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1. Define the concept of
2. Drawing conclusions from a set
of details; and
3. Summarizing information from
the text listened to.
Below are the jumbled steps in synthesizing information from a
number of different sources. Write the correct number sequence
before each sentence.
__ A. Then read relevant material.
__ B. Make notes on key points from this material. Remember to
always use your own voice and to reference the ideas and words
of others.
__ C. From all of this information you now synthesize or write a
new text.
__ D. Identity common ideas and differences between the texts.
__ E. Then create a summary for each text.
__ F. You should begin by brainstorming your ideas on the topic.
Activity 1
Find the right way to get out of this maze.
Find the correct tunnel to go and collect the
words contained in it. Arrange the words to
produce the correct quotation to be placed
in the boxes provided. After you unlock it,
express your idea about it. Go forth and
Synthesizing is like a puzzle. You need to put pieces and details
together to make a whole new idea. As we already know, we can
find various information through reading, listening, and
watching. However, in order for us to benefit more from reading,
we should only select the information that is essential. To do this,
we must first make sure whether it is factual, accurate or
reliable. We can advance our reading comprehension and
information processing with the help of synthesizing.
However, synthesizing is one of the challenging reading
strategies. Many are confused and mistaken that this is the same
as summarizing or making a conclusion. Actually, these three
strategies are different but they are related.
✓ Summary comes from the Latin word
summa which means "whole, totality, gist." It
means giving an overview of the text’s main
points (either from reading, listening or
watching) using your own words. It is just
more on retelling details and usually shorter
than the original one.
✓ On the other hand, conclusion means a
reasoned judgment or inference. It is an afterword
that contains the essence of something, it is
achieved after considering all the important
points. Conclusion is no place for bringing up
new ideas but rather it wraps up the main points.
✓ Synthesis comes from the Greek word
“syntithenai” –syn means together and
tithenai means to put or to place. In other
words, it means putting ideas and findings
from multiple sources together in order to
make an overall and new idea.
Activity 2
Directions: Read the following statements. Categorize the following as summary,
conclusion or synthesis. Write SUM for Summary; CON for Conclusion or
Inference and SYN for Synthesis.
__________ 1. It aims to create an understanding or original
perspective of the information from various texts.
__________ 2. It combines multiple sources to create
new ideas.
__________ 3. It is a judgment or decision reached by reasoning.
__________ 4. It is no place for bringing up new ideas
and ties up the main points.
__________ 5. It is always shorter than the original text, and often
about 1/3 in length compared to the original. __________ 6. It
gives a brief overview of what was
discussed in the story or article.
Directions. Read the summarized information about
Community Pantry. Make sure you highlight the important
points in each source given, for you to answer the questions
Process Questions:
1. What key point/s did you get from Source 1? Source 2?
Source 3? Source 4?
2. What similarities and differences did you identify from the
3. Complete the organizer below.
Share With us the idea you have got from the summaries.
Upon exploring the topic from multiple
At first, I was thinking….
Now, I’m thinking…
After reading, I think…
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the
letters wisely.
1. What should be considered when making a summary for
an informational text?
A. solution B. facts and details
C. characters and setting D. problem
2. The following are examples of summary, EXCEPT:
B. Achieves new idea.
C. Presents the overview.
C. Reiterates the information
D. A basic reading technique
3. It is an act of arriving at a conclusion based on evidence.
A. Fact B. Opinion
C. Summary D. Reasoned Judgment
4. What does a conclusion do?
A. Link ideas together. B. Does not introduce a new idea.
C. Wraps up the main points. D. All of these.
5. Which is true about synthesizing?
A. Integrating and retelling multiple details
B. Integrating multiple details from multiple texts to generate bigger
C. Integrating multiple details and generating bigger thought
D. Putting ideas from various sources together to produce new idea
A. B only B. A and C only C. B and D only D. C only
Day 2
Activity 1
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
otherwise. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
1. When you synthesize you need to look at what two or
more writers say about the same topic.
2. Supporting details guide you in making your synthesis.
3. Notes taking is an important step of synthesizing.
4. Synthesizing is similar to summarizing.
5. You need to look for essential information from
different sources to make an overall point.
Synthesizing is the process through which readers
bring together their background knowledge and their
evolving understanding of the book to create a complete
and original understanding of the text (Debbie Miller,
2013, p.171). Readers synthesize information by
combining facts from various sources to create an overall
understanding of the material. To develop a deeper level
of understanding, readers combine their prior
knowledge, new information from the reading, and facts
learned during conversation.
Synthesizing simply means combining. Instead of
summarizing the main points of each source in turn, you put
together the ideas and findings of multiple sources in order to
make an overall point. This is all guided by your thesis.
Your thesis is the sentence or paragraph that asserts your
idea or hypothesis, which your paper will then prove or
disprove. You do this with the sources you collect and then
assess, compiling the information provided, and then coming
up with a hypothesis. At this point, you determine connections,
relatable information, or even directly contradictory data. Then
you can use this to create a homogeneous thought process and
final assertion for your thesis.
The REST Method
R – read two different sources about a topic and
record ideas.
E – edit notes and combine concepts that are similar.
S – synthesize by combining notes with what you
already know about the topic.
T – think about your new ideas and connect them to
what you already know.  
Activity 2
Traditions are an essential part of our society.
They help form the structure and foundation of
our families and our society. Freedom, faith,
integrity, a good education, personal
responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value
of selflessness are all reinforced by tradition.
Read the article below about Indian wedding
tradition. While reading, fill in the graphic
organizer with your thinking.
The Smarter of the Two
Satya Kiran
The traditions of an Indian wedding are old and
unique. People have little spare time these days. So,
many traditions are being omitted. The ones that
survive by virtue of their value and worth are
observed. One such tradition is of tying a sacred thread
on the wrists of the groom and the bride by their
respective families prior to wedding. These threads are
removed at the house of the groom in the presence of
relatives after the religious ceremonies are over.
Originated long ago, the tradition of gana banana (tying
the sacred thread) is also known as the rasam of kangna. It is
believed that since the thread is sanctified by the family priest,
it protects the persons tying the knot. The younger brothers of
the groom and the younger sisters of the bride apply some
sticky material on the knots to make it difficult to untie it. Even
the learned believe that since it carries positive vibes, it is
empowered to protect. The tradition had started long ago
when the bride and groom were not allowed to see each other
before the wedding. And this tradition would allow them to
catch a glimpse of each other when allowed to play the game
of kangna.
The married couple is asked to play this game
by the nain. Some milk mixed with sufficient water
(kutchi lassi)is prepared in a big dish called praat. In
this mixture, some rice grain and turmeric powder is
mixed. It then no longer remains transparent. First, the
bride unbinds the sacred thread of the groom. The
women sing: ‘Kangna khohl piariye tere devran bahnia,
manmohnian bahnia’ (Dear bride, untie the sacred
thread that the handsome younger brothers of your
groom have tied).
Then, the groom unties the bride’s thread and the women sing:
‘Kangna khohl piaria teri salian bahnia, baran talian bahnia’ (Dear
groom, untie the sacred thread that the clever sisters of your bride
have tied). The nain then takes the bride’s ring and throws it into the
mixture, along with a silver coin. Now, both the bride and the groom
are allowed to locate these two objects, with both of them trying to
intentionally touch each other’s hands. Doing so, they would even
try to see each other’s face for the first time. People would believe
that finding the ring and the coin would prove who among the
couple was smarter. The one who would find any object first was
treated as intelligent and resourceful. The other one was supposed
to play second fiddle in the matrimonial alliance in future.
Directions. Based on the information in
the article and what you already know,
write an essay about your
understanding of Indian wedding
tradition. Write your answer in your
activity notebook. Your essay will be
based on the following rubric:
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letters
1. What should be considered when making a summary for an
informational text?
A. solution B. facts and details
C. characters and setting D. problem
2. The following are examples of summary, EXCEPT:
A. Achieves new idea. B. Presents the overview.
C. Reiterates the information D. A basic reading technique
3. It is an act of arriving at a conclusion based on evidence.
B. Fact B. Opinion
C. Summary D. Reasoned Judgment
4. What does a conclusion do?
A. Link ideas together. B. Does not introduce a new idea.
C. Wraps up the main points. D. All of these.
5. Which is true about synthesizing?
A. Integrating and retelling multiple details
B. Integrating multiple details from multiple texts to generate
bigger thought
C. Integrating multiple details and generating bigger thought
D. Putting ideas from various sources together to produce new
A. B only B. A and C only C. B and D only D. C only
Additional Activity
Read the main ideas from the
articles below. How are these
connected? What summary,
conclusion and synthesis can you
draw from both of these ideas.
Week 4-
Quarter 4
You have learned that composing an effective
paragraph using transitional devices is a good
foundation in writing. Paragraphs that are put
together can provide relevant information which
could be your source when expanding your ideas.
However, writing a composition requires not only
this skill but also this technique in selecting
information and organizing your ideas. Are you
ready to learn this new skill?
An outline is a tool used in
improving and organizing written
ideas about a topic into a logical
order. Writers use outlines when
writing their papers to know
which topic to cover and in what
What are the contents of an outline?
Contents Definition
Thesis Statement a one-sentence statement that expresses
the main idea of an essay
Major Topics refer to the major phrases /sentences which
are formed from the thesis statement
Subtopics refer to the minor phrases/ sentences
which are formed from the major topics
Supporting Details phrases /sentences which provide
additional information to clarify or prove
the main idea. These details help you
explain further the ideas presented by the
major topics and subtopics.
Primary Source: (Research report)
What’s More
World Health Organization advised countries to
strengthen public health surveillance for case identification and
contact tracing, including in low-resource, weak, or high-risk
settings and to maintain essential health services with
sufficient funding, supplies, and human resources. Countries
were advised to implement fair measures and advice on travel,
based on risk assessments, and to review these measures
Source: “COVID-19 Emergency Committee highlights need for response efforts over long term”,
World Health Organization, August 1, 2021, /item/01-08-2020-covid-
19- emergency-committee-highlights-needfor-response-efforts-over-long-term
Secondary Source: (Editorial)
What’s More
World Health Organization advised countries to strengthen public
health surveillance for case identification and contact tracing, including
in low-resource, weak, or high-risk settings and to maintain essential
health services with sufficient funding, supplies, and human resources.
Countries were advised to implement fair measures and advice on
travel, based on risk assessments, and to review these measures
Source: “COVID-19 Emergency Committee highlights need for response efforts over long term”, World Health
Organization, August 1, 2021, /item/01-08-2020-covid-19- emergency-committee-
highlights-needfor-response-efforts-over-long-term While COVID-19 presents a healthcare crisis, the economic
paralysis that nations will experience because of current and future expected shutdowns/lockdowns and
mandatory quarantines will likely be even more catastrophic. Even as there is a critical need for the world to
collectively engage with the virus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease it causes, there is a visible lack of
leadership at a global level. Source: Banerjee D, “The COVID-19 outbreak: the crucial role psychiatrists can
play” Asian J. Psychiatr, 2020, [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar
Thesis Statement: COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult challenge faced by the
government because it has brought massive breakdown to the economy,
destabilization of the educational system, and anxieties among families and
communities in the country.
I. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic
A. World Economy
1. Travel
a. fair measures
1. risk assessment
2. travel advice
b. mandatory quarantine
2. Tourism
3. Manufacturing Industries
4. Family Income
Notice that in the expanded content of an outline, some important keywords
taken from primary and secondary sources were added.
Day 2,
Week 4
Thesis Statement
Activity 1: The following sentences below are parts of a sentence outline
about the topic “Why the School Year Should Be Shorter”. Read and analyze
each sentence. Write MT if the sentence is a Major Topic, ST for Subtopic, and
SD for Supporting Detail.
Thesis Statement: The school year should be shortened in order to save school
funds, improve learner’s academic results, and benefit teachers.
__1. Teachers could have time for professional development.
__ 2. The school could save costs on electricity and water bills.
__ 3. Teachers could have enough rest and are able to teach more effectively.
__ 4. A shorter school year would benefit teachers in many ways.
__ 5. A shorter school year would help save school funds.
__ 6. The department could save money on energy costs and other operating
__ 7. A shorter school year means much lower supply and
transportation costs.
__ 8. Teachers can balance time between family life, teaching,
responsibilities, and career growth.
__ 9. Enough rest for learners would help improve concentration,
thus, boosting their performance in school.
__ 10. Shorter school year gives learners enough time to balance
learning, recreation, and relaxation.
__ 11. Shorter school year would help improve test scores and
academic results.
__ 12. A shorter school year would mean more focus on learning the
most essential competencies and less stress on accomplishing school
requirements for learners.
Activity 1: The following sentences below are parts of a sentence outline
about the topic “Why the School Year Should Be Shorter”. Read and
analyze each sentence. Write MT if the sentence is a Major Topic, ST for
Subtopic, and SD for Supporting Detail.
 Thesis Statement: The school year should be shortened in order to save
school funds, improve learner’s academic results, and benefit teachers.
SD 1. Teachers could have time for professional development.
SD 2. The school could save costs on electricity and water bills.
SD 3. Teachers could have enough rest and are able to teach more
MT 4. A shorter school year would benefit teachers in many ways.
MT 5. A shorter school year would help save school funds.
ST 6. The department could save money on energy costs and other
operating expenses.
SD 7. A shorter school year means much lower supply and
transportation costs.
ST 8. Teachers can balance time between family life, teaching,
responsibilities, and career growth.
SD 9. Enough rest for learners would help improve concentration,
thus, boosting their performance in school.
ST 10. Shorter school year gives learners enough time to balance
learning, recreation, and relaxation.
MT 11. Shorter school year would help improve test scores and
academic results.
SD 12. A shorter school year would mean more focus on learning the
most essential competencies and less stress on accomplishing school
requirements for learners.
a. Topic Outline – words and phrases are used
a. Sentence Outline – ideas are written in the form of sentences
Based on your answers in Activity 1, organize the ideas to make a sentence outline following
the template provided below.
Thesis Statement: The school year should be shortened in order to save school funds,
improve academic results of learners and benefit teachers.
I. Major Topic:
A. Subtopic:
1. Supporting Detail:
2. Supporting Detail:
II. Major Topic:
A. Subtopic:
1. Supporting Detail:
2. Supporting Detail:
III. Major Topic:
A. Subtopic:
1. Supporting Detail:
2. Supporting Detail:
 Thesis Statement: The school year should be shortened in order to save school funds, improve
academic results of learners and benefit teachers.
I. Major Topic: A shorter school year would help save school funds.
A. Subtopic: The department could save money on energy costs and other operating expenses.
1. Supporting Detail: A shorter school year means much lower supply and transportation costs.
2. Supporting Detail: The school could save costs on electricity and water bills.
II. Major Topic: Shorter school year would help improve test scores and academic results.
A. Subtopic: Shorter school year gives learners enough time to balance learning, recreation, and
1. Supporting Detail: Enough rest for learners would help improve concentration, thus, boosting
their performance in school.
2. Supporting Detail: A shorter school year would mean more school requirements for learners.
III. Major Topic: A shorter school year would benefit teachers in many ways.
A. Subtopic: Teachers can balance time between family life, teaching, responsibilities, and career
1. Supporting Detail: Teachers could have enough rest and are able to teach more effectively.
2. Supporting Detail: Teachers could have time for professional development.
Activity 3: Know Your Source!
Directions: Read the following statements inside the cards. Determine if the following
statements are primary sources or secondary sources. Write letter PS for primary source
and letter SS for secondary source on a separate sheet of paper.
__I was watching GMA news and one of the reporters presented data about the number of
patients that have recovered from Covid-19.
__I have found a letter in the locker room of my friend the other day.
__I know it is private, but I read it anyway. My friends and I found an old wedding painting
in our attic. My father said it belonged to my grandmother.
__I am reading textbooks to search more information about Philippine history. My friend,
David, said that I should read the history book which he really liked. It sounds good!
__I have read sports magazines. I really like the articles written by sports enthusiasts about
UAAP players.
__I am writing an essay about Social Amelioration Program (SAP) for my Social Science
subject. I use articles from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia.
__I am doing homework on a current health issue, so I read the commentaries of medical
professionals about COVID-19 positive cases.
__I was also looking into the artworks of Dr. Jose Rizal to help me in my History class
research project.
Activity #3: Read the following sentences. Determine if the underlined statements are primary sources
or secondary sources. Write letter PS for primary source and letter SS for secondary source.
PS 1. I was watching GMA news and one of the reporters presented data about the number of patients
that have recovered from Covid-19.
PS 2. I have found a letter in the locker room of my friend the other day. I know it is private, but I read it
PS 3. My friends and I found an old wedding painting in our attic. My father said it belonged to my
SS 4. I am reading textbooks to search more information about Philippine history.
SS 5. My friend, David, said that I should read the history book which he really liked. It sounds good!
PS 6. I was also looking into the artworks of Dr. Jose Rizal to help me in my History class research
SS 7. I am writing an essay about Social Amelioration Program (SAP) for my Social Science subject. I use
articles from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia.
SS 8. I am doing homework on a current health issue, so I read the commentaries of medical
professionals about COVID-19 cases.
PS 9. I have read sports magazines. I really like the articles written by sports enthusiasts about UAAP
PS 10. Benjamin Franklin was on founder of the Constitution.
Activity 2
Directions: The following are documents that can be used as sources. Categorize these
sources as primary or secondary sources using the organizer below.
interviews magazine commentaries
textbooks encyclopedias news
diaries biographies autobiographies
oral histories almanacs music
speech dictionaries laws
Primary Sources Secondary Sources

I have learned that in expanding an outline, using notes
from primary & secondary sources is crucial because:
I realized that in writing, to be able to build a
convincing argument and to be able to present
important information, I have to:
I have learned that in expanding an outline, using notes
from primary & secondary sources is crucial because:
I realized that in writing, to be able to build a
convincing argument and to be able to present
important information, I have to:
Directions: read the following statements carefully, then choose the
best answer by writing only the letter on your paper.
1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of outlining? Outlining
A. summarize your ideas B. organize your ideas
C. present information clearly D. help achieve sentence
2. Which of the following best explains secondary sources?
Secondary sources present the ________________.
A. commentaries which come from primary sources
B. information which come from secondary sources
C. information which are derived from primary sources
D. analyses of research paper which are taken from various sources
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about primary source? Primary
source is a _________________.
A. summary of the essay B. firsthand information
C. concluding information D. secondhand information
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about major topics? Major topics
refer to the_______________.
A. major details which are formed from the major subtopics
B. phrases/ sentences which are formed from the subtopics
C. phrases/sentences which are crafted from the major subtopics
D. major phrases/sentences which are organized from the thesis statement
5. Which of the following statements describes a sentence outline? A sentence
A. states varied information in sentence form
B. presents the primary and secondary sources
C. states the main topic and supporting details in sentence form
D. presents the thesis statement, major topics, subtopics, and supporting details in
sentence form

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