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Nama: Satria

Kelas: 7Smp

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01 Click here to add to the title
Click here to add the text, and please
try to explain the point of view as
succinctly as possible.
Cl ick here to add to the title
Click here to add the text, the text is the extraction of your thought, please try to explain your point
of view as succinctly as possible.
Click here to add to the title
• I f y o u r c o n t e n t i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t a n d d i ff i c u l t t o s t r e a m l i n e , u s e s e g m e n t a t i o n t o s i m p l y s o r t
a n d r e f i n e t h e c o n t e n t , w h i c h w i l l m a k e t h e l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n o r d e r t o m a k e
you have a more intuitive feeling of the number of words, and further easy to use, we have set
the maximum text, when you enter here, is on the verge of the upper limit of the content of the
page, if there is more content, please reduce the font size as appropriate, but we do not
recommend that your text font size is less than 14 pounds, please be sure to pay attention.

• I f y o u r c o n t e n t i s r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t a n d d i ff i c u l t t o s t r e a m l i n e , u s e s e g m e n t a t i o n t o s i m p l y s o r t
a n d r e f i n e t h e c o n t e n t , w h i c h w i l l m a k e t h e l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n o r d e r t o m a k e
you have a more intuitive feeling of the number of words, and further easy to use, we have set
the maximum text, when you enter here, is on the verge of the upper limit of the content of the
page, if there is more content, please reduce the font size as appropriate, but we do not
recommend that your text font size is less than 14 pounds, please be sure to pay attention.
Enter title
• If your content is really important and
difficult to streamline, use
segmentation to simply sort and refine
the content, which will make the
l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k r e l a t i v e l y c l e a r. I n
order to make you have a more
intuitive feeling of the number of
words, and further easy to use, we
have set the maximum text, when you
enter here, is on the verge of the
upper limit of the content of the page,
if there is more content, please reduce
the font size as appropriate, but we do
not recommend that your text font size
is less than 14 pounds, please be sure
to pay attention.
Click here to add to the title
• Click here to add the text, the text is the extraction of your thought, please try to explain your
point of view as succi nctly as possible.
Click here to add to the title

Your text has been concise and well-written, but the information is inextricably inextricable and
needs to be expressed in more words; but please refine the essence of your thought as much as
possible, and express your views appropriately, often with twice the result with half the effort.
Click here to add to the title

Click here to add the text, the text is the extraction of Click here to add the text, the text is the extraction of
your thought, please try to explain your point of view as your thought, please try to explain your point of view as
succinctly as possible. succinctly as possible.
Click here to add to
the title
Your text has been concise and well-written, but the information is inextricably
inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; but please refine the
essence of your thought as much as possible, and express your views
appropriately, often with twice the result with half the effort.

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