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Urinary System – the system responsible for excreting most of
the liquid wastes from the body.
Excretion – is the process by which waste materials are
removed from the body.
Urine – the liquid waste of the body filtered through urinary

The Main Parts of the Urinary System

1. Kidneys
2. Ureters
3. Urinary Bladder
4. Urethra
Urinary System – the system responsible for excreting
most of the liquid wastes from the body.
Excretion – is the process by which waste materials are
removed from the body.
Urine – the liquid waste of the body filtered through
urinary system.
Urination - is the process of eliminating urine
- its output is about 1.4 liters a day
- Its color and odor may vary according to the
intake amount of water or drinks.
1. Kidneys – are two bean-shaped organs on each side of the body.
- They are the main organ of the urinary system.
- They filter and clean the blood to remove waste substances and
ensure that only useful substances stay in the blood that circulates
throughout the body.
- They remove excess water, salts, urea, and other wastes from the
- They have thousands of filters called NEPHRONS that filters the
blood 300 times a day.
2. Ureters – where the urine flows
from kidneys to the urinary

3. Urinary Bladder – is a hallow

muscular organ where urine is
temporarily stored.

4. Urethra – is a tube at the bottom of the bladder.

- Its length varies in males and females.
- It has a sphincter muscle which serves as a valve
like structure to help regulate the outflow of
• Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Liquids help the body get rid of its wastes
through perspiration and urination.
• Have a balanced diet every meal. Avoid eating junk foods and salty foods as
excessive salt intake may overwork the kidneys.
• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because it helps clean the stomach through
regular bowel movement.
• Take a bath everyday to eliminate the dead cells that block the pores of the
• Exercise regularly. It helps the body get rid of its wastes through sweating and
exhaling carbon dioxide.
• Avoid holding back urination.
• Get enough sleep and rest. Most urinary ailments worsen because of lack of
sleep and rest.

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