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Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is yet a major public health problem

through out the world,

Including African countries like Ethiopia. This is due to lower

knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of the people about the

A cross-sectional study was carried out from April 2023 to May

2023 to assess the community knowledge, attitude, and
practice on Bovine Tuberculosis in Jinka Town.

Questionnaire survey and retrospective data were used as a

tool for data collection. Among 382 respondents, 254 (66.5%)
knew about BTB, where as 128 (33.5%) respondents did not
have any idea about the disease.
Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) infection is generally defined by the
formation of tubercles,
which are distinct granulomatous lesions in affected organs and
tissues with variable degrees of calcification, necrosis, and
This disease is the second main cause of death from an infection
disease world-wide, after the human immunodeficiency virus

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most serious public health

issues in the world.

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is known to have a public health
importance being transmitted from infected animals to
humans through close contact and ingestion of raw animal

Drinking raw milk is a primary route of M. bovis infection of

humans; hence

, the occurrence of human tuberculosis is most commonly in

the extrapulmonary form,

particularly resulting in the cervical lymphadenitis..
Ethiopia has one of the world's highest rates of human
tuberculosis, which is primarily caused by Mycobacterium

The country remains a hotspot for zoonotic illnesses like

bovine tuberculosis, putting public health and the cattle
industry at risk

The standard method for detection of tuberculosis is the

tuberculin test, where a small amount of antigen is injected
into the skin, and the immune reaction is measured.

• Single intra dermal tuberculin skin test (SITT) is the test that
bovine tuberculin injection can be at the site of hairless area
of caudal fold to observe the skin reaction against M.bovis.
• It is imperative that tuberculosis positive animals must be
slaughtered (culled);

• hygienic measures to prevent the spread of infection should
be instituted as soon as

• the first group of reactors is removed. Feed troughs should
be cleaned and thoroughly

• disinfected with hot, 5% phenol. In general terms, control
measures of bovine tuberculosis in the traditional extensive
production systems are more difficult and complex.
• Statement of Problem
• Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease transmitted from animal
human. It makes a significant economic impact.

• Zoonotic tuberculosis incidence is higher in some regions and countries
than others, particularly where there is a close association between
number of cattle (the major source of M. bovis) and people where milk
and dairy products are often consumed unpasteurised milk.

• The KAP towards BTB alone was not studied in Jinka town and that is wh
the current research was contemplated in the study area.

• Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the knowledge,

• and practices toward Bovine tuberculosis in Jinka town of southern,
• Objective of the Study

• 1.3.1. General Objective

• ❖ The aim of this research was to determine the level of knowledge, attitude and

• preventive practice on bovine tuberculosis in Jinka town, SNNP State.

• 1.3.2. Specific Objective

• ➢ To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices toward BTB in Jinka town

• ➢ To determine the socio-demographic Characterstics the community in Jinka town

• ➢ To determine the level of knowledge on human and animal BTB

• ➢ To determine the predictors of knowledge, attitude and preventive practice

• Description of the Study Area

• The study was conducted from March 2023 to May 2023 in Jinka town

which is the capital city of South Omo Zone. It is located in the hills

north of the Tama Plains.

• Currently, Jinka is the center of Jinka town administration. It has a

latitude and Longitude of 5°47′N and 36°34′E Coordinates respectively

and an elevation of 1490 meters above sea level._x0000_

• Study Population

• The study population were individuals who are resident in
Jinka town with different Socio-demographic characteristics.
• This study includes individuals of sex, different age
categories, different occupation, different marital status, and
those, which were found on different educational levels.
• Study Design
• A cross-sectional study was carried out from April2023 to
May 2023 to assess the community knowledge, attitude, and
practice on Bovine Tuberculosis in Jinka Town._x0000_
• Sample Size Determination

• The study population of the current study was comprised of randomly selected

• students of different educational levels (elementary, high schools, colleges), farmers,

• a governmental and self-employee that are found in Jinka town and its surroundings.

• Abebe et al., revealed KAP towards Tuberculosis as 39.39%. in 2020. Thus, the

• required sample size for this study was estimated by considering the formula given by

• Cochran (1977) sample size formula for categorical data (Bartlett, 2001). A 95%

• confidence interval was considered to calculate the sample size.

• n=t2*p (q)/d2

• Where, t2= value for selected alpha level of 0.025 in each tail=1.96 at 95% degree of

• confidence

• P= population proportion of target population, q=1-p d = degree of accuracy required

• n = the sample size

• Q=0.6061 where P= 0.3939

• n= 1.962* 0.3939*0.6061 / 0.052=367 to be precise, the sample size is increased to 382.
• _x0000_
Method of Data Collection
Questionnaire Survey
A structured questionnaire was prepared to assess the
knowledge, attitude, and
practice of the community settled on urban and peri-urban
areas of the study area. In
addition, the socio-demographic history of each respondent
was recorded.
A questionnaire was presented to each randomly selected

• Data management and Analysis

• All collected data were entered into the Microsoft Excel 2010
• Socio demoraphic characteristic ofrespondents injinka town
among the respondet 284(74.3%)and 98(25.7%)were male
and female respectively.
• Knowledge of respondents on bovine tuberculosis
254(66.%)respondents inthe study area knew about bovine
tuberculosis where as 128(33.5%)did not hear about the
• Among the knowledgeable respondents ,213(83.86) knew
that bacteria cause BTB.
• Also 208(81.89) respondents knew that bovine tuberculosis
is zoonotic disease where as 46(18.11%))did not have any
idea about it is zoonotic iimportance . Also
around147(57.87)respondentz knew that consumption of
raw milk can tranismit BTB from animals to humans.

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