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 Collections of People

Another collection of people

A social group refers to Not every collection of which is not considered as
two or more people who individuals can be called a These temporary, loosely social group
identify and interact with one group. People with a status in formed collections of people but are labeled with other
another. Human beings come common, such as women, are better termed a crowd. In nomenclature is aggregate
together in couples, families, homeowners, soldiers, general, crowds are too which refer to a cluster of
circles of friends, churches, millionaires, and Roman anonymous and transitory to people who may be on close
clubs, businesses, Catholics, are not a group but a qualify as groups. physical proximity but do not
neighborhoods, and large
category. interact with one
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To differentiate the social group from the other collections
of people, its characteristics can be described as follows:

1. Group members interact on a fairly regular basis THE SOCIAL

through communication. They affect and influence GROUP
each other.
2. The members of the group develop a structure where
each member assumes a specific status and adopts a
particular role. Each member accepts certain duties
and responsibilities and is entitled to certain privileges.
3. The members of the group agree to some extent on
important norms, goals, and values. Certain orderly
procedures and values are agreed upon.
4. The members of the group feel a sense of identity.
They think of themselves as united and interdependent,
somewhat apart from other people.
Groups According to Social Ties

Primary Group TYPES OF

 It is the most fundamental unit of human society. It is a long- SOCIAL
lasting group whose members have intimate, personal,
continuous face to face relationships.
 According to Charles Horton Cooley, it is a small social 1. Groups According to Social
group whose members share personal and enduring
relationships. Bound by primary relationships, people 2. Groups According to Self-
typically spend a great deal of time together, engage in a
wide range of activities, and feel that they know one another 3. Groups According to Purpose
well. 4. Groups According to Geographical
Location and Degree or Quality of
 Examples of which are families, gangs, cliques, play groups, Relationship
and friendship groups. 5. Groups According to Form of
Groups According to Social Ties

Secondary Group TYPES OF

 Refers to the group with which the individual comes in SOCIAL
contact later in life. This group has characteristics that are
the opposite of primary group.
 It is also referred to as a large and impersonal social group 1. Groups According to Social
whose members pursue a specific goal or activity.
2. Groups According to Self-
 Most secondary groups are short term, beginning and ending Identification
without particular significance. 3. Groups According to Purpose
 Secondary groups include more people than primary groups.
4. Groups According to Geographical
 Examples of which are industrial workers, business Location and Degree or Quality of
associates, faculty staff, company employees.
5. Groups According to Form of
Groups According to Self-Identification

 It is a social unit in which individuals feel at home and with SOCIAL
which they identify. Members of the in-group have the “we” GROUPS
feeling for they are similar in certain ways, such as being
1. Groups According to Social Ties
poor, being rich, being a Tagalog, and other social
categories. 2. Groups According to Self-
 It is also a social group commanding a member’s esteem and
loyalty. It exists in relation to an out-group. 3. Groups According to Purpose

Out-Group 4. Groups According to Geographical

Location and Degree or Quality of
 It is a social unit to which individuals do not belong due to Relationship
differences in certain social categories and with which they 5. Groups According to Form of
do not identify. Organization

 One example is if we are law abiders, the out-group is the

law violators; if we violate the laws, the law abiders are the
Groups According to Self-Identification

Reference Group
 It refers to the group to which we consciously or unconsciously SOCIAL
refer when we try to evaluate our own life situations and behavior,
but to which we do not necessarily belong.
 It serves a comparison function; it provides us with standards 1. Groups According to Social Ties
against which we evaluate ourselves. Thus, depending on which 2. Groups According to Self-
groups we select to compare ourselves with, we can feel deprived Identification
or privileged, satisfied or discontented, fortunate or unfortunate.
3. Groups According to Purpose
 Example: If we belong to the middle class, we may feel fortunate
4. Groups According to Geographical
and satisfied in comparison to the poor class or dissatisfied in Location and Degree or Quality of
comparison with the rich or upper class. It all depends on which Relationship
social category serves as a reference group.
5. Groups According to Form of
Groups According to Purpose

Special Interest Group TYPES OF

It refers to a group which is organized to meet the SOCIAL
special interest of its members. GROUPS
Example: Hobby groups. 1. Groups According to Social Ties
Task Group 2. Groups According to Self-
This group is assigned to accomplish jobs which cannot
3. Groups According to Purpose
be done by one person.
4. Groups According to Geographical
Example: Working Committee, Construction Workers. Location and Degree or Quality of
Influence or Pressure Group
5. Groups According to Form of
 This refers to a group organized to support or influence Organization
social actions.
 Example: Social Movements, Campaign Groups, Political
Groups According to Geographical Location and
Degree or Quality of Relationship
 Gemeinschaft SOCIAL
 It refers to a social system in which most relationships are
personal or traditional. It is a community of intimate, private,
and exclusive living and familism. The activities, interest, 1. Groups According to Social Ties
and personalities of the members center around the large 2. Groups According to Self-
family groups and neighbors. Culture is homogeneous and Identification
tradition-bound. 3. Groups According to Purpose
 Example: Tribal groups, agricultural and fishing villages, 4. Groups According to
barrio. Geographical Location and
Degree or Quality of
 Gesselschaft
 This is a social system in which most relationships are
5. Groups According to Form of
impersonal, formal, contractual or bargain-like. Organization
Relationships are individualistic, business-like, secondary
and rationalized. Culture is heterogeneous and more
 Example: City or urban groups.
Groups According to Form of Organization

Formal Group TYPES OF

It is also called social organization. It is deliberately SOCIAL
formed, and its purpose and objectives are explicitly GROUPS
defined. Its goals are clearly stated and the division of 1. Groups According to Social Ties
labor is based on member’s ability or merit.
2. Groups According to Self-
Formal organizations have a certain type of Identification
administrative machinery which is aimed to enable 3. Groups According to Purpose
members meet its goals. This administrative structure is 4. Groups According to Geographical
called “bureaucracy” The best example of bureaucracy Location and Degree or Quality of
is the government.
5. Groups According to Form of
Groups According to Form of Organization

Bureaucracy TYPES OF
o refers to a hierarchical arrangement in large-scale SOCIAL
formal organizations in which parts of the organization GROUPS
are ordered in the manner of a pyramid based on a 1. Groups According to Social Ties
division of function and authority. (Weber, M. 1965)
2. Groups According to Self-
3. Groups According to Purpose
4. Groups According to Geographical
Location and Degree or Quality of

5. Groups According to Form of

Groups According to Form of Organization

Weber identified the following characteristics of a TYPES OF

bureaucracy: SOCIAL
1. Positions and offices are clearly defined. GROUPS
2. The hierarchical arrangement of authority, rights, and 1. Groups According to Social Ties
obligations is specifically drawn and clear-cut. 2. Groups According to Self-
3. The personnel are selected on the basis of technical
or professional qualification and expert training and 3. Groups According to Purpose

competence through competitive examination. 4. Groups According to Geographical

Location and Degree or Quality of
4. Definite rules govern official behavior. Relationship

5. Security of tenure and the pursuit of a career with 5. Groups According to Form of
promotion in the hierarchy are assured. Organization
Groups According to Form of Organization

Informal Group TYPES OF

This group arises spontaneously out of the interactions SOCIAL
of two or more persons. It is unplanned: it has no GROUPS
explicit rules for membership and does not have 1. Groups According to Social Ties
specific objectives to be attained. It has the
2. Groups According to Self-
characteristics of primary groups and members are Identification
bound by emotions and sentiments. 3. Groups According to Purpose
Example: Barkadas and gangs. 4. Groups According to Geographical
Location and Degree or Quality of

5. Groups According to Form of

Groups According to Form of Organization

Group Size TYPES OF

If you are the first person to arrive at a party, SOCIAL
you are in a position to watch some fascinating GROUPS
group dynamics. Until about six people enter the 1. Groups According to Social Ties
room, everyone usually shares a single 2. Groups According to Self-
conversation. But as more people arrive, the Identification

group divides into two or more clusters. Size 3. Groups According to Purpose

plays an important role in how group members 4. Groups According to Geographical

Location and Degree or Quality of
interact. Relationship

5. Groups According to Form of

Groups According to Form of Organization

The Dyad TYPES OF

This is the term used to designate a social SOCIAL
group with two members. This is GROUPS
according to German Sociologist Georg 1. Groups According to Social Ties
Groups According to Self-
Simmel, who studied group dynamics in 2.
smaller groups. 3. Groups According to Purpose

 Simmel explained that social interaction 4. Groups According to Geographical

Location and Degree or Quality of
in a dyad is typically more intense than in Relationship

larger groups because neither member 5. Groups According to Form of

shares the other’s attention with anyone
else. In the United States, love affairs,
marriages, and the closest friendships are
Groups According to Form of Organization

The Triad TYPES OF

Simmel also studied the triad, a social group with SOCIAL
three members. A triad contains three relationships, GROUPS
each joining two of the three people. 1. Groups According to Social Ties
Is more stable than a dyad because one member can 2. Groups According to Self-
act as a mediator should the relationship between the Identification
other two become strained. Such group dynamics 3. Groups According to Purpose
help explain why members of a dyad (say, a married 4. Groups According to Geographical
couple) often seek out a third person (counselor) to Location and Degree or Quality of
air tensions between them.
5. Groups According to Form of
Groups According to Form of Organization

Social Network
A network is a web of weak social ties. Think of a
network as a "fuzzy" group containing people who GROUPS
come into occasional contact but who lack a sense of 1. Groups According to Social Ties
boundaries and belonging. If we think of a group as a 2. Groups According to Self-
"circle of friends," then, we might describe a network Identification
as a "social web" expanding outward, often reaching 3. Groups According to Purpose
great distances and including large numbers of 4. Groups According to Geographical
people. Location and Degree or Quality of

5. Groups According to Form of

 A century ago, most people lived in small groups of
family, friends, and neighbors. Today, our lives FORMAL
revolve more and more around formal
organizations, large secondary groups that are ORGANIZATIO
organized to achieve their goals efficiently. NS
 Formal organizations such as business corporation
and government
Utilitarian Organizations
 Just about everyone works for income belongs to a FORMAL
utilitarian organization, one that pays people for their ORGANIZATIO
efforts. Large businesses, for example, generate
profits for their owners and income for their
employees. 1. Utilitarian
2. Normative Organizations
3. Coercive Organizations
Normative Organizations
 People join normative organizations not for income FORMAL
but to pursue some goals which they think are ORGANIZATIO
morally worthwhile. Sometimes called voluntary
associations, these include community service
groups (such as PTA, the Lions Club, the League of 1. Utilitarian Organizations
Women Voters, and the Red Cross), as well as 2. Normative
political parties and religious organizations. Organizations
3. Coercive Organizations
Coercive Organizations
 Coercive organizations have an involuntary FORMAL
membership. That is, people join these as a form of ORGANIZATIO
punishment (prison) or treatment (psychiatric
1. Utilitarian Organizations
2. Normative Organizations
3. Coercive Organizations

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