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Special concert
Special solar terms

A special concert
A world-wide live-streamed concert

Date: April 19th

Theme: One word: Together at home
主题 四海聚一家;守望相助,共度时艰
Promoter 发起人 WHO
Chief planner: Lady GaGa

Purpose: To show love and respect to the frontline

medics and cheer for all people who are
fighting against covid-19.
Form of activity: stars sing at home
Audience 观众 : global citizen
We are in one big family. We have a
shared future.
The guests of honor: Lady GaGa,
(3 from China) Elton John, Celion Dion
Taylor Swift, Lang Lang
Eason, Jacky Cheung
Touch Of Love


Are you ready?

Solar terms
What are solar terms?
There are 24 solar terms in China.

China- The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge of time

and practices developed in China through observation of
sun’s annual motion. background

The ancient Chinese divided the sun’s annual circular

motion into 24 periods, calling each period a special
“Solar Term”. They were developed through the
observation of changes of seasons and other natural
phenomena( 现象 ). Some festivals are related to the
terms. numbers
Start of Spring 2 月 3 日或 4 日 立春
Rain Water 2 月 18 日或 19 日 雨水
Awakening of Insects 3 月 5 日或 6 日 惊蜇
Spring Equinox 3 月 20 日或 21 日 春分
Clear and Bright 4 月 5 日前后 清明
Grain Rain 4 月 19 日或 20 日 谷雨

Start of Summer 5 月 5 日或 6 日 立夏
Grain bugs/ Lesser Fullness of Grain 5 月 21 日前后 小满
Grain in Ear 6 月 5 日或 6 日 芒种
Summer Solstice 6 月 21 日或 22 日 夏至
Minor Heat/ Lesser Heat 7 月 7 日或 8 日 小暑
Major Heat / Greater Heat 7 月 22 日或 23 日 大暑
Start of Autumn 8 月 8 日前后 立秋
End of Heat 8 月 23 日前后 处暑
White Dew 9 月 7 日或 8 日 白露
Autumn Equinox 9 月 23 日前后 秋分
Cold Dew 10 月 8 日前后 寒露
Frost’s Descent 10 月 23 或 24 日 霜降

winter :
Start of Winter 11 月 7 日或 8 日 立冬
Minor Snow/ Lesser Snow 11 月 22 日或 23 小雪
日 大雪
Major Snow / Greater Snow 12 月 7 日或 8 日 冬至
Winter Solstice 12 月 22 日前后 小寒
Minor Cold / Lesser Cold 1 月 5 日或 6 日 大寒
Major Cold / Greater Cold 1 月 5 日或 6 日
Match the solar terms with the traditional food
A. Due to the cold days, people start to eat lamb
1.Start of Spring to get more energy.

2.Awakening of Insects B. We also call it “Bite Spring”. People usually eat

some fresh vegetables to prevent illness.
3.Clear and Bright C. It’s freezing cold. People eat “eight-treasure
rice pudding (including steamed rice, bean, lotus
seed, preserved fruits. etc)”
4.Autumn Equinox 青团
D. People eat some sweet green rice balls which
are made from rice and wormwood 艾草
5.Start of Winter 虫子
E. People fire the worms and eat them. In this
6.Winter Solstice way, people believe that no worms will harm
their crops .
7.Major Cold F. People enjoy delicious crabs. 蟹
G. Every family eat jiaozi.
Insects are waking up
Q : How is the solar term jingzhe ( 惊蛰 ) related to
Falling on March 5 this year, jingzhe, or the What is the
“awakening of the insects” is one of the 24 solar terms weather like at
in the Chinese lunar calendar. the beginning
The beginning of March brings some unusual
雷暴雨 of March?
weather, as temperatures rise and rainfall comes with
thunderstorms. According to classic Chinese writings,
this thunder would awaken insects that had been
What does the
hibernating ( 冬眠 ) for the winter. They would rise up word “they”
from the earth and many other animals would also refer to?
make their first appearance of the year.
Chinese farmers place great importance on Why are
jingzhe, since it marks the start of spring plowing  ( 春
耕 ), one of the busiest times for farmers. With insects farmers so
buzzing, it is time to protect crops from pests ( 害虫 ). busy during
People also need to be protected from disease. these days?
Another jingzhe tradition is eating pears. It is
thought to be healthy to do so when the weather is Why people
eat pears?
Eggs stay balanced as spring gets
its start
Why do some Chinese people balance eggs
during the Spring Equinox ( 春分 )?

balance 平衡 (v.) (n.)

keep a balance between A and B
eg. You should keep a balance
between your hobby and your
The Spring Equinox marks the point when daytime and night
equally ( 平均地 ) divide the whole day. After this day, daytime will
last longer than night. Therefore, it is not only important in China,
but also in many other countries around the world. Spring Equinox
Day is a public holiday in Japan. In Iran, it is called “Nowruz”, which
is also known as the Iranian New Year, reported CGTN.
The Spring Equinox makes sense to ______________.

Spring Equinox is the best time for going outside, enjoying

flowers and flying kites in China. There are also rituals ( 仪式 ) that
have been kept over centuries, such as balancing eggs.

How many kinds of activities are mentioned? _____

The idea is that on Spring Equinox, Earth’s axis ( 轴 ) is
perpendicular ( 垂直的 ) to the sun. So Earth is supposed to be
more balanced on this day. It’s usually very difficult to balance an
egg because the yolk ( 蛋黄 ) is off-center. But on Spring Equinox, it
is believed that there are some special gravitational ( 引力的 )
forces that can help.
Do you believe that?

However, this isn’t true. If you focus long enough, you can
actually balance an egg on its end any day of the year. All you need
is a lot of patience. But balancing eggs is still a fun tradition for
people. In some places, people paint the eggs in many colors and
hold egg-balancing competitions. Do you want to give it a try?

What is the secret of balancing an egg successfully?

Revise the new words:
theme 主题 (n.)
audience 观众 (n.)
solar terms 节气
awaken 唤醒 (v.)
insect 昆虫 (n.)
due to 因为,由于
worm 虫子 (n.)
crab 蟹 (n.)
thunder 雷 (n.)
thunderstorm 雷暴雨 (n.)
balance 平衡 (n.) (v.)
patience 耐心 (n.)

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