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NESDB THAILAND International workshop on measuring GDP by final demand approach

25-27 April 2011, Shenzhen, China

Overview Definition & coverage

Method & adjustments

Classification & data sources


The System of National Accounts of Thailand

The components of GDP on expenditure approach GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)

Balance sheet of National Income at current prices

STRUCTURE Private Consumption Expenditure General Government Consumption Expenditure Gross Fixed Capital Formation Change in Inventories Plus : Exports of Goods and Services (%) 2005 57.2 11.9 28.9 2.5 73.6 62.1 11.4 74.7 66.7 8.0 99.5 0.5 100.0 2006 55.8 11.8 28.1 0.2 73.6 61.7 12.0 70.2 61.2 8.9 99.4 0.6 100.0 2007 53.4 12.2 26.4 0.0 73.4 61.1 12.3 65.0 56.0 9.0 100.4 -0.4 100.0 2008 55.1 12.3 27.4 1.7 76.4 64.2 12.2 73.9 64.4 9.5 99.1 0.9 100.0 2009p 55.2 13.4 24.1 -2.9 68.4 57.0 11.3 57.8 49.6 8.2 100.4 -0.4 100.0

Exports of Goods Exports of Services

Less : Imports of Goods and Services

Imports of Goods Imports of Services

Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product Plus : Statistical Discrepancy Gross Domestic Product, (GDP)

Definition & coverage

Transactions involving movements of goods and services out off or into the country over a specific time period

Definition & coverage

Goods at f.o.b.

Export Net export (NX)

Services receipts Goods at c.i.f.

Services payments

Net export (NX) = Export (X) Import (M)


Definition & coverage

Export and import of goods and services from Balance of Payments: Goods and services account Goods : all categories of goods pass through customs formalities and data adjustment for Balance of Payments basis
Value of export of goods at f.o.b.
Value of import of goods at c.i.f.

Definition & coverage

Services Export of services = Services receipts Import of services = Services payments
Services include:
o Transportation o Travel

o Government services n.i.e.

o Other services e.g. communication

services, construction services, royalties and license fees, insurances services, etc.

Method & some adjustments

SNA : use the same figures as in

current account statistics

Customs Dep. Figures

Adjusted for Balance of Payments


Method & some adjustments

BOP adjustment made to the Customs data include:

Exclusion e.g. goods under diplomatic

privilege, rented items, sample goods, personal belongings and used furniture Inclusion e.g. satellite, some military goods, electricity from neighboring countries Other adjustments such as time of recording and exchange rate


Method & Some adjustments

SNA adjustment made to import of


employees from services payments (other services) Estimation of import and export of goods and services at constant prices in SNA

Deduction of compensation of


Classification and data sources Classification HS vs CPC, ISIC, COICOP

Sources of data

Bank of Thailand, Customs Department, Ministry of Commerce




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