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Course Name – Web Technology

Course Code – CS702C

Course Instructor – Sudipta Sahana
Asst. Professor
Department of CSE
JIS College of Engineering
Kalyani, West Bengal – 741235
+91 9474733974
Course Name – Web Technology
Course Code – CS702C

1. Computer Networking
2. Object Oriented Programming
Course Objective

 To impart the design, development and implementation of Static and Dynamic

Web Pages.
 To develop programs for Web using Scripting Languages and .net framework.
 To give an overview of Server Side Programming in Web
Course Outcome

CO1 : To understand the notions of World Wide Web(www), Internet, HTTP Protocol, Web
Browsers, Client-Server etc.
CO2 : To develop interactive web pages using HTML, DHTML and CSS.
CO3 : To procure the knowledge of different information interchange formats like XML.
CO4 : To design web applications using scripting languages like JavaScript, CGI, PHP.
CO5 : To acquire the server side programming concepts using servlet, JSP and .Net
Mapping between Course Outcome & Program Outcome

  Programme Outcomes(POs)
COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - -

CO2 - 2 3 2 - - - - - - - -

CO3 - 2 2 - - - - - - - - -

CO4 1 2 3 2 - - - - - - - -

CO5 1 - 3 2 - - - - - - - -
Course Contents

Module 1: Introduction to Web

Module 2: HTML, DHTML, CSS, Extended Markup
Language (XML)
Module 3: Java Scripts, CGI Scripts, PHP Scripting
Module 4: Java Server Page (JSP), Java Servlet, .NET
Module 1 Contents

Module 1: Introduction to Web : Concept of World Wide Web (www), Internet and
the relation with www; The Internet - Basic Internet Protocols, HTTP Protocol -
Request and Response, Web browser; Web clients and Web servers, Dynamic IP;
Clients, Servers, and Communication, Web site design principles, Planning the site
and navigation.
Today’s Topic

Topic Name – Concept of World Wide Web (WWW), Internet and the relation with

Topic Objective – It allows to identify the architecture of World Wide Web and internet
connectivity i.e WAN

Topic Outcome – To understand the notions of World Wide Web(WWW) and Wide Area
Course Name – Web Technology

Presented By
Sudipta Sahana
Asst. Prof.
Dept. of CSE
JIS College of Engineering
Course Objective

 To impart the design, development and implementation of Static and Dynamic Web Pages.

 To develop programs for Web using Scripting Languages and .net framework.

 To give an overview of Server Side Programming in Web

Course Outcome
• To understand the notions of World Wide Web(www), Internet, HTTP Protocol, Web
Browsers, Client-Server etc.

• To develop interactive web pages using HTML, DHTML and CSS.

• To procure the knowledge of different information interchange formats like XML.

• To design web applications using scripting languages like JavaScript, CGI, PHP.

• To acquire the server side programming concepts using servlet, JSP and .Net framework.
Lecture 1– Concept of World Wide Web (WWW), Internet and the
relation with WWW
Topic of Interest

 Concept of World Wide Web (WWW)

 Evolution of WWW
 WWW Operation
 Internet and the relation with WWW
Concept of World Wide Web (WWW)

World Wide Web, which is also known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web pages
stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet. These websites
contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. Users can access the content of these
sites from any part of the world over the internet using their devices such as computers,
laptops, cell phones, etc. The WWW, along with internet, enables the retrieval and display of
text and media to your device.

A broader definition comes from the organization that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped
found, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

“The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of

human knowledge.”
Concept of World Wide Web (WWW)

In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between
computers on the Internet, tying them together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia
Evolution of WWW

The following diagram briefly defines evolution of World Wide Web

WWW Operation
WWW works on client- server approach. Following steps explains how the web works:
1. User enters the URL (say, of the web page in the address bar
of web browser.
2. Then browser requests the Domain Name Server for the IP address corresponding to
3. After receiving IP address, browser sends the request for web page to the web server
using HTTP protocol which specifies the way the browser and web server
4. Then web server receives request using HTTP protocol and checks its search for the
requested web page. If found it returns it back to the web browser and close the HTTP
5. Now the web browser receives the web page, it interprets it and display the contents of
web page in web browser’s window.
Internet and the relation with WWW
The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computers used for the storing and
transmission of data.

The Internet does not equate the World Wide Web.

The Internet is a system which enables multiple computers to connect to each other.

The Web is an application that makes use of the system (Leaver, 2011).

Without the Internet, there is no access to the Web. The Web is an application on the Internet
that allows people to communicate and share information, whereas the Internet is the
connection between computers for data transmission.

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