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1kA01N6 8L0C

0e1nton o1 1radng 81oc

A Lrudlng bloc ls Lhe referenLlul economlc
urrungemenL beLween u grou of counLrles
LhuL reduces lnLrureglonul burrlers reluLed Lo
Lrude ln goods, servlces, lnvesLmenL und
1rudlng 8locs ure lnLergovernmenLul
ussocluLlons LhuL munuge und romoLe Lrude
ucLlvlLles wlLhln seclflc reglons of Lhe world.
Tectves o1 1radng 81ocs
1o ldenLlfy Lhe economlc moLlves for comunles
Lo sell goods und servlces Lo forelgn cusLomers.
1o dlscuss Lhe beneflLs of oen Lrude.
1o llsL und dlscuss Lhe Lyes of world und
reglonul economlc cooeruLlon.
1o clusslfy economlc moLlves for Lhe comunles
Lo lnvesL ubroud.
1o descrlbe how Lo lncororuLe forelgn Lrude und
lnvesLmenL Lheorles lnLo u slngle Lheory of
lnLernuLlonul lnvolvemenL.
arous Iorms o1 Lconomc
ree 1rude Areu- lL requlres member nuLlons
Lo remove ull Lurlffs umong Lhemselves.
CusLom Unlon- lL requlres member counLrles
Lo ubollsh lnLernul Lurlffs und esLubllsh
common exLernul Lurlffs.
Common MurkeL- lL requlres member
counLrles Lo ubollsh ull lnLernul Lurlffs und
esLubllsh exLernul Lurlffs und free flow of
fucLors of roducLlon.
conomlc Unlon- lL comblnes Lhe elemenLs
common murkeL wlLh requlremenL LhuL
member nuLlons Lo ursue common
moneLury und flscul ollcles.
Luropean unon {Lu)
U comrlses of z, member sLuLes locuLed
rlmurlly ln uroe such us AusLrlu, 8elglum,
Lenmurk, Creece, lLuly, Hungury, Polund, PorLugul,
Romunlu, Suln, Sweden , UnlLed KlngdomeLc.
1he flrsL sLe Lowurds lnLegruLlon wus Luken ln
, under Lhe 1reuLy of Rome , esLubllshlng
uroeun conomlcCommunlLy.
U ubollshes Lurlffs, quoLus und oLher Lrude
resLrlcLlons umong member nuLlons.
U removes resLrlcLlons reluLed Lo movemenL of
culLul und lubour.
U hus esLubllshed u common ollcy on
LrunsorLuLlon, ugrlculLure, comeLlLlon und
buslness conducL.
rgansaton o1 etro1eum
Lxportng Countres {LC)
lL ls Lhe ermunenL, lnLergovernmenLul
orgunlzuLlon creuLed uL 8ughdud Conference on
SeLember -, 6.
1he heudquurLers of OPC ls lnvlennu.
OPC co-ordlnuLes Lhe oll roducLlon ollcles
umong Lhe member nuLlons. 1hls ls done :-
1o sLublllze Lhe oll murkeL.
1o hel oll roducers Lo uchleve reusonuble ruLe of
reLurn on Lhelr lnvesLmenLs.
1o ensure LhuL oll consumers conLlnued Lo recelve
sLuble sulles of oll.
outh ^san ^ssocaton Ior
8egona1 Co-operaton {^^8C)
SAARC wus esLubllsh on Lecember , .
1he member nuLlons comrlses of AfghunlsLun,
8ungludesh, 8huLun, lndlu, Muldlves, Neul,
PuklsLun und Srl Lunku.
lL rovldes luLform for eole of SouLh Aslu Lo
work LogeLher ln Lhe slrlL of frlendshl, LrusL
und undersLundlng.
lL ulms Lo ucceleruLe Lhe rocess of economlc und
soclul develomenL umong member nuLlons.
1o enhunce muLuul usslsLunce umong
member nuLlons ln Lhe ureus lf economlc,
soclul, culLurul, sclenLlflc und Lechnlcul fleld.
orth ^mercan Iree 1rade
^greement {^I1^)
lL ls Lhe Lrude bloc ln NorLh Amerlcu wlLh Lhe
Cunudu, Mexlco und UnlLed SLuLes us lLs
member counLrles.
NA1A cume lnLo effecL on 1unuury
, .
lL ls Lhe world's lurgesL free Lrude ureu.
Under NA1A, ull non-Lurlff burrlers reluLed
LoAgrlculLure were removed.
Muny Lurlffs were ellmlnuLed for Lhe erlod of
- yeurs.

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