
• Record the main points of discussion
• Each one in the group should feel free to
participate and a shy person should be
encouraged to contribute
• Discussion should be properly ended with a
• Increase students interest
• Utilizes student knowledge and experience.
• Results in more permanent learning because
of high degree of student participation.
• Participation by every body
• Develop Leadership quality
• Enhance Thinking and communicating powers
• More time and effort
• May not be end with solution
• Teacher may not be able to guide and provide
true leadership
• Success of discussion is based on good
• Few students may dominate in discussion
• It is time consuming.
Discussion Topic
Only Money can Money cannot
buy happiness. buy happiness.

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