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6 个高频从句




6 个高频从句 同位语从句


1. 主语从句
( 1 ) It is + 形容词 + that 从句
• It is important/vital/crucial/essential that… 很重要的是……
• It is evident/obvious/quite common that… 很明显的是……
• It is nodoubted/undeniable that… 毫无疑问的是……
• It is (widely/generally) believed/accepted/ acknowledged that… 普遍认
• It is inevitable that... 不可避免的是……

• 穿校服会使学校生活乏味。
• 我们生活在一个信息时代。
• 投资教育就是投资未来。
• 人类活动对环境有很大的影响。
what 引导的主语从句 +not...but...

 What governments should do is to create policies to encourage low

carbon development.
 What most companies and workforces need is not robuts, but creative
people who can contribute ideas.
 What the poor countries need most is not money, but advanced
technologies and talents in some key areas.
whether 引导的主语从句

 Whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us has caused
heated debate.
 Whether the increase of fuel price can solve the world's environmental
problem is a controversial issue.
 whether universities should provide students with practical skills or
academic knowledge is a controversial issue.
( 2 ) whether, what 引导的主语从句
• 1. Whether policemen should carry guns or not is still controversial.
• 2. Whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us has caused a heated
is a controversial issue.
has sparked a heated discussion.
Whether the increase of fuel price can solve the world’s environmental problem is
a controversial issue.
Whether universities should provide students with practical skills or academic
knowledge is a controversial issue.
• 1. What action the government will take remains unknown.
• 2. What governments should do is to create policies to encourage low
carbon development

• 老年人需要的是心理安慰。
• _________________________________________________
• 学生最需要的就是鼓励。
• _________________________________________________

• 现阶段人们更加关心的是政府是否能够创造更多的就业机会。
• _________________________________________________________

• 他们强调的是考试对学生的创造力有害。
• __________________________________________________________
先行词 it 开头的主语从句

 It is obvious that we are living in an information age.

 It is obvious that investing in education is investing in one's future.
 It is obvious that human activities have the greatest impact on
2. 宾语从句

• (1) that 引导的宾语从句

• 1. Most of us believe/assume/assert/deem/are convinced that…
• 2. Several people argued/contend/doubt/deny that…
• (2) who, which, whether, why, which, how 引导的宾语从句
• 1. Few people know why many contries want to win the bid to host the
Olympic Games.
• 2. No one knows whether holding sports events at an international level
could bring about ecnomic returns or not.
• 3. No one knows exactly how the pyramids were built.
• 一些人认为,与父母相比,学校更应负责孩子的教育
• 合格的教师可以告诉学生信息是否权威。
01 宾语从句

1. Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-

away society”.
2. While there are both benefits and drawbacks to a multicultural
society, it is safe to say that the pros outweigh the cons.
3. Traditionally, the approach has been to punish criminals by
placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.
06 :表语从句

 This means that change is not always a personal option, but an

inescapable fact of life.
 This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are
able to impose changes.
 Another reason for this is that old buildings, like native language, form a
cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country.
3. 表语从句
• (1) be, seem, appear, + that 引导的表语从句
• 1. My view is that to discourge air travel would lead to negative results.
• 2. It appears that when people realise that they will lose thier freedom, th
eir friends, and even their families if they break the law, they will be deter
red from committing crimes.
• 看起来孩子和青少年太不成熟了,以至于他们很容易受到电视上所描
• (2) be + whether, what, when, why, how 引导的表语从句
• 1. That is when I got the idea that I must do something to alleviate
• 2. Our concern is whether public health could be improved by the
measure of increasing numbers of sports facilities.
• 问题就在于是否能从根源上防止青少年犯罪。
4. 同位语从句
• that 引导的同位语从句 (常用在 fact, phenomenon, idea, view 等表
• 1. The idea that tourism could bring in more tax revenue is widely accepte
d by the public.
• 2. The fact that the exposure of negative news lead to social panic
deserves attention.
• Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the
phenomenon that our kids are spending more time watching TV.( 第一段
第一句用到 )
• 我同意不仅是政府,包括每一个市民都应该尽自己的力量来保护环境

• I agree with the view that not only governments but every single citizen
should do his part to protect the environment.( 第一段最后一句用到 )
05 :同位语从句
 同位语从句实际上是 that 前面那个名词的解释或具体内
容。 that 在这里相当于破折号。
 Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about
the phenomenon that our kids are spending more time watching
 I agree with the view that not only governments but every single
citizen should one's part to fix this problem.
 The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we
have different cultures.
5. 定语从句

• (1) 关系代词 who, whom, whose, which, that 引导的定于从句

• 1. Athletes who can enable young people to adopt a positive worldview
should be the endorsers of brands.
• 2. Athletes from whom young people could learn positive worldview
should be the endorsers of brands.
• 3. The damage that/which intensive farming has caused has been
• 4. Most young people want to live in the cities in which there are more
job opportunities.
• 有科学或者金融方面知识的人更容易找到稳定高薪的工作。
• 不知道应该遵守什么条约也不知道什么行为是违法的却只知道学术知
who 引导
 Those who feel that sports stars' salaries are justified might
argue that the number of professionals with real talent was
very few.
 Students without teachers will surely be lost; but students
who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really
 Children who enter school at an early age are generally more
confident and independent than children who stay at home
with their parents.
that 引导

• Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be

stable and move forward.
• The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be
done flawless by robots in minutes.
• How to handle criminals is a problem (that) all countries and societies
• Advertisement is an effective marketing tool (that) almost every company
• If fuel prices go up, either fewer people will drive or people will drive less,
which makes sense for reducing pollution.
• Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and
international businesses, which in turn increases demand for the labor
• Government should develop and launch a good traffic control system,
which can monitor and facilitate traffic flows on major roads for better
and safer road usage, reducing the chances of accidents.
• (2) 关系副词 why 引导的定于从句
• 1. The main reason why many peoploe do not agree with banning
smoking is that this policy would be an attack tobacco on the industry.
• 家长为什么把孩子送去学校的一个主要原因就是家长希望孩子们能够
• (3) 逗号加 which
• Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and i
nternational businesses, which in turn increases demand for the labor mar
• Governments should develop and launch a good traffic control system, wh
ich can monitor and facilitate traffic flows on major roads for better and sa
fer usage, reducing the chances of accidents.

• 老年人可以照看他们的孙辈,这也会在一定程度上减轻年轻人的压力

• 一些学生在玩计算机游戏上花费了太多的时间,这对他们的身体有害
• 高昂的运输费用会加在食物的价格上,这样会对消费者造成不利影响

6. 状语从句

• (1) 时间状语从句
• when, while, after, before, until, once, whenver, as soon as
• 1. When students cannot figure out problems instantly, teachers will give
them support in class.
• 2. You will meet your graduate mentor to discuss your academic path and
course selections as soon as you arrive in the department.
• 3. One will never realise his or her weaknesses until he or she has to deal
with problems independently.
• (2) 原因状语从句
• 连接词 because, as, for, since, in that 引导
• 1. The automatic teller machine (ATM) might break down, for there are
many people waiting in a long queue to withdraw money.
• 2. The government should take actions to curb the marketing of unhealthy
food because the problem of childhoood obesity has become quite
• 3. Since London won the bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games,
the UK government had to spend a lot of money improving infrastructure
and building stadiums.
• 4. Rivers used to be the equivalent of today’s motorways, in that they
were extensively used for transportation.
• 介词短语 because of, due to, owing to, on account of, as a result of,
thanks to 引导
• 1. Due to the lack of outdoor activities, the condition of personal health
has become worse than before.
• 2. On account of the quickening pace of life, competion goes increasingly
fierce in all walks of life.
• 3. Thanks to the improvement of communication technology, people
could live and work anywhere.
• (3) 结果状语从句
• …so + adj./adv. + that 从句
• …such a/an+ n. + that 从句
• 1. Children are so innocent that they cannot tell right from wrong.
• 2. The government’s budget is so limited that it cannot support the arts
• 3. That athlete is such a famous person that many companies want him to
endorse their products.
• 4. Advertising is such an effective marketing strategy that many
companies use it.
• (4) 条件状语从句
• if= suppose that = provided that= on condition that...=as long as, unless
= if not
• If young people are encouraged to get involved in volunteer work, they wi
ll realise their social value and understand social responsibility.
• 如果社会各界人士都能够一起采取行动来处理污染问题,那么我们的
• Provided that people from all walks of life can take actons to cope with th
e contamination, our living environment will be greatly ameliorated.

•If a person loses a job but can get assistance, or a minority still has
an equal opportunity of success, then we can say this country is

•Many medications and procedures currently in use would not exist

if animal testing was banned.( 表示的可能性很小或者想象中的事
情时,用虚拟语气 )
• While people traditionally priortize caring, sharing and generosity
in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbing
and self-concerned.

• While economic development has made our life more

comfortable, it has also polarized( 使 ... 两 极 化 ) the society in
the distribution of wealth.
• (5) 让步状语从句
• 1. Although, though, even/if, while, despite the fact that..., in spite of th
e fact that... 开头,后面不能跟 but
• Although the government has taken actions to restrict the use of private c
ars, traffic congestion remains serious.
• 2. 以 as 引导的倒装,常常以形容词或名词开头
• Child as he is, he knows a lot.
• Expensive as the tuition is, his parents still make efforts to persuade him t
o be educated at the top university.
• 尽管惩罚很严重,犯罪分子的数量依然很高。
2 个加分结构

1. 分词结构

• 分词:现在分词( -ing ) ; 过去分词( -ed ) ; 不定时( -to do )

• A. 作后置定语
• 我想住在一个面朝大海的房子里。
• I want to live in a house facing the sea.
• Houses built 50 years ago a room overlooking the street
• money donated to the poor questions puzzling the examinees
• poems written in Chinese a person having a keen sense of humor
• 孩子们应该多去参加那些为了( aim at )培养社会责任感而开展的志
• B 做状语 , 可以根据需要在其前加上 when, while, before, after, once,
although 等
• 原因状语 : 一般用于句首
• Having smoked too much, he has suffered from lung cancer.
• Influenced by financial crisis, Greek government cannot afford the huge s
pending on pension.

• 由于受到了媒体的影响,很多民众盲目购买日常生活用品。
• 考虑所有的因素后,我们可以得出结论,强制退休制度完全不可接受
• 结果状语 : 常用于结尾
• The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.
• Football is played in more than 80 countries, making it a popular sport.
• 手机在日常生活中扮演着非常重要的角色,使得人们能够随时与他人
• Mobile phones plays a vital role in our daily lives, making it possible for pe
ople to communicate with others at any time and keep abreast of the late
st news.

• 目的状语 : 往往放于句末,且与主句间用逗号隔开
• I hunted around from city to city, hoping to get a job
• 方式,伴随状语
• I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.
• Talking and laughing, the children walked one by one into the classroom.

• 条件状语 : 一般位于句首
• If spoilt by the parents, children will become very selfish.
• Working hard at your lessons, you are to succeed.
• 如果看了太多的暴力场面,人们就会感到害怕并且会开始认为社会并
2. 被动句式

• (1) 基本结构 be + done

• This policy is made by the government.
• Students are expected to join in more unpaid community service.
• Environment problems could be solved in the long run.

• 这个问题应该由所有人共同解决。
• 政府可以制定相关的法律法规来遏制当前的不良现象。
• ( 2 )用于写作中的被动语态黄金结构
• A. sth. could be done by/through doing sth. 通过……可以……
• Environmental problems could be solved through developing clean and r
enewable resources.
• Student' learning motivation could be stimulated through adopting an int
erest-based teaching approach.
• 可以通过发展旅游业来增长国家经济。
• 通过提高收入税,贫富差距可以被缩小。
• B. sth. should be done to ensure/make sure sth./that... 应该……来确
• The road network should be improved to ensure the import and export of
goods to different areas.
• Libraries should be built in poor areas to ensure that the children there a
re able to access
• 警察应该配备枪支来确保公众的安全。
• 死刑应该被采纳,这样的话可以确保法律的威慑作用。
• C. Priority should be given to sth. 应优先考虑……
• Priority should be given to the impact on social stability.
• Priority should be given to human rights.
• 应该优先考虑改善基础设施。
• 我们打算把老年人送到养老院( caring house )时,应该优先考虑老

• D. More emphasis should be placed on... 应该更加重视 / 强调……

• More emphasis should be placed on the morality of children.
• More emphasis should be placed on the improvement of the legislative sy
• 应该更加重视环境保护。
4 种高分秘笈

• 1. 副词提前
• 2. 名词化
• 3. 无灵主语
• 4. 使动用法
1. 副词提前

• It is apparent that some people never think of themselves as lawbreakers

as they are running across the red light.
• Apparently, some people never....
• It is surprising that.... Surprisingly, ....
• It is obvious that.... Obviously, ....
• 常用于开头的副词:
• Admittedly, ... Undoubtedly, ... Understandably, ...
• Evidently,.... Inevitably,.... Interestingly, ....
• 诚然手机使人们的生活变得更加便捷,但是也产生了不少问题。
• 显然,广告是一个公司推销产品和扩大潜在市场的一种有效途径。
2. 名词化

• 1. Learning English is very important for us.

• = Learning English is of great importance for us.
• 2. If you carefully compare these two teaching methods, you
will discover that the former is superior.
• = If you make a careful comparison of these two teaching met
hods, ...
• = A careful comparison of these two teaching methods will dis
cover the superiority of the former.
• 3. Because children cannot distinguish the right from the wrong, they c
annot make sound decisions.
• 当从句中谓语动词跟情态动词一起用时,可将情态动词改为名词
• cannot, may not→inability; incapability; impossibility; need→deman
• should/must→ responsibility/obligation
• 改: The inability to distinguish the right from the wrong prevents chil
dren from making sound decisions.
• e.g. Parents may not know how to help their children figure out a certa
in problem so they send their children to school.
• 改: The incapability to help their children figure out a certain proble
m force parents to send their children to school.
• 学校应该专注于教学生那些对他们将来事业有帮助的学科。
• Schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects th
at will be useful for their future careers.
• 改: Teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their
future career is the responsibility of schools.
• 由于社会竞争变得越来越激烈,因此学生有必要具备综合的技能和广
• Because the competition becomes increasingly fierce, students need to eq
uip themselves with comprehensive skills and a wide range of knowledge.
• 改: The necessity for students to equip themselves with comprehensive
skills and a wide range of knowledge is due to the increasing fierceness of
3. 无灵主语

• 主宾互换,用无生命物作主语
• 1. These students should take part-time jobs.
• →Part-time jobs benefit these students.
• 2. We saw a beautiful view on the hill top.
• → A beautiful view attracted/fascinated us on the hill top.
• 3. We found the truth after the investigation.
• → The truth appeared to/emerged to us after the investigation.
• 4. She was astonished.
• → Astonishment seized/oppressed her.
More practices
• 1. 我对这样的不正常的社会现象感到很困惑。
• I was confused by the abnormal social phenomenon.
• The abnormal social phenomenon baffled me.
• 2. 机会青睐有准备的人。
• Those who are well prepared are more likely to get opportunities.
• Opportunities favored those who are well prepared.
• 3. 中华人民共和国成立于 1949 年。
• People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.
• The year 1949 witness the founding of the People's Republic of Chin
• 4. 越来越少的人读报纸。
• Less and less people read newspapers.
• Newspapers are fading away from our daily lives.
4. 使动用法
• Make: 使…… (不要过多用 make 表使动)
• 1 ) en-:
• enrich, enlarge, ensure, enable, encourage, endanger, entitle, enpower, e
• 2 ) -en:
• weaken, worsen, widen, broaden, brighten, darken, quicken, sharpen, dee
pen, lengthen, heighten, strengthen, threaten, frighten
• 3 ) -ize: ( 使朝……方向变化 )
• modernize, socialize, civilize, industrialize, commercialize, normalize
• 4 ) -fy:
• purify, simplify, beautify, uglify, solidify, electrify, classify, satisfy, qualify,
dissatify, disqualify
• 5) 表示“导致”的使动动词:
• cause, lead to, result in, create, produce, generate, contribute to, bring ab
out, give rise to, give birth to
• 6) 其他表示“使动”的动词:
• drive, force, render, motivate, prevent, promote, stimulate, allow, permit,
equip sb. with, provide sb. with
How to be a native
Four secrets

• Using prep and prep phrase

• Enumeration
• Parallelism
• Paraphrasing
Using prep. and prep. phrase
• 显然,医药技术的进步使很多疾病都偃旗息鼓了。
• Clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of medical

• 不管政府的决定是什么,都应该是为了人们的最高利益。
• Whatever the decision of the government is, it should be for the best
interest of the public.

• in terms of, with regard to, regarding, with, without, regardless of, in the
wake of

• such as, for example,

• 即使孩子使用电脑来干别的,比如获取信息或者给朋友发邮件,它也
Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting
information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction.
• 电视上有很多好的节目可以给观众提供关于很多话题的信息,比如
• There are plenty of well-made TV programs that
provide viewers with information on such diverse topics as history, science,
medicine, foreign languages and economics.
• and/or, neither ...nor…

• 对团队的责任感和忠诚感也可以提高工作的满意度。
• Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyalty
to a team.

• 没有天赋,持续的训练将不再吸引人或有效。同样,没有训练,孩
• Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither
attractive nor productive, and without the training, the children would
not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.

• 如果父母能把孩子教育成关心他人、有集体意识、有责任心的人,
• If parents could raise children to be considerate of others and to be
social, responsible individuals, the whole community would benefit.
• 尽管如此,在一些情况下,写信仍是首选。手写的婚礼请帖总是显
• In spite of all this, there are certain occasions when letters are still the
number one choice. The wedding invitations always seem more formal
and sincere if hand-written; holiday cards with ink will often delight us
more; and a carefully written love letter may intrigue or move your
beloved one more easily.

in other words, by which I mean, that is to say

• 总的来说,我认为在获取幸福的过程中,能够对生活有一

• Overall, I think the ability to keep a clear perspective in life is a

more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean
an ability to have a sense of what is important in our lives and
what is not.

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