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Objective: Describe Child

Directions for Extension Group
• Work quietly with
your partners to read
and understand this
power point. Below
certain slides are ten
questions. Copy and
answer the questions.

• Good Luck!
Directions for Extension Group
Work quietly with your partners to read and understand the power point, Factors that
Influence Growth and Development. Below certain slides are ten questions. Copy and
answer the questions.
1. List ten examples of important environment factors that can affect children.
2. What is the poverty level income for a family of 3 that has 1 child? See for the answer.
3. Describe the most important fact from the website,
4. List several heredity reasons and several environment reasons for the differences
between Sasha and Benji
5. Complete the phrases:
– Tall 2 yr olds tend to be…
– Good elementary students tend to be …
– Happy children tend to be …
6. How does poverty affect this principle of development (Growth and Development are
Gradual and Continuous)?
7. Create another example of interrelated development like this one.
– As children’s bodies grow and mature, their motor skills improve, which helps their social
skills, which helps them communicate and learn new ideas, which helps their thinking skills,
which helps them play more complex games, which helps their motor skills.
8. List 5 of the tasks that adolescents need to master, according to Havighurst? Refer to the
doc on this wiki page, Developmental Tasks According to Robert Havighurst or
9. Why would Maslow say someone would join a gang, even if they push you to break the
10. Find info on a female child development researcher and cite the web address.
Factors That Influence Growth
and Development
(We are raising ADULTS)
What is Child Development?
• Pg 21 in text
• Development is the process that
– Turns babies into adults
– Has stages
– Begins at conception
– Ends at death
• Child Development is
– The scientific study of children from conception to
What Are the Factors that Influence the
Growth and Development of Children?

• Heredity
– Genes
• Hair color and
other body
What Are the Factors that Influence the
Growth and Development of Children?
• Environment
– Conditions
– Experiences

• In the early years

this is primarily the
What is Environment?

1. List ten examples of important

environment factors that can affect
Effects of Poverty
• What does a child need in his or her
environment to develop well?
What does it cost?

2. What is the poverty level income for a family of 3 that has 1 child? See for the answer.
3. Describe the most important fact from this website:
What Are the Factors that Influence the
Growth and Development of Children?
• Heredity and
– Your height is
influenced by your diet
(environment) and
your genes (heredity)
Sasha and Benji
• Sasha, age four, and Benji, age two, are brother and sister.
Sasha has black hair, dark skin, and deep brown eyes. She
is quiet and dependable, talking only when necessary.
When her parents leave her at the child care center, she is
content to play quietly. She prefers to play alone, with
dolls or puzzles, but often watches the other children.
Benji has brown hair, fair skin, and light brown eyes. He
prefers playing with tractors, trucks, and blocks with other
children. He is talkative and becomes bored when he
plays alone. List some reasons for the differences in these

4. List several heredity reasons and several environment

reasons for their differences.
Our Responsibility – To provide
the best environment we can.
Principles of Growth and
• Growth and Development are Constant
– Constancy - the unchanging aspects of a person’s
• Tall 2 yr olds tend to be…
• Good elementary students tend to be …
• Happy children tend to be …
– Heredity does not change and environments tend to
remain constant

5. Complete the phrases above.

Principles of Growth and
• Growth and Development are Gradual and
– Because changes happen in small steps.
– Good development does not reverse overnight
– Some development can be made up for in later
– Poor growth and development is not easily

6. How does poverty affect this principle of development?

Principles of Growth and
• Growth and Development happen in
sequenced steps
– The order is predictable, the rate of change is
– A teachable moment is the time when the child
is physically ready, when the environment
supports the achievement and when the child is
motivated to learn
Principles of Growth and
• Growth and Development have interrelated
– We may talk about the areas separately, but in
reality they are related.
• For instance, as children’s bodies grow and mature,
their motor skills improve, which helps their social
skills, which helps them communicate and learn
new ideas, which helps their thinking skills, which
helps them play more complex games, which helps
their motor skills.

7. Create another example of interrelated development like the

one above.
Robert Havighurst

• The Developmental Stages according to

Robert Havighurst
• Certain tasks need to be mastered at certain times and are driven by
physical growth, social pressures, and inner pressures.

8. List 5 of the tasks that adolescents need to master, according to

Havighurst? See document posted on wiki.
Abraham Maslow

9. Why would Maslow

say someone would join a
gang, even if they push
you to break the law?
Who will be the next famous
• Good research should have an objective
• You must have permission
• Mind your manners
• Don’t distract the child
• Be objective. Deal with biases
• Record accurately
• Protect the rights of the child and family
10. Find the info on a female child development researcher and cite the
web address.

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