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Opening Prayer

 Reflect on the words of Jesus
against every temptation
 Discuss the value of

Module 6
 LESSON 1 : Three Responses

 LESSON 2 :
 Sacarament of Reconciliation
Three Responses
While in the
desert, Jesus was
tempted by Satan
Jesus responed the temptation of Satan by
Quoting the Sacred Scripture
“If you are the son
of God, command
these stones to
become loaves of
He responds…
“It is written, one
does not lived by
bread alone, but the
word that comes from
the mouth of God.”
• He pointed out the value of God’s
word in life.

• It serves as food for our soul and

guides us in our daily living
towards what is true, good and
“If you are the son of God,
throw yourself down for
what is written, “He will
command all the angels
concerning you and On their
hands they will bear you up
so you will not dash your
foot against a stone
He responds…
“Again, it is written,
do not put the Lord,
your God to the
• He reminded us that trust in God
helps us to handle our daily
experiences with peace.

• Thus, the attitude of surrendering

everything to Him with faith makes
our life easy.
“All these I will give
to you, If you will
fall down and
worship me .”
He responds…
“Away with you,
Satan! for it is
written, worship
your Lord your God
and serve only Him.”
• He leads us to the truth of the first

• The Lord, our Creator, Provider of

all things deserves a faithful
worship and service.
Did you know that….

• Pure of Heart helps you to fight

against temptation

• Peacemakers: those who redeemed

life by overcoming the temptations
of the devil
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
This sacrament made us reconcile
with Jesus and fixed our broken
relationship with God.
It has three steps to be followed:

It underlines the importance of

accepting our sins while asking for
God’s forgiving grace
Sacrament of Penance

It emphasizes the whole process of conversion

including contrition, repentance and
satisfaction which the penitent enters into, both
personally and as a member of the Church
Sacrament of Reconciliation

It brings closer relationship with

one being reconciled with God
and neighbors.
Sacrament of Reconciliation

This link is stressed by Christ in

His Sermon on the mount.
“Go and be reconciled with your
brother, then come and offer you
gift of God.”
As a people of God, we are
reminded of two step
A step backward to
recall and be sorry on
A step forward not
the things that we have
to get sin again. done to the Lord.
 Jesus gave 3 responses to the temptation of the Devil

 The Pure of Heart helps us to fight temptation and

overcomes temptations of the devil

 As God’s people, we are reminded of the two-backward

step movement of the Lord; a backward step to recall
and be sorry on how little we have done for the Lord all
the time and step forward a chance to do good and not
to sin anymore.

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