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Supply Management
Integration for
Competitive Advantage
Chapter 4

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Chapter Overview

 Integration: What is it?

 Internal integration
 External integration
 Critical role of cross-functional
sourcing teams
 Integrating supply management,
engineering, and suppliers to develop
new products and services
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4.1.Supply Integration Defined

 Professionally managing suppliers and

developing close working relationships
with different internal groups
 Theme
 For supply management to become more
closely integrated with other internal and
external functions to develop capabilities
that will lead to improved competitive
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.Elements of Supply Integration

 People coming together work together

on a strategy or solve a problem
 Different people bringing different
points of view to table
 Team members often located all over
the globe
 Need to create common understanding
of end goal or purpose
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.Relationship Management Skills

 The ability to … (kĩ năng cần thiết cua

ng quản lý)
 Act ethically
 Listen effectively
 Communicate
 Use creative problem-solving
 Drive relationships

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.Relationship Inputs

 Information
 About markets
 About plans and requirements
 Knowledge and expertise
 Product and service knowledge and
 Process knowledge and understanding
“how to make it work”

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.Relationship Inputs

 Business advantages
 Favorable cost structures
 Economies of scale
 Different perspectives
 “Fresh eyes” approach
 Synergy

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.How to Achieve Integration
 Cross-functional teams and committees
 Information systems
 I.e., videoconferencing and webmail
 Integrated performance objectives and measures
 Common goal
 Process-focused organizations
 Co-location of suppliers and customers
 Buyer or supplier councils
 Steering committee

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4.2.Internal Linkages

 Consists of many communication flows

increasing exponentially
 Need to develop global agreements
 Issue of global outsourcing of internal
functions and activities
 Identifying global requirements for

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.Communication Flows and Linkages


Engineering Operations

Legal and
and Finance

Marketing Suppliers

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 Traditional close relationship through

direct support
 Development of global operations
 Sales and operations plan (S&OP)
 Often colocated

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.Quality Assurance

 Increasing in importance
 Growing % of outsourced requirements
 Supplier quality training and
 Supplier process capability studies
 Joint corrective action planning

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 One of most important, yet challenging, linkages

 Firms can create stronger communication in several
 Working together on product development or supplier
 Colocating buyer in engineering
 Appoint an interdepartment liaison
 Recruiting commodity managers with very strong technical

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 Looking for new sources of technology

 Ongoing and direct communication
 Identifying the most technically and
financially capable suppliers
 Assessing a suppliers’s production
 Dealing with quality risks in new products
 Ensuring ongoing technical support and
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.Accounting and Finance

 Much communication is tactical and electronic

 Highly focused on cost reduction
 Inbound material requirements
 Reconciliation of P.O.s, invoices, and receiving
 Purchase of capital equipment
 Developing timely and accurate cost data on
supplier performance
 Provide total cost data
 Often basis for make-or-buy decisions

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 Indirect linkage between supply

management and marketing / sales
 Voice of the customer => New product
 Sales forecasts  production plans

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Seeking counsel on specific elements of

 Patent ownership of new products
 Intellectual property issues
 Product liability claims
 Antitrust issues
 Long term contracts with escape
 Supplier nonconformance issues
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.Environmental Management,
Health, and Safety
 Environmental management system
 Supplier sustainability
 ISO 14000
 Hazardous waste handling and
 Health issues
 Safety issues
 OSHA ( occupational safety and health
administration )
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4.3.External Integration
 Supply management is face of
organization to its supply base
 Acts as liaison on multiple fronts
 Materials
 New technology
 Market information
 Services
 Suppliers, government, and local
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 Primary external linkage

 Maintain open and continuous
 Supplier selection and management
 Non-supply management personnel
should not deal with suppliers without
knowledge of supply management

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 International countertrade issues

 Negotiation with foreign governments
 Compliance with laws regarding
contracts and suppliers
 Negotiation with foreign governments
 Consult with appropriate agencies
regarding regulatory compliance

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.Local Communities

 Control of substantial budget which

could affect local economies
 May affect certain social goals
 Sourcing from local suppliers
 Awarding contracts to qualified minority
 Environmental sustainability
 Ethical issues

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.Collaborative Buyer-Supplier
 Definition of collaboration
 Process by which two or more parties adopt
a high level of purposeful cooperation to
maintain trading relationship over time to
achieve specified goals
 Relationship is bilateral
 Mutual commitment to future
 Balanced power relationship
 Built-in procedures for managing conflict
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.Collaborative Buyer-Supplier
 One or limited number of suppliers for
each purchased item or family of items
 Win-win approach to reward sharing
 Joint efforts to improve supplier
 Joint efforts to resolve disputes

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.Collaborative Buyer-Supplier
 Open exchange of information
 Credible commitment to work together
during difficult times
 Commitment to high quality, defect-
free, and manufacturable products that
supplier’s process is capable of

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.Advantages of Closer Relations

 Trust
 Not take advantage of each other
 Share sensitive data
 Early supplier involvement
 Long-term contracts
 Incentive for investment in new plant and
 Joint development of new technology, risk-
sharing, and supplier capabilities
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.Obstacles to Closer Relationships

 Confidentiality
 May create a direct competitor
 Limited interest by suppliers
 Legal barriers
 Antitrust issues
 Resistance to change
 Traditional “arm’s-length” approach

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.Critical Elements of Supplier
Relationship Management
 Focus on deliverables at product level
 Well-defined, compelling business case
 Business outcomes at SBU level
 Let business outcomes drive relationship
process, course of action, and level of
 Overall relationship is outcome of many
smaller relationships
 Program management
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.Critical Elements of Supplier
Relationship Management
 Specific benefits to both supplier and
buyer with criteria for success and
realistic timeline
 Realistic assessment of benefits and
 Consideration of soft benefits and
creation of believable metrics
 Metrics should conform to existing
available data
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.Effective SRM

 Start with how a firm interacts with

 Where are functional silos(các bên k chia
sẻ thông tin vs nhau nữa)?
 Who are key decision-makers?
 Resolve internal conflicts between
stakeholders before trying to change or
refocus externally

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.Effective SRM

 Procurement should be key point of

contact to make or deliver on supplier
 Relationship management governance
needs relationship managers
 Multiyear, long-term horizon
 Key performance indicators (KPIs)

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.SRM Skills
 Different stages of SRM require …
 Different people and skill sets
 Different levels of investment and attention
 Recruit from the business
 Monitor internal and external shifts
 Establish mechanisms to facilitate readjustment in
roles, metrics, and project deliverables
 Schedule regular site-level meetings with suppliers
and stakeholders
 Reevaluate and revise KPIs
 Drive people to insight and commitment
 Be willing to remove people or directions that aren’t aligned
with strategy
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.Critical Role of Cross-Functional
Sourcing Teams
 Consist of various internal functional
areas and, increasingly, suppliers
 Specific tasks
 Supplier selection
 Product design
 General tasks
 Reducing purchased item costs
 Improving quality

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.Cross-Functional Teams
Time Frame
Finite Continuous
permanently to
Move from project
specific team with
to project
evolving or changing
Commitment Support a specific
team assignment in Ongoing support of
addition to regular team assignments in
responsibilities; addition to regular
Disband after responsibilities
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.Benefits of CFTs

 Reduced time to complete tasks

 Increased innovation
 Joint ownership of decisions
 Enhanced communication among functions or
 Realizing synergies by combining individuals and
 Better identification and resolution of problems
 Need to build internal relationships

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Potential Drawbacks of CFTs

 Use does not guarantee success

 Team process loss
 Negative effects on individual members
 Poor team decisions
 Groupthink
 Artificial consensus

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.When to Form a CFT

 Facing a complex or large-scale

business decision
 CFT is likely to make better quality
 Assignment directly affects firm’s
competitive position
 No single function has sufficient
resources to solve problem
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.Questions Driving Use of CFTs

1. Does our organization consider CFT

planning issues when establishing
sourcing teams?
2. Does executive management practice
subtle control over sourcing teams?
3. Does our organization recognize and
reward team member participation and
team performance?
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.Questions Driving Use of CFTs

4. Do we have right person selected as

sourcing team leader?
5. Do our sourcing teams effectively
establish performance goals?
6. Are key suppliers part of sourcing
team process?

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1.1.CFT Planning Issues

 Selecting a task
 Meaningful task is one that requires
members to use a variety of higher-level
skills, supports giving members regular
feedback about performance, results in an
outcome with a significant effect on the
organization and others outside the team,
and provides members autonomy for
deciding how they will do the work.

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.An Effective CFT Member

Selecting team members and leaders

- An effective team member’s requirement
 Understands team’s task and has task-relevant knowledge
 Has time to commit to CFT
 Has ability to work with others in a group
 Can assume organizational perspective rather than a strict
functional one
 Training requirements
 Resource support

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.Resource Support

 Supplier participation
 Required services and help from others
 Time availability
 Budgetary support
 Materials and supplies

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.Resource Support

 Team member task preparation

 Work environment
 Executive management commitment
 Job-related information
 Tools and equipment

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1.2.Subtle Management Control

 Authorizing creation of sourcing team

 Selecting team’s task(s)
 Establishing broad objectives
 Selecting team leadership
 Requiring regular updates or at key
 Conducting performance reviews

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.Guidelines for Rewards

 Team membership should be part of an

individual’s performance review
 Along with the team’s overall
evaluation, management should assess
each individual’s contribution to team

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1.3.Recognition and Rewards


 Team membership should be part of an individual’s
performance review
 Along with the team’s overall evaluation, management
should assess each individual’s’contribution to team
 Types
 Executive recognition
 Monetary bonuses and other one-time cash awards
 Non-monetary rewards
 Merit raises
 Rewards can reinforce desired activity and behavior

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1.4.Issues for Team Leaders

 Need to give more attention, training,

and support to team leaders
 New set of basic team leadership skills
 Advanced team leadership skills
 Too much structure may lead to team

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.Organizational Commitment

 Evaluate team leader strengths and

 Rank team leaders
 Provide feedback regarding
improvement opportunities
 Allow individual leaders, teams, and
organizations to take corrective action
as required
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1.5.Importance of Sourcing Team
Performance Goals
 Focus on end results, not desired
 Use goals as basis for assessing team
 Provide a benchmark for assessing
progress, providing feedback, and
allocating performance awards
 Challenging goals vs. “easy” goals
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.Process of Goal Setting

 Describe team’s task

 Assess team’s ability to achieve certain
 Identify those areas offering highest
performance potential and develop
quantified or specific objectives

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1.6.Supplier Involvement on CFTs
 Rated as more effective
 Put forth greater effort
 Higher quality of information exchange
 Supplier becomes resource
 Fewer coordinating problems
 Greater supplier contribution
 May need to also consider key
customer involvement
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4.5.Integrating Supply Management,
Engineering, and Suppliers
 Include suppliers early in process
 Design assistance
 Development of material specifications
 Perform early evaluation of supplier
 Existing technologies
 Future technologies

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.Successful Supplier Integration

 Formalized process for selecting items

 Use of CFTs for supplier evaluation and
 Early supplier selection for design and
volume work
 Supplier membership and team
 Direct cross-functional communication
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.Successful Supplier Integration

 Co-location of buyer and supplier

 Formal business unit trust
development efforts
 Sharing of technology between buyer
and supplier
 Joint education and training efforts

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.Risk Assessment Questions

 What is likelihood that supplier has ability to

bring product to market?
 How does this risk assessment compare to
other potential suppliers?
 If there are others
 At what point are we willing to reverse
decision if we proceed?
 What are criteria and measures for doing so?
 What is contingency plan that takes effect in
the event of reversing our decision?
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.Elements for Consideration

 Targets
 Is supplier capable of hitting affordable
targets regarding cost, quality,
conductivity, weight, and other
performance criteria?
 Timing
 Will supplier be able to meet product
introduction deadlines?

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.Elements for Consideration

 Ramp-up: tăng tốc

 Will supplier be able to increase capacity
and production fast enough to meet our
market share requirements?
 Innovation and technical
 Does supplier have required engineering
expertise and physical facilities to develop
an adequate design, manufacture it, and
solve problems?

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.Elements for Consideration

 Training
 Do supplier’s key personnel have required
training to start up required processes and
debug them?
 Resource commitment
 If supplier is deficient in any of above, is
management willing to commit resources
to remedy problem?

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.Supplier Involvement in Design
 White box design
 Supplier is given blueprints(bản thiết kế)
and told to make product from them
 Gray box design
 Supplier’s engineers work cooperatively
with buyer’s engineers in joint design
 Black box design
 Suppliers are provided functional
specifications and create design

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.Extent of Design Responsibility


% of Design

White Box Gray Box Black Box
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.Sharing of Technology Roadmaps

 Determine alignment of technology

 Type of buyer-supplier relationship
 Short-term vs. long-term technology
 Project timing and visibility
 Ongoing set of milestones

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.Issues in Technology Roadmaps

 Projected performance specifications for

class of products or processes
 Intention to integrate new material or
 Development of product to meet customer
requirements that is currently unavailable
 Integration of multiple complementary
technologies that results in radical new
 Combination of above as well as variations
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.Concerns with Joint Education
and Training
 Unwillingness of internal design
personnel to relinquish responsibility
 Concerns over sharing proprietary
information – both parties
 Lack of integrative business processes
 Lack of cultural alignment

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.Supplier Integration into Customer
Order Fulfillment
 Supplier suggestion programs
 Buyer-supplier improvement teams
 On-site supplier representative
 Supplier-managed inventory

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.Supplier Suggestion Programs

 Assessment criteria for suggestions

 Feasibility
 Resources required
 Potential savings
 Go/No-go decision
 Feedback to supplier

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.Elements of Successful Supplier
Suggestion Programs
 Share savings equitably, often 50-50
 Focus on cost improvement, not simply
cutting supplier margins
 Provide prompt feedback to supplier
 Implement good suggestions promptly
 Publically acknowledge supplier’s

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.Buyer-Supplier Improvement Teams

 Cost reduction
 Quality improvement
 Material delivery improvement
 Process technology upgrades
 Reduction of material ordering cycle

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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
Supplier Involvement Outcomes

 Greater satisfaction with quality of

information exchange
 Higher reliance on suppliers to directly
support team’s goals
 Fewer problems coordinating work
activities between CFT and suppliers
 Greater effort put forth on team
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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
.On-Site Supplier Representatives

 Waste management  Uniforms and

 Printing services protective
 Spare parts and equipment
MRO inventories  Process control
 Computer equipment
equipment and  Production parts
software  Transportation
 Office furniture services
 Production
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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
.Buyer’s Use of On-Site Supplier
On-site representatives can be used in a
number of functional areas as well:
 Supply management
 Sales
 Engineering
 Transportation

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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
.Potential Benefits of On-Site Supplier
 Increased buyer-supplier coordination
and integration
 Supplier personnel work on-site
 Supply management staff increased
 Supplier performs some buying and
planning activities

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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
.Potential Benefits of On-Site Supplier
Representatives to Supplier
 Increased supplier insight to customer needs
and access to new designs
 Daily interface with customer
 Increased supplier production efficiency
 Fewer schedule changes and surprises
 Reduced transaction costs
 Reduced inventory
 On-site material plan development in real-
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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e
Win-Win Elements of On-Site
Supplier Representatives
Buyer Wins With
Consignment Direct-Floor Releases from Resident at
Inventory Stocking Rolling Forecast Customer

More Business X X X

Access to New
Supplier Wins With


Quicker Payments X

Less Selling

Assured Sales X X X

Access to
Information Earlier

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a publically accessible website, in whole or in part. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, 6e

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