Publishing Software

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Publishing software

Desktop publishing (DTP) software

 an application program used to create professional

quality documents that combine text and visual

elements in non-linear arrangements
 mixing text and graphics to produce high quality

documents for commercial printing.

 easily create, customize and publish materials

such as news letters, brochure, flyers and

banners, business card catalogs.
 For needs of individuals and organizations
To start publisher/
click Start All programs  Microsoft office 
Microsoft office publisher2007/10
Creating publication/creating new publisher
To create a new publication based of a pre – designed
template perform the following steps
Choose publication types list like:-Brochures
Click publication category bounce
Apply customize color, font, business information, create new
individual name, Job position or title, organization or
Business name, Motto or business tagline and logo, address,
phone, email, and fax
 click create
Formatting publications
 Inserting symbols
 Formatting paragraphs
 Creating paragraph styles
 Formatting picture frames
 Customizing picture appearance.
 Inserting word Art, Design Gallery object

Printing publications
 Before printing publication, you must
always check how it will look on paper
by previewing
 File  print
 Saving file  save/save as
A database is a collection of interrelated
files in a computer system.
 Database management system (DBMS) is

a general purpose application software

that sets up and controls the structure of a
database and access to the data.
 Table:- contains rows and columns that

define an entity.
 Record :- Row of information.
 Field :- columns in a database table.
 Data type :- specifies the type of data

that a column in a table represents in a

Eg. Numeric, text, date, etc
 Primary key:- Every table should
contain a field that uniquely identifies
each record stored in it.
Creating tables
 Start all programs  MS Office  MS office
 Blank database  write file name  create
 Crate  table design  write field name, and

data type etc

Creating Queries
 Query is a database object, which is used for

extracting data from one or more tables based

on specific conditions.
 Create tab  query design  select table 

Add button & can change design grid.

Creating Forms
 A form is a database object that you can use to

enter, edit or display data from a table or query.

The three most common views are
1. form view: in which you enter data.
2. Datasheet view: which looks essentially like a
3. Design view : in which you work with the
elements of the form to refine the way it looks
and works.
Create tab  form  Format & save
Creating reports
 A report is a database object that used for

information in a customized format,

either on computer screen or on paper.
 Create tab  report  Format & save

Class work
Page 54-55
Activity 2.4

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