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Factors of HRM in Industries

Made By :Muhammad Usama Farooqui
Abdullah Nadeem ,
Syed Muhammad Taha
Wajahat Khan
Human Resource Management (HRM) in
industries encompasses several essential
factors. It involves workforce planning, 20XX
recruitment, and selection to align the
organization's needs with the right talent.
HRM is responsible for training and
development programs that enhance
Factors of HRM in employee skills and knowledge. Performance
management ensures regular evaluations and
Industries feedback, while compensation and benefits
programs attract and retain talent. Employee
relations, health and safety measures, and
fostering engagement and diversity
contribute to a positive work culture.
Additionally, succession planning identifies
future leaders, ensuring smooth transitions,
and long-term organizational success.
Overall, these factors collectively enable
effective HRM in industries, optimizing
employee performance and driving
organizational growth.

Presentation Title 2

Work-life Balance 
Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium achieved between one's professional
commitments and personal life, allowing individuals to effectively manage and prioritize
their work responsibilities alongside personal well-being, family, and leisure activities. 3
Our Survey Results :

Questions: how satisfied are you with the current

work-life balance provided by the organization?

The survey results indicate that work-life balance satisfaction

within the IT company is mixed. While a significant portion of
employees are satisfied (37.5%) and very satisfied (8.3%), a
considerable proportion are dissatisfied (20.8%) or very dissatisfied
(12.5%). The neutral responses (20.8%) suggest a lack of strong
opinions.Possible reasons behind these findings include a lack of
flexibility in work schedules, high workload, inadequate time
management, cultural norms that prioritize work, insufficient
support systems, and ineffective communication and feedback
channels. Further investigation and employee feedback would be
valuable for a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying
factors affecting work-life balance satisfaction in the organization.

Presentation Title 4
Our Survey Results :

Questions: How often do you find it challenging to

manage your personal responsibilities and
commitments alongside your work responsibilities?

Approximately 41.7% of employees find it occasionally

challenging, while an equal percentage find it frequently
challenging to manage personal responsibilities alongside
work responsibilities. The presence of these challenges
suggests the need for interventions to improve work-life
balance. Further investigation is necessary to identify
specific factors causing these difficulties and develop
targeted solutions.

Presentation Title 5
Our Survey Results :

Question : Does the organization provide adequate

flexibility in terms of work hours or remote work options
to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Approximately 70.8% of employees indicated that the

organization provides flexibility in work hours or remote
work options, either occasionally or consistently.
However, 29.1% expressed a lack of adequate flexibility.
Identifying areas for improvement and addressing
concerns can help enhance work-life balance within the

Presentation Title 6
Our Survey Results :

Question : Are you satisfied with the organization's

policies and practices related to vacation time, parental
leave, or other forms of time-off?

The survey results show that satisfaction levels with the

organization's policies and practices related to vacation
time, parental leave, or other forms of time-off are mixed.
While a significant proportion of employees (37.5%) are
moderately or very satisfied, there is also a notable
percentage (46.6%) who expressed some level of
dissatisfaction or neutral feelings. Addressing specific
concerns and gathering further feedback can help
improve employee satisfaction in this area.

Presentation Title 7
Our Survey Results :

Question : How well does the organization promote a

culture that supports work-life balance and employee

Based on the survey results, it appears that the organization's

efforts in promoting a culture that supports work-life balance
and employee well-being are perceived positively by a
significant portion of employees. Equal proportions (41.7%)
indicated that the organization promotes this culture
moderately well and very well. However, there is still room for
improvement, as a small percentage (12.5%) felt that the
organization promotes it not very well, and a minority (4.2%)
responded "not at all." Addressing the concerns raised by
employees and further enhancing initiatives can contribute to
creating a stronger culture of work-life balance and employee
Presentation Title 8
Health and Safety
Presentation Title 9
Our Survey Results :

Question :How would you rate the overall level of

health and safety measures implemented by the

Based on the survey results, it appears that a significant percentage of

respondents (33.3%) rated the overall level of health and safety measures
implemented by the organization as excellent. Additionally, a large portion of
respondents (37.5%) considered the measures to be good. However, a smaller
percentage found them to be average (20.8%) or below average (8.3%). These
results suggest that the organization has generally implemented satisfactory
health and safety measures, but there may be room for improvement,
particularly for those who rated them as average or below average. Possible
reasons behind these ratings could include inadequate communication or
training on health and safety protocols, perceived lack of resources or support,
or specific incidents or concerns that have impacted employees' perception of
the measures. Further investigation or feedback from employees may help
identify the specific reasons for the ratings and guide improvements in the
organization's health and safety practices.

Presentation Title 10
Our Survey Results :

Question : Do you feel that the organization

provides a safe and healthy working environment?
Based on the survey results, it seems that a significant percentage of respondents
(45.8%) strongly agree that the organization provides a safe and healthy working
environment. An additional 25% somewhat agree with this statement. However, a
notable portion of respondents (20.8%) remained neutral, and some disagreed to
some extent. The reasons behind these ratings could vary and may include
perceptions of insufficient safety measures, concerns about workplace hazards,
lack of proper training, or incidents that have affected employees' confidence in the
organization's commitment to safety and health. To address these concerns and
improve the working environment, it would be beneficial for the organization to
assess and address specific issues raised by employees and enhance their
communication and engagement regarding safety measures. Based on the survey
results, it seems that a significant percentage of respondents (45.8%) strongly agree
that the organization provides a safe and healthy working environment. An
additional 25% somewhat agree with this statement. However, a notable portion of
respondents (20.8%) remained neutral, and some disagreed to some extent. The
reasons behind these ratings could vary and may include perceptions of insufficient
safety measures, concerns about workplace hazards, lack of proper training, or
incidents that have affected employees' confidence in the organization's
commitment to safety and health. To address these concerns and improve the
Presentation Title
working environment, it would be beneficial for the organization to assess and
address specific issues raised by employees and enhance their communication and
engagement regarding safety measures.
Our Survey Results :

Question: Are you provided with the necessary

resources and equipment to perform your job safely?

Based on the survey results, it appears that a considerable percentage of

respondents (45.8%) feel that they are always provided with the necessary
resources and equipment to perform their job safely. Another 45.8% stated
that they are provided with these resources and equipment sometimes.
However, a portion of respondents mentioned that they rarely or never
receive the necessary resources and equipment. The reasons behind these
ratings could include issues such as inadequate supply of safety equipment,
insufficient training on equipment usage, or delays in providing necessary
resources. To address these concerns, the organization should evaluate and
address any gaps in the provision of resources and equipment, improve
communication channels for employees to report issues, and ensure that all
employees have access to the necessary tools and equipment to perform their
jobs safely and efficiently.

Presentation Title 12
Our Survey Results :

Question: How effectively does the organization

communicate and educate employees about health and
safety policies, procedures, and protocols?

Based on the survey results, it appears that a significant percentage of

respondents (50%) believe that the organization communicates and educates
employees about health and safety policies, procedures, and protocols very
effectively. However, there are some respondents (16.7%) who feel that the
organization does not communicate and educate effectively in this regard.
Additionally, 33% of respondents rated the organization as moderately
effective in its communication and education efforts. The reasons behind
these ratings may include the clarity and frequency of communication, the
accessibility of information, the effectiveness of training programs, and the
level of employee engagement. To enhance communication and education,
the organization should consider gathering feedback from employees,
assessing the effectiveness of existing communication channels and training
programs, and making improvements based on identified areas of concern.
Regular updates, clear guidelines, and interactive training sessions can help
ensure that employees are well-informed about health and safety policies and
Presentation Title 13
Our Survey Results :

Question: Have you encountered any health and safety

concerns or incidents within the workplace? If yes,
please provide details.

Based on the survey results, a significant majority of respondents

(83.3%) have encountered health and safety concerns or incidents
within the workplace. However, specific details regarding the
nature of these concerns or incidents are not provided. It is
crucial for the organization to gather more information and
address these concerns promptly. Possible examples could
include slips, trips, and falls, ergonomic issues, equipment
malfunctions, exposure to hazardous substances, or inadequate
safety protocols. By investigating these incidents, implementing
corrective measures, and providing necessary training and
resources, the organization can work towards creating a safer and
healthier work environment for its employees.

Presentation Title 14
Employee Engagement and
Presentation Title 15
Our Survey Results :

Question: How would you rate the overall level of

employee engagement within the organization?

Based on the survey results, it appears that the majority of

employees (54.2%) perceive the overall level of employee
engagement within the organization to be average. This suggests
that there may be room for improvement in terms of creating a
more engaged workforce. The relatively low percentages for high
(29.2%) and very high (2%) ratings indicate that a significant
portion of employees may not feel highly engaged in their work.
Possible reasons behind this could include lack of clear
communication and goals, limited opportunities for growth and
development, inadequate recognition and rewards, or poor work-
life balance. Further investigation and targeted interventions in
these areas could help enhance employee engagement within the
Presentation Title 16
Our Survey Results :

Question: how effective do you find the

communication channels within the organization in
providing timely and relevant information?

According to the survey results, it appears that a significant

percentage of employees (41.7%) feel that the opportunities
provided to them for meaningful participation in decision-
making processes that affect their work are effective. However, it
is worth noting that a considerable number of respondents
(20.8%) rated these opportunities as very ineffective. This
indicates a potential gap between the perceived effectiveness of
employee participation in decision-making processes. It is
important to explore the reasons behind these ratings further.
Possible factors that could contribute to the dissatisfaction may
include limited communication channels, lack of transparency in
decision-making, or insufficient involvement of employees in
important discussions. Addressing these concerns and
Presentation Title measures to enhance employee participation and 17
involvement could help bridge the gap and improve employee
satisfaction in this area.
Our Survey Results :

Question: Are you satisfied with the opportunities

provided to you for meaningful participation in
decision-making processes that affect your work

The survey results indicate that a majority of employees (66.7%)

are very satisfied with the opportunities provided to them for
meaningful participation in decision-making processes that affect
their work. Additionally, 25% expressed moderate satisfaction.
However, a small percentage (8.3%) indicated that they were
somewhat satisfied, while only 2% reported being very
dissatisfied. Overall, the findings suggest that a significant
portion of employees feel content with their level of involvement
in decision-making, but there is room for improvement to address
the concerns of those who are less satisfied.

Presentation Title 18
Our Survey Results :

Question : How well does the organization recognize

and appreciate employee contributions and

According to the survey results, the majority of

employees (54.2%) believe that the organization
recognizes and appreciates their contributions and
achievements very well. Additionally, 29.2% feel that the
recognition is moderately well. However, a smaller
percentage expressed dissatisfaction, with 12.5% stating
that recognition is not very well and 5% feeling that it is
not at all satisfactory. Overall, the findings indicate a
generally positive perception of recognition and
appreciation, but there is room for improvement to
address the concerns of those who feel less valued.
Presentation Title 19
Our Survey Results :

Question : Are you provided with regular feedback

and performance evaluations to support your
professional growth and development?

The survey results indicate that a majority of employees (66.7%)

are very satisfied with the opportunities provided to them for
meaningful participation in decision-making processes that affect
their work. Additionally, 25% expressed moderate satisfaction.
However, a small percentage (8.3%) indicated that they were
somewhat satisfied, while only 2% reported being very
dissatisfied. Overall, the findings suggest that a significant
portion of employees feel content with their level of involvement
in decision-making, but there is room for improvement to address
the concerns of those who are less satisfied.

Presentation Title 20
Work-life balance, employee engagement, communication, and health and safety are critical aspects of a thriving and
productive workplace. Based on the survey results, there is a mix of satisfaction levels in these areas, highlighting the
need for improvement in certain areas.

Work-Life Balance: While a significant portion of employees expressed satisfaction with work-life balance, a notable percentage
reported challenges in managing personal responsibilities alongside work responsibilities. Improving flexibility in work arrangements,
implementing effective time management strategies, and fostering a culture that values work-life balance can enhance employee
satisfaction in this area.
Employee Engagement: Employee engagement plays a vital role in productivity and job satisfaction. The survey results suggest a
moderate level of employee engagement. To further improve engagement, organizations can focus on fostering a positive work
environment, providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions, and encouraging
open communication and collaboration.
Communication: Communication is crucial for effective collaboration and creating a transparent and inclusive work environment. While
the survey results indicate moderate satisfaction levels, addressing the concerns of employees who expressed dissatisfaction or neutrality
is essential. Organizations should invest in clear and regular communication channels, encourage feedback and dialogue, and ensure that
information is shared consistently at all levels.
Health and Safety: The survey did not provide specific results for health and safety, but it is a vital aspect of employee well-being.
Prioritizing health and safety measures, implementing safety protocols, providing adequate training, and fostering a culture of well-being
can create a safe and healthy work environment.

Presentation Title 21
Steps To Improve
Conduct regular assessments: Continuously assess the work-life balance, employee engagement, communication,
and health and safety practices within the organization through surveys, feedback sessions, and discussions to
identify areas for improvement.
Enhance flexibility: Provide more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to
support work-life balance and empower employees to manage personal responsibilities effectively.
Foster employee engagement: Invest in employee development programs, recognize and reward achievements,
encourage open communication, and create opportunities for employee involvement in decision-making processes.
Improve communication channels: Implement transparent and efficient communication channels, such as regular
team meetings, town halls, and feedback mechanisms, to foster better information flow and encourage open
Prioritize health and safety: Establish comprehensive health and safety protocols, provide adequate training to
employees, regularly review and update safety measures, and foster a culture that values employee well-being.
Support mental health: Offer resources and programs to support employee mental health, such as counseling
services, stress management workshops, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Presentation Title 22
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