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Class: XII
Subject: PHYSICS
“The curve along which a small positive Test Charge would tend to move when free to
do so in an Electric field is known as the Electric Field Line/ Line of force.”
• These lines are imaginary lines & doesn’t exist in real.
• This imaginary lines, initially developed by Michel Faraday, has a very great
significance as one can visualize Electric Field using this concept.

• Direction of Electric field can be found by the Tangent to the Electric field line at the given
point while the strength can be given by the relative density of the field lines.

Properties of Electric Field Lines:

1) Field lines start from positive charges and end at negative charges. If there is a single
charge, they may start or end at infinity.
2) In a charge-free region, electric field lines can be taken to be continuous curves without
any breaks.
3. Two field lines can never cross each other. If they do, it implies that there are two
directions for the electric field at that point. But this is impossible since electric fields
add up vectorically at any point and remember that “A field line is drawn tangential to
the net electric field at a point”.
4. Electrostatic field lines do not form any closed loops. This follows from the conservative
nature of electric field.
5. They are always perpendicular to the surface of charged body.
6. The field is strong when the lines are close together, and it is weak when the field lines
move apart from each other.
7. The number of field lines is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge.
8. The field lines around a system of two positive charges (q, q) give a vivid pictorial
description of their mutual repulsion, while those around the configuration of two equal
and opposite charges (q, –q), a dipole, show clearly the mutual attraction between the
9. One characteristic of a conductor at
electrostatic equilibrium is that the electric
field anywhere beneath the surface of a charged
conductor is zero. If an electric field did exist
beneath the surface of a conductor (and inside of
it), then the electric field would exert a force on
all electrons that were present there.
This net force would begin to accelerate and move these electrons. But objects at
electrostatic equilibrium have no further motion of charge about the surface. So if this were
to occur, then the original claim that the object was at electrostatic equilibrium would be a
false claim. If the electrons within a conductor have assumed an equilibrium state, then the
net force upon those electrons is zero. The electric field lines either begin or end upon a
charge and in the case of a conductor, the charge exists solely upon its outer surface. The
lines extend from this surface outward, not inward. This of course presumes that our
conductor does not surround a region of space where there was another charge.
Electric Field Lines for different charge systems
(Play it through slide show mode)
For an Isolate +ve charge For an Isolate +ve charge
For a pair of equal & opposite charges

For a pair of equal +ve charges Two parallel oppositely charged plates
“The Electric Flux through a given area (open/close) held inside an electric field is the
measure of the total no.of. Electric field lines passing perpendicularly through that area.”

→ 𝐀



If angle between Electric If angle between Electric If angle between Electric

Field & Area Vector is 00, Field & Area Vector is Field & Area Vector is not
constant ‘θ’, constant,
Note: To understand a surface integral, Do this: in your imagination, break the total
surface up into many little segments, labeled with an index i. The surface vector of segment
‘i’ is . If the segment is very, very tiny, it is effectively flat and the electric field is constant
over that tiny surface, so we can use the formula;
∅ =⃗
In the limit that the segments become infinitesimal, there are an infinite number of
segments and the sum becomes an integral. So the total flux can be given by,

Q-14: Find the electric flux through each surface & hence
find the total electric flux through the cube shown in the
diagram, If the electric field in the region is given by;
𝑬 𝒙 =𝟐𝟎 𝒙
𝑬 𝒚 =𝟏𝟎 𝒚
𝑬 𝒛=𝟎
Ans: From the diagram shown in here,

for surface 1 (Right Surface);

Similarly, we can proof that;

for surface 2 (Left Surface), ; for surface 3 (Bottom Surface), 𝜙 3 =0
for surface 4 (Top Surface)𝜙;2= 1 0
𝑁 . 𝑚2
𝑐 ; for surface 5 (Front Surface), 𝜙 5=0
𝜙 6 =0
& for surface 6 (Back Surface),
So, the electric flux through the cube will be,


“The total electric flux through a closed surface is times the net charge enclosed by the

Mathematically, 𝜙=∮ 𝐸 ⋅ 𝑑 𝐴 =
 In the above equation; while calculating the flux in the 1st part, the Electric field is to be
calculated due to all the charges (both inside & outside the surface). But, in the 2 nd part,
only the enclosed charges are to be calculated.
 For any medium other than vacuum, Gauss’s Law can be modified as;

⃗ 𝑞𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑞 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑
𝜙=∮ 𝐸 ⋅ 𝑑 𝐴 = =
𝜀 𝜀𝑟 . 𝜀
 Gauss Law is applicable to any kind of closed shape.
 The flux through the closed surface is independent of the 
size, shape & position of the charge inside the surface. It only
depends only on the net amount of charges inside. (Refer The
 Gauss’s law makes it possible to find the electric field easily in
highly symmetric situations.

How to Use Gauss’ Law to Calculate Electric Fields:

1) Draw the pattern of the electric field lines for the charge distribution.
2) Choose an appropriate imaginary closed surface (known as Gaussian surface).  It should
be chosen to surround the charge system (or a part of the charge system)
3) The Gaussian surface must pass through the point where we want to calculate the
electric field strength on the surface.
4) The electric field should make a constant angle (preferably 0 0 or 900) with the
5) Find the net charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface
6) Solve Gauss’ law to find the electric field strength.
Electric Field due to a Point Charge:
• Let there be a point charge ‘q’ for
Assumed Gaussian Surface
which we have to find the electric
field at a point ‘T’ (which is at a
distance of ‘r’ from ‘q’)
• Let us assume a spherical Gaussian Surface
centred at ‘q’ & passing through the point ‘T’. T
• Let us first calculate the flux passing through
the Gaussian Surface.
E vs r Graph

𝟏 𝒒
⇒𝑬 =
𝟒 𝝅 𝜺𝟎 𝒓 𝟐

Electric Field due to an Infinitely long Line Charge:
• Let us consider an infinitely long & uniformly charged wire of charge density (λ) for
which we have to find the electric field at a point ‘T’ (which is at a distance of ‘r’).
• Let us assume a cylindrical Gaussian Total charge given to the wire=Q
Surface of radius ‘r’ keeping the given Charge enclosed=q
wire at its axis such that the curved
surface will pass through the point ‘T’.
• The total flux passing through the Gaussian
Surface can be given by;
  q
 S E  dA  0
   
  E  dA   E  dA 
      
2 flat surface circular surface
We can’t keep ‘l’ in the final expression as the
E 
circular surface
dA 
0 ⃗ ⃗
(∵𝐹𝑜𝑟 both the Flat Surfaces , the angle betwe n 𝐸 & d𝐴 is 90 ) 
0 Gaussian Surface is an imaginary one & hence the
value of ‘l’ is not known to us. So let us eliminate ‘l’
 EA circularsurface 
0 using the concept of charge density.
q Since the charge on the wire is distributed
 E (2 rl) 
0 uniformly, Its Linear Charge Density is constant &
q can be given by; 𝑞
𝜆=   ⇒ q = 𝜆. l …………(2)
2rl 0 𝑙
Putting equation (2) in equation (1),

E vs r Graph

Where value of ‘λ’ can be found by,

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙   𝐶h arg𝑒(𝑄)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙   Length   of   the   wire

Electric Field due to an Infinite Plane Sheet:
• Let us consider an infinite charged plane sheet of surface charge density (σ) for which
we have to find the electric field at a point ‘T’ (which is at a distance of ‘r’).
• Let us assume a cylindrical Gaussian Surface of length ‘2r’ & cross-sectional area ‘A’ such that
the point ‘T’ will be on one of the flat surfaces as shown in the figure.
• The total flux passing through the Gaussian Surface can be given by;

(Since the charge density Total charge given to the wire=Q

is constant, ) Charge enclosed=q

Where value of ‘λ’ can be found by, 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶h𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 (𝑄)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡h𝑒 𝑆h𝑒𝑒𝑡
• From the above expression it is clear that the
Electric Field due to an infinite plane sheet is
independent of the distance of the point from
E vs r Graph
the sheet & is constant on both the sides of
the sheet.
• Using the above result, we can also derive the
expression of Electric Field between two plane
sheets which is very useful to understand the
concept of Parallel Plate Capacitors .

Electric Field due to a Charged Thin Spherical Shell:
• Let us consider a charged thin spherical shell of radius ‘R’ & a uniform surface charge density ‘σ’ for
which we have to find the Electric Field at a point ‘T’ (which is at a distance of ‘r’ from the shell).
• Since there is no mass inside, all the charges will reside only on the surface of the shell.
• Let us assume a Spherical Gaussian Surface of radius ‘r’ concentric with the given shell. Now we
have 3 cases possible;
In all the 3 cases Total Charge given to the spherical shell=Q

For an Outside Point For a Point on the surface For an Inside Point
(r>R) (r=R) (r<R)
For an Outside Point (r>R) For a Point on the surface (r=R) For an Inside Point (r<R)

𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑡h𝑒 toal charge given to the shel  is enclosed by the Gaus ian Surface, So 𝑇h𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑎 𝑒 𝑛𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠ider  as pecial  se of the prvious derivaton by taking the surface o the s l as the Gausin Surface, i. r=R. So,
1 Q
  4 0 R 2

E vs r Graph )

 E . 4 r 2  0
 E0
Electric Charges Electric Fields

Properties of charges & Electric Field Lines & Its Relation between
Methods of Charging a body Properties Electric Force & Field

Coulomb’s Law for finding Area Vector & Electric Flux Motion of a charge
Force between 2 Charges inside an Electric Field

Gauss’s Law in
Force between Multiple Charges Electrostatics Finding Electric Field
using Coulomb’s Law

Applications of Gauss’s Law

to find Electric Field
Electric Field due to Electric Field due to a
a Point Charge Electric Field due to a
Electric Field due to a Spherical Charged Shell
Infinite Plane Sheet
Infinitely long Line Charge
At the end of this Chapter, Students can;
 remember various properties of charges.
 understand different methods of charging a body.
 apply Coulomb’s law for finding force between 2 charges.
 evaluate electrostatic force between multiple charges using superposition principle.
 intercept the concept of electric field & electric field lines.
 sketch electric field lines for different charge systems.
 calculate the trajectories of charge particles inside electric field using the relation between force
& field
 create the concept the area vector & electric flux
 define gauss’s law in electrostatics
 realise the importance of Gauss’s law over Coulomb’s law.
 derive the expressions of electric field for different symmetric charge systems.
 learn the effect of electric field on metals & non-metals placed inside it.

1. The dielectric constant of water is 80. Find its permittivity? [1]

2. If E=3i ̂+4j ̂-6k ̂, find the electric flux through a surface of area 20 units in Y-Z plane? [1]
3. Dimension of electric field is given by: ____________________. [1]
4. Which Quantity is vector Quantity among the following?
(a) Electric flux (b) Electric charge (c) Electric field (d) Electric potential. [2]
5. Why is it safe to be in car during lightning?
6. Write the vector form of force acting between two charges ‘q1’ & ‘q2’ having position vectors ‘r1’ & ‘r2’
respectively. [2]
7. Two particles, each having a mass of 5 gm & charge 1 × 10 –7 Coulomb, Stay in equilibrium, on a horizontal table
with a separation of 10 cm between them. The coefficient of friction between the particle & the table is same for
both the particles. Find the coefficient of friction. [2]
8. (a) Define electric flux. Write its SI units.
(b) Using Gauss’s law, prove that the electric field at a point due to a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet is
independent of the distance from it. [5]
(c) How is the field directed if (i) the sheet is positively charged, (ii) negatively charged
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Basic Level Questions: TMRdQzVyA-VvgxffWOHBy/view?usp=sharing
1. A proton and an alpha particle enter into a region of uniform electric field. The ratio of the force on the proton to
that on the alpha particle is ________________. [1] + 3 C

2. If triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle & ‘O’ is its centroid. Calculate the O
magnitude of the electrostatic force at ‘O’ in the given diagram. [2] + 6 C
–3 C + 6 C
3. Find the charge on a wire of length10cm if line charge density λ = (2 x +10) C/m. (Where ‘x’ is measured from
origin.) [2]
4. The force between two equal charges placed in a medium at a distance of 9 cm from each other is 16 dyne. On
increasing one of the charges by 56 Stat-Coulomb, it is found that the distance between the charges must be
changed by 3 cm in order to keep the force between them the same. Calculate the magnitude of the charges and
the dielectric constant of the medium. Given, 1 C = 3 × 10 9 Stat-Coulomb. [2]
5. Two pith-balls each weighing 10–3 kg and suspended from the same point by means of silk threads 0.5 m long.
On charging the balls equally, they are found to repel each other to a distance of 0.2 m. Calculate the charge on
each ball. [3]
6. Find the Electric Field due to two parallel plane sheets of charge density +σ 1 & +σ2 (Assuming
σ1>σ2). [3]
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Standard Level Questions: EMFa9yCFGIZeQ8x447YyI/view?usp=sharing
1. A point charge Q(C) is placed at the origin. Find the electric flux of which an area 4π m 2 on a concentric spherical
shell of radius R. [1]
(a) Q/R2ε (b) Q/ε0 (c) Q/4R2ε0 (d) none of the above
2. Plot a graph showing the variation of coulomb’s force (F) versus, where ‘r’ is the distance between the two
charges of each pair of charges: (1mC, 2mC) & (2mC, –3mC). Interpret the graphs obtained. [2]
3. Two balls ‘A’ & ‘B’ of same mass ‘M’ & charges +Q , -Q are suspended by two
strings of same length from two different suspension points S 1 & S2 .If
S1S2=3x & AB=x, then show that;
(a) Tension in the string is [3]

4. An inclined plane making an angle of 300 with the horizontal is placed in a uniform horizontal electric field of 100
N/C. A particle of mass 1 kg & charge 0.01 C is allowed to slide down from rest from a height of 1 m. If the co-
efficient of friction is 0.2, find the time it will take for the particle to reach the bottom. [3]

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Advance Level Questions: fKOSnSgfdU4NmHnLxoQeG/view?usp=sharing
1) If 4 point charges (–2 Q, + 2 Q, –Q & +Q) are placed at the 4 corners of a square of side 2cm. Find the magnitude
of the electric field at the centre ‘O’ of the square, if Q=0.02μC. [3]
Acceleration of the electron 0.5 1
Time period of the electron 1
Acceleration of the Proton 0.5
Time period of the Proton 1 0.5


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Questions with Answer: XpZNs8ZoOMijjgcHZ4MrFm/view?usp=sharing
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