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JUNE, 2023

Communication has played a vital role since before the dawn of civilization. Everybody today needs to communicate in order to
express his/her views, opinions and feeling over a certain issue. In this generation of computer age, online business has been of
increase, and virtually all sectors in this generation embarks on either online job applications, online business transactions, online
registrations and updating information online cannot be left behind. As a result of this development, computer system has become
an important factor in everyday life in controlling, directing, retrieving and monitoring the track of all production activities
whenever it is required. Therefore, in the recent years; the advancement of technology has thus brought us into new era of online
system with the use of the internet facilities. The internet is a collection of networks, gateways, servers and computers using a
common set of telecommunication protocols to link them together. The internet provides worldwide access to information and
resource without leaving your home or office. There are vast stores of resources information that are easily accessible from
universities, government organization etc. The internet evolved from a US department project, called the advanced research Project
Agency Network (ARPANET).

The World Wide Web (WWW) also called the web is such an important component that has become a basic tool tor research,
recreation, commerce and communication. The web was developed originally to solve specific problems; turned out to be a useful
tool for many other problems and needs. It was created L to facilitate communication among nuclear physicists scattered system all
over the world. The web represents a sophisticated system for information to capture and delivery.
The World Wide Web (www) consists of documents and links. It contain document in many formats. All documents whether real.
Virtual or indexes look similar to the reader and are contained within the same Universal Research Locator (URL). A web browser,
can access many existing data systems Via existing File transfer protocols (FTP) Hypertext transfer protocols (HTTP) and a
gateway. In
this way, the criteria mass of data is quickly exceeded and the increasing use of the system by 'the user and information suppliers encourages each



A photographic album or photo album, is a series of photographic prints collected by an individual person or family in the form of a book. Some

book-form photo albums have compartments which the photos may be slipped into; other albums have heavy paper with an abrasive surface covered

with clear plastic sheets, on which surface photos can be put. Older style albums often were simply books of heavy paper on which photos could be

glued to or attached to with adhesive corners or pages. Photo albums can be the best way to store and present your treasured photos and memories.

They also come in a wide variety of styles and types, which can be a bit overwhelming. Photo albums come in a variety of styles and formats for

mounting and attaching photos. There are four common types; Slip-in photo albums (also referred to photo pocket albums), Dry mount photo albums

(also referred to as pregame albums, loose-leaf page albums or photo mountable albums), Self-adhesive photo albums, which is a traditional method,

and finally a smaller, pocket-sized photo albums commonly called Brag books.


Despite the numerous contributions of the department, to the institution and country at large, I realized that only few people are aware of the needs of

the department/ institution across the state and country. Therefore I decided to develop an information system or avenue to come up with a public

enlightenment medium called an online album (i.e. website) in order for people to acquaint with the necessary information about the department so

as to stimulate the interest of people who intend to enroll for the course. This will also help the department to be well known and recognized not just

throughout the state but the world at large.


This project is aimed at attempting to design an online photo album in form of a website for the Department of Computer science, Nuhu Bamalli

polytechnic, Zaria, so as
• To promote easy access to relevant, accurate and well presented information about the department.

• To ensure that there is a constant update with the department identify and positioning. To ensure that there is relevant provision of


•To give clear guideline for outgoing design, content management and future developments of corporate web. In accordance with the above

aims, Computer Science web design project defines its objectives as to deliver a website that will have improve architecture, streamed content,

'increased functionality, improved accessibility and provide clear design for maintenance as well as future and ongoing development.

Specifically, to have in place a recommended information architecture for individual sites.


There are limitations to this project work. However, the major factors are costs, finance and time factor which could not allow me go further in

the research. The project work is only limited to the design of website for the department of Computer Science Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic,



The statement of problems, when using the old or manual system in provision of an effective, efficient and updated information are:

• Cases of missing manual photo album book.

• Difficulty in locating personal profile.

• Manual entries of record causes difficulties is cases of mistakes and mislineous errors.

• It takes long time for the collection of student information.

• It causes waste of time and resources when trying to retrieve individual record.

• Burden of having to carry manual photo book around every day from one place to another.
• Poor performance of the existing isolated information system which will facilitate data sharing

effectiveness and performance of the corporate department or organization.

• The information provided is only for local user and they are not in timely manners, and in hard

copy names are merely Given, the hypertext article

• Reference names are merely given, the hypertext article contained pointer to a web interrelated



The piece of work to be done or undertaken, the performance that is required of the subject in a

psychological experiment or test and that is usually communicate. Task analysis is the analysis of

how a task is accomplished including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities.


Website designers (Levy, 2003, Clement, 2000) defined website as a collection of files supported by the world wide web and usually these files

consists of HTML, ASP, PHP, graphic files and others. It is clear from the definition of a website that it is a group of several related pages and

range in size from a little as one page to vast number of pages. We have different types of website based on the purpose they serve: for example.

• Information website

• Sales website

• Hobby website

• Academic website and many others.

The term "website" is a collection of web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning file called a Home page in such a way that you can

get access to all other pages on the site. Kennedy and John .(1995) emphasized that website are not only a collection of web pages but a virtual

location on the web which contain a home page, which refers to the first document users see when they enter the site. These are collection of

network services, primarily HTML documents that are linked together and that exists on the web at a particular server (Robert, 19960. They are

collection of connected web pages, sharing an IP address where pictures may be used either for information, promotion, or commerce, Or fom

which pictures may be downloaded (Solomon, 2000).


The World Wide Web began in March 1989 at CERN. CERN was originally named after its founding body, Counsel European pour L Recherché

nuclear, and it's now called European Laboratory for particle physics. CERN is a meeting place for physicists from all over the world that

collaborates on complex physics, engineering and information handing project. Thus, the need for the www system arose from the geographical

dispersion of large collaborations, and the fact turnover of fellows, application and visiting scientists, who had to get up to speed on projects and

have a lasting contribution before leaving. CERN possessed both

the financial and computing resources necessary to start the project. In the original Berners-Lee outlined two phases of the project. Firstly,

CERN would "make use of existing software and hardware as well as implementing simple browsers for the workstations, based on an

analysis of the requirements for information access needs by experiments. Secondly, they would "extend the application area by also allowing

the user to add new materials". Burners-Lee expected each phase to take three months with the full manpower complement, he was asking for

four software engineers and a programmer. The proposal talked about a single scheme to incorporate several different servers of machines

stored information already available at CERN. This scheme was to make hypertext to provide a single user interface to many large classes of

stored information such as reports, notes, databases, computer documentation and online system help. In T989, the www large gained great

popularity among internet users. For instance, at 22hrs of April 12. 1995. The www server at the SEAS of the University of Pennsylvania

responded to 128 requests in one minute. Between 10:00 and T1:00, it responded to 5086 request in one hour, or about 84 per minute. Even

years after its creation, the web is constantly maturing, in December 1994: the www is growing at roughly 1 percent a day. As popular as it is

at the moment, the www is not the only possible implementation of the hypertext concept. In fact, the theory behind the Www was based on a

more general "Xanadu" that is being developed by Ted Nelson.


The success of the World Wide Web can be explained by CERNs attitude towards the development of the project. As soon as the basic outline

of the www was complete. CERN made the sources code its software publicly available. This body has been encouraging collaboration by s

academic and commercial parties since the onset of the project and by so, it got millions of people involved in growth of the web. The system

requirement for running a www.server is minimal, so even administrator with limited funds had a chance to become information providers.

Because of the initiative nature of hypertext, many inexperienced computer users were able to connect to the network. Furthermore, the

simplicity of the hypertext mark up language, used for creating interactive documents, .allowed these users to contribute to the expanding

database documents on the web. Also, the nature of the World Wide Web provided a way to interconnect computers running different

operating system (OS), and display information created in a variety of existing

media format. The World Wide Web began to be used as a test bed for various when sophisticated hypermedia and information retrieval

concepts. Unfortunately, the general www community quickly absorbed these concepts. This means that experienced extension dubious

use are now established parts of web (Relihan, 2004). Another flaw in the current structure of the www is the Presence of many

hypertext links that points to no longer existing 'documents. These occur when authors rename or delete their works from the web. Since

the System has no way of registering links to ones document. An author cannot notify his reader of the reorganization.


In 1965, Ted Nelson coined the terms "hypermedia" in a paper to the ACM 20th national conference. Nielsen, Debra] in an

article .published by Literary Machines, Nelson Explained: ° .J by "hypertext" mean non- sequential writing - text that branches and

allows choice to the reader, best read at an interactive screen. The first hypertext based system was developed in 1967 by a team of

researchers led by Dr. Andries van dam at Brown University. The research was funded by IBM and the first hypertext implementation,

Hypertext Editing System, ran on an IBM 360 mainframe. IBM later sold the system to the Houston Manned Spacecraft canter which

reportedly used it for the Apollo space program documentation. A year later, in 1968, van dam developed PRESS, a file Retrieval and

Editing system which was an improvement of his original Hypertext Editing System and was used commercially by Philips. Doug

Engelbart of the stand ford research Institute, inventor of the mouse, was also .inspired by the hypertext idea. In 1968 he introduced his

NLS, the Online System, which held in a "shared journal," over 100,000 papers, reports, memos and cross references. [W3C, SU].

In 1972, researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University began development of ZOG (doesn't stand for anything!) ZOG was a large database

designed for multi-user environment. The ZOG database consisted of frame which. in turn,, consisted . of a title, a description, a line

with standard ZOG commands, and a set of memo items (called selections) leading to other frames. The ZOG database was text only

and originally ran on an IBM mainframe. A PERQ workstation implementation of ZOG was used on the nuclear- powered aircraft

carrier USS Carl Vinson. Two of the original developers of ZOG, Donald McCracken and Robert Ankeny, later
developed KMS, ran on SUN and -HP Apollo workstations with much enhanced performance. Through KMS included a GUI, It still

remained a text-based System. lt was intended to be a collaborative tool, in that users could modify the visible to the others through

dynamically updated. In 1978, Andrew Lippmann of MIT Architecture Machine Group led a team of researchers that developed what is

argued to be the true hypermedia system called the Aspen movie map. This application was a virtual ride simulation through the city of

Aspen, Colorado. Four cameras, pointing in different directing diversions. Were mounted on a truck which was driven through the streets

of Aspen. The cameras took pictures at regular intervals, and all (he-pictures were compiled onto videodisks. The image were links in

such a way that it would allow the users to start a given point and move forward, back, left or right. Once a route through the city was

chosen, the system would display the images in rapid succession creating a movie like motion. The system also included images of the

interior of several landmarks aspen buildings, so the user could take a virtual tour of these buildings. Another interesting feature of the

system was a navigation map which was displayed in addition to the movie window, The user could jump directly to a point on the city

map instead of finding the way through city streets to that destination. The aspen movie map was a landmark in hypermedia development

in that, through a sophisticated application, it demonstrated what could be achieved with the technology at the time. [Debra, Su W3C].


Many online sources offer varying definitions, but mostly everyone agrees that the internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of

interconnected computer networks that allows sharing or networking of files and information at remote sites from other academic

institutes research institutes, private companies, government agencies and individuals using the transmission control protocol or intenet

protocol, and can communicate through phones and satellites. It is a three level hierarchy composed of backbone network, mid-level

network and stub networks. These include commercial, university and other research networks.

In the 1950s, computers were still very rare, and computer science was in its infancy. Most technological advancement during this period,

such as cryptography, radar and battlefield communication, was due to military operation during World War II, and the government

activities are at the base of the development of the internet. Three decades ago, the RAND Co-operation struggled with possible ways for

US authorities to successfully communicate after a nuclear war: Their chief concern was that any central control canter might be

destroyed by an enemy missile. In a plan made public in 1964, the RAND cooperation proposed that the new network has no central

authority. ARPA was a response to the Soviets launch of sputnik in 1957, mans first foray into outer space, along with the U.S.S.R testing

its first intercontinental ballistic missile In 1958. when NASSA was created, ARPAs main focus became computer science and

information processing. One goal was to connect mainframe computers at different universities around the country so that they would be

able to communicate using a common language and protocol.


The first record of social interaction enabled by networking is a series of memos written by J.C. R. Likelier from MIT in 1962.

Discussing his "Galactic Network" Concept. Likelier was a head of the computer research program at DARPA (Defense Advanced

Research Program Agency), a program launched by the U. S Department of defense, RAND and NPL were also working on packet

switched networks at the time and their work developed in parallel without the researchers knowing about the other work. The word

"packet" was adopted from the work at NPL, and by the end of 1969, four host computers were connected into the ARPANET, and the

building internet was off the ground. Even at this early stage, the networking research incorporated both works on the underlying

networks and work on how on how to utilize the network. This tradition continues to this day.


In 1971, there fifteen nodes in APARNET; by 1972 there thirty-seven, and the network users finally could begin to develop applications'.

In Octobers 1972. The first demonstration of the ARPANET was made public at the international
computer Communication conference. The initial "hot" application, electronic mail, was introduced. Basic email message were written.

sent and read. field, forwarded and answered. From there, email took off as the largest network application for over a decade. This led to

the kind of activity we see on the World Wide Web today, people-to-people" traffic. By the early 1990s. It became possible for people to

post information via internet sites. The first method for doing this was Gopher. Using this system, people look at a list of links Each link

led either to another Set of inks or to a document. A major new step came in 1994 with the development of the World Wide Web. Unlike

Gopher, it enabled users to jump from any point in another document known as "hypertext". In addition the World Wide Web soon grew

to support the use of pictures, sound files and movie clips.


A web browser is a software application which enables a user to display and internet with text, images, videos, music games and other

information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network. Text and images on a web

page can contain hyperlinks to other web pages at the same or different website. Web browsers allow a user to quickly and easily access

information provided on many web pages at many websites by traversing these links. Web browsers format HTML information for

display, so the appearance of a web page may differ between browsers. Some of the web browsers available for personal computer

includes internet Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Netscape, Opera Avast Browser, Conquerors, Explorer, Google Chrome, flock, Arachne,

Epiphany, K-meleon and AOL explorer. Web browsers are the most commonly used type of HTTP user agent. Although browsers a

typically used to access the World Wide Web, they can also be used to access information provided by web servers in private networks

or content in files systems. Web browsers communicate with web servers primarily using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to fetch

web -pages. HTTP allows web browsers to submit information to web servers as well as fetch web pages from them. The most

commonly used HTTP is HTTP/1.1, which is fully defined in REC2616. HTTPAT has its own required standards that Internet explorer

does not fully support, but most other curTent-generation web browser do, Pages are located by means of a URL (uniform resources

locator, RFC 1738), which is treated as an address, beginning with http: for HTTP access browsers also support a variety of other URL

types and their corresponding protocols, such as

gopher: for Gopher (a hierarchical hyper-linking protocol), ftp: for FTP (files transfer protocol), rtsp: for RTSP (real-time

streaming protocol), and https: for HTTPS (an SSL encrypted version of HTTP), The file format for a web page is usually

HTML (hypertext mark-up language) and is i identified in HTTP protocol using a MIME content type. Most browsers natively,

supports a variety of formats in addition to HTML, such as the JPEG. PNG and GIE image formats, and can be extended to

support more through the use of plugging. The combination of HTTP content type and URL protocol specification allows web

page designers to embed images, animations. video, sound and streaming media into a web page, or to make them accessible

through the web page. Early web browsers supported only a very version of HTML. The rapid development or proprietary web

browsers led to the development of non standard dialect of HTML, leading to problem with web interoperability. Modern web

browsers support a combination of standard and defector-based HTML and XHTML which should display in the same 'way

across all web browsers. No browser fully supports HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.X or CSS 2.1 yet. Currently many sites are

designed using WYSIWYG HTML generation programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage. Microsoft Front

Page often generates non standard HTML by default, hindering the work of w3C in developing standards, specifically with

XHTML and CSS (cascading style sheet, used for page layout). Dreamweaver and other modern Microsoft HTML development

tools such as Microsoft Expression web and Microsoft visual studio con form to the W3C standards. Some of the more popular

browsers include additional components to Support Usenet news, IRC (Internet Relav Chat), and email. Protocols supported may

include NNTP (Network Nos Transfer Protocol), SMTP {simple mail transfer protocol), IMAP (internet message access

protocol) and POP (Post Olice Protocol). These browsers are often referred to as internet suites or application suites.

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