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The act and process is, in itself the function of

goal. The costumer felt a state of deprivation
and needed to address it. So what we now
have is motivated costumer. This includes
information gathering, information processing
and generating conclusion about the product.
The level of motivation, however will vary
depending on how the costumer relates with
the object of involvement or the product
being sought.
Clearly buying a stick of gum is going to be
different purchase process compared to
buying refrigerator. In order to understand
these differences, we need to further
classify buying behavior based on (1)the
costumer perception of the product
category and (2)the costumers attitudes
towards the product category.
First, a costumer can perceive a product category to be
simple , complex or somewhere in between .As an example,
if a student was to shop for a laptop and was very
knowledgeable about the relevant technical terms such as
RAM , storage capacity ,process type, memory, and the like ,
then this student would likely appreciate the differences
between the various brands offerings of laptops in the
market .On the other hand ,imagine the same buying
situation , but this time with a senior citizen who is averse to
technology and has a little knowledge about the technical
specs involve in buying computer. Chances are to this
person, all computers seem alike.

A more sophisticated buyer who understand the difference

between the product will be willing to shop around ,gather
brochures or data , check for specs online, and generally take
time studying and comparing the products in the market . On
the other hand, what will be the typical buying behavior of
non-savvy consumer ? Likely this consumer will (a)ask an
acknowledged expert for advice on what to buy (b)choose a
brand that seems most familiar compared to all others , or (c)
choose the most attractive looking product among the
Second, the consumers attitude towards the product can
affect the buying relationship as well . Is this product that
is considered expensive , very important or durable in
nature? in this case ,the consumer will spend more time
and attention with their decision-making process , It will
require a lot of involvement something known as high-
effort behavior . On the other hand, if the costumer does
not have much at stake with the purchase it is
considered in expensive on non-durable in nature( I . e. ,
it will not to be a permanent part of household) then the
consumer will tend to have less of an involvement in the
buying process also known as low effort behavior.
A rises for important purchase where there are s so many
different features and attributes with each brand having
different manifestation of each feature .The costumer is
cognizant of these differences . Houses, cars and durable
goods are some example of product that tent to met with
complex buying behavior. A costumer under takes a lot of
searching and analyzing before any purchase happens.

Occurs when a consumer wants to keep simple , and yet

the risk faced with the buying decision for an important
purchased are perceived to be high . The consumer may
therefore resort the decisions to simply life, such as
buying the brand that most people choose, relying on
decisions of a trusted friend, or relying on the word of the
salesperson . This is an appliances and consumer
electrons , for instance , benefit greatly from having
popular . Many household appliances tent to be bought
this way.

Occurs when the product involves minimal but there

are so many choices, each with this known
features and attributes consumer may opt to try
each product at least once, leading to the trying of a
variety of the products , This is how consumers
may likely respond when faces the huge breath of
offerings for instance snack foods in groceries. This
is also what leads “foodies’’ to try different
restaurants on different dates.

Happens when consumers feel that learning about

the different computing product is not worth it, so
they would rather select the product that they are
most comfortable with. This is the outcome that is
hoped for by many fast-moving consumer goods,
such as personal care products, that seek to make
consumers buy their product out of habit.

We have two brains. One is emotional- drevin brain that

we inherited from our ancestors and it is highly attuned
to our sensory experience.
The other is our logical brain which rational very
objective, and with which we hope and assume
manages to control all of our decision-making.

When you see a new gadget in beautifully laid out

display counter, glistening under proper halogen
spotlights, this triggers a positive emotional affinity for
the product. Your emotional brain stimulated by the
attractive display. It therefore decides that its like
this .In fact, it may have already decided that you
should buy this product. This fuels what you feel are
“inexplicable” urges to purchase this items.

But the interesting part is this your logical brain will next kick in.
However, your logical brain is not there to calmly assess the
pros and cons of acquiring thus product. Instead. Your
potential purchase decision.
“I should buy this because its time that I replaced my old
“I need the faster speed”
“My phone Is not responsive at it used to be”
“I have sufficient saving any way and I have not al really
bought anything for my self lately. I deserve it”.
In short, you are likely using your
brainpower to justify what your
emotional brain has been wanting
all along.
As Psychologist Douglas Van Praet
puts it. “We are not rational, we are

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