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The Saudi-Iran detente

and it's regional implications.
Group 7
Historical Context
The rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been ongoing for decades,
fueled by a mix of religious, ideological, and geopolitical factors. The Sunni-
led Saudi Arabia and Shia-led Iran have long vied for dominance in the region,
with each country seeking to promote its own vision of Islam. The rivalry
intensified after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, which marked the
beginning of a new era of confrontation between the two countries.
Over the years, the rivalry has
played out in various regional
conflicts, including in Iraq,
Lebanon, and Syria, as well as
in proxy wars in Yemen and
Recent Developments

Despite decades of hostility, there have been

recent signs of detente between Saudi
Arabia and Iran. In 2019, Saudi Arabia
invited Iran to participate in a regional
conference on security and cooperation.
Additionally, there have been back-
channel talks between the two countries
aimed at resolving some of their
Recent Developments

The factors driving this shift in their relationship include a desire for regional
stability, economic pressures due to falling oil prices, and the changing
geopolitical landscape in the Middle East.
Implications for the region

The potential regional implications of a

Saudi-Iran detente are significant. One
major area of impact would be on
conflicts such as Syria and Yemen,
where both Saudi Arabia and Iran have
been supporting opposing sides. A
resolution of these conflicts would
require cooperation between the two
Syria Yemen
Implications for the region

The detente could also affect the role of other regional powers such as Israel
and Turkey, as well as impact regional stability and security.
In terms of implications for Pakistan, a detente between Saudi Arabia and
Iran could have a positive impact on Pakistan's relations with both
nations. Pakistan has historically maintained close ties with Saudi
Arabia, while also having a significant Shia population with cultural ties
to Iran. A reduction in tensions between these two nations could lead to
increased economic opportunities for Pakistan.
Economic Implications

Economic factors are also driving the

detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Both countries have been hit hard by
falling oil prices, and increased
economic cooperation could provide
mutual benefits. For example, Iran could
benefit from increased access to Saudi
Arabian investment, while Saudi Arabia
could benefit from increased access to
Iranian markets. Saudi Arabia open to 'quickly' making investments
in Iran — Finance minister Saudi Arabia
Economic Implications

For Pakistan, increased economic cooperation between Saudi Arabia and

Iran could lead to new trade opportunities and investment in the country.
Geopolitical Implications

A Saudi-Iran detente could have significant geopolitical implications. It could lead to a shift in
the balance of power in the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia and Iran potentially becoming
more equal players in the region.
It could also affect the role of the United States in the region, as the US has historically relied
on its close relationship with Saudi Arabia to maintain influence in the Middle East.
For Pakistan, a change in the balance of power in the Middle East could lead to a shift in
Pakistan's foreign policy towards greater neutrality in the region.
Obstacles to Detente

Despite the recent signs of detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran, there are still significant
obstacles to a full-scale rapprochement. These include deep-seated ideological and strategic
differences between the two countries, as well as the influence of other regional and global
actors such as Israel and the United States.
Future Outlook

In conclusion, the prospects for a sustained Saudi-Iran detente are uncertain.

While there have been recent signs of progress, there are still significant
obstacles to overcome. However, if a detente were to be achieved, it could
have significant regional and global implications.
For Pakistan, a Saudi-Iran detente could lead to new
economic opportunities and potentially a shift in Pakistan

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