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• Desert Storm was the code name for the military operation launched by
a coalition of countries (United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,
and Syria) led by the United States to expel Iraq from Kuwait in 1991

• The operation was a response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of

Kuwait on August 2, 1990

• The coalition began a massive air campaign against Iraq on January 17,
1991, in order to weaken Iraq's military capabilities and to protect Saudi
Arabia from a possible Iraqi invasion

• The air campaign was followed by a ground invasion of Kuwait and Iraq
on February 24, 1991

• The ground campaign was relatively brief, lasting only 100 hours, and
resulted in the defeat of the Iraqi military and the liberation of Kuwait

• The coalition forces were able to quickly defeat the Iraqi military and
force them to withdraw from Kuwait

• Desert Storm is often considered one of the most successful military

campaigns in history, due to the coalition's ability to achieve its
objectives quickly and with relatively few casualties

• The operation was notable for its use of advanced military technology
and innovative tactics, as well as its emphasis on psychological
operations (PSYOP) to influence the attitudes and behavior of
individuals, groups, and entire populations

• After the war, Iraq was forced to accept a ceasefire and agree to
withdraw from Kuwait, thus the Desert Storm operation was considered
as a decisive victory for the coalition
• Leaflet drops: Coalition forces dropped millions of leaflets over Iraq,
containing messages designed to disrupt the morale of the Iraqi military
and to encourage desertion and surrender

• Loudspeaker broadcasts: The coalition also used loudspeakers to

broadcast messages calling on Iraqi soldiers to lay down their arms and
promising them safe passage if they did so. These broadcasts were
heard by Iraqi soldiers on the battlefield and at military installations

• Radio broadcasts: The coalition also used radio broadcasts to

communicate with the Iraqi population and military. These broadcasts
were used to counter false rumors and propaganda disseminated by
Iraq, to communicate the coalition's message and goals, and to explain
the coalition's actions and objectives
• Media operations: The coalition also used media operations to shape
the perceptions of the international community and to influence public
opinion in the coalition countries. This was done by providing the media
with access to coalition operations and by providing briefings and
interviews with coalition leaders

• Influence operations: The coalition also used influence operations to

influence the behavior of the Iraqi leaders, to reduce the political and
military support of the Iraqi regime, and to increase the pressure on the
regime to surrender. This was done through a variety of means, such as
diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, and covert actions

• Strategic Communications: The coalition also used strategic

communications as a tool to shape the perceptions of the international
community and to influence public opinion in the coalition countries.
This was done by providing accurate and consistent information about
the coalition's objectives and actions, and by countering false
information and propaganda disseminated by Iraq
• Propaganda: Iraq used state-controlled media to disseminate propaganda
and disinformation, with the goal of maintaining the support of the
population and military, and of shaping the perceptions of the
international community

• Rumors and false information: Iraq also used rumors and false
information to create confusion and to disrupt the morale of the coalition

• Scud missile attacks: Iraq launched Scud missiles at coalition forces and
at Israel, with the goal of causing psychological stress and disrupting
coalition operations

• Human shields: Iraq used foreign hostages and human shields to deter
coalition forces from attacking certain military and civilian targets

• Chemical weapons: Iraq also threatened to use chemical weapons

against coalition forces, with the goal of causing psychological stress
and disrupting coalition operations.

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