Helath - Ilness Continuum

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Health and illness are complex that is dynamic
A model theoretical way of understanding a complex
Health beliefs model help to understand client’s health
behaviors and beliefs so that effective health care can
be provided .
It helps nurses to understand the relationship between
health of the client and various variables affecting such
as nutrition, lifestyle , health practice etc.
Models of health and illness

Health –illness continuum

High level wellness model

Agent host environment model

Health belief model

Holistic health model

Health promotion model

Health –illness continuum

The health illness continuum is a graphic illustration

of a well being ,concept first proposed by
John.W.Travis in 1972.
• It describes how wellbeing is more than simply an
absence of illness , but also incorporates the
individuals mental and emotional health.
• Travis believed that the standard approach to
medicines , which assumes a person is well when
there are no signs or symptoms of disease ,was
Health –illness continuum

1.Movement to the right to the arrows (toward

the high level of wellness) equals an increase
in level of health and wellbeing Achieved in
three steps
 Awareness
 Education
 Growth
2. Movement to the left to the arrows (towards
premature death) equates a progressively
decreasing state of health. Achieved in three
 Signs
 Symptoms
 Disability
3.Composed of two arrows pointing in opposite
direction and joined at a neutral point.
4.Most important is the direction is the
individual facing on the pathway
• A. If towards high level of health , a person has
genuinely optimistic or positive out look
despite his/ her health status.
• B. If towards premature death , a person has a
genuinely pessimistic or negative out look
about his or her health status.
5.Compares treatment model with a wellness
If treatment model is used ,an individual
can move right only to the neutral point.
Eg: A hypertensive client who only takes his
medications without making any other life
style changes.
If wellness model is used , an individual can
move right past the neutral point.

Eg :As hypertensive client not only takes

medications but stops smoking , looses weight
, starts an exercise programme etc.

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