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LESSON 2: Emerging

Emerging pattern is defined as sets of
items whose frequency changes
significantly from one data set to
another. This is useful as a means of
discovering distinctions inherently
present among a collection data set and
have been shown tc
be a poweru method for construction
accurate classifiers
What makes a trend a trend? Why do
certain ideas, activities, and products
captivate the public's attention or
interest? How do trends emerge? Who
is responsible for them?
Emergence of trend is not a magic, it is a social
process which was created by human beings, the
designers, the creator or producer and concept
makers whe created lad in the market which
eventualy becomes a trend.Trends that
experience widespread adoption can be
attributed to the following driving elements: the
right place, the right time, the right moment, and
with the right people.
Trends exist through a constant cycle of
innovation, improvement and emulation. It is
also a product of people's perception of
things and changes in his / her
environment. and on how he she embraces
and interacts with each other
Sometimes, people are obsessed with trends
and lads to become part ot a group.
Types of Data Emerging
1. Trend
a. Linear Trend - is a continuous decrease or increase in
numbers over time.
b. Exponential Trend - are non-linear curved lines where the
data rises or falls
not at a steady rate, but at a higher rate. Thus, instead of a
straight line pointing diagonally up, the graph will show a
curved line where the last point in later years is higher than
the first year, if the trend is up
c Damned Trend - is a curved line that shows the data vaues
rise or tall
initially, and then suddenly stops rising or falling.
2. Seasonal - is when
fluctuations repeat over fixed
periods of time and are hence
predictable and do not extend
beyond a year.
3. Cyclical - is when fluctuations do not
repeat over fixed periods of time and are
use therefore unpredictable and extend
beyond a year.
4. Random or Irregular or Error - are fluctuations
in time series that are short in
duration, erratic in nature and tollow no
regularity in the occurrence pattern.

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