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👋 Welcome, Pratham

Gamma Tips & Tricks

Learn how Gamma differs from traditional slide decks, and check out everything it can do

TLDR Contents

Gamma uses flexible cards instead of fixed slides and a realtime, collaborative and writing-based editor that 🎉 Flexible Cards
saves you time by letting you focus on content.
💬 Nested cards, Toggles & Footnotes
Nested cards, toggles and footnotes help you break complex ideas and walls of text into bite-sized pieces,
⚡ Editing & Adding Content
without losing detail & context.

☑️Content Blocks
Include gifs, videos, charts and even websites—with interactive embeds. Make your deck polished and
presentable ready in one click, with no-fuss themes. 🖼 Interactive Embeds

Present your Gamma deck, share it like a doc, export it to PDF or embed it in your website. Track engagement 🎨 Themes and Styling
with built-in analytics.
🖥 Presenting, Sharing & Exporting

💬 Realtime Collaboration

📈 Deck Analytics
🎉 Flexible Cards
They're faster and more fluid than slides

💬 Break down ideas into bite-size cards

Cards are similar to the traditional slide and they can be presented one at a time.

↕️Unlike slides, cards expand to fit your ideas

Cards automatically get taller as you type, so you don't have to worry about squeezing your ideas to
✂️Unlike slides, you can split and merge cards

To split cards

Type *** or --- while editing a card, or type /split and hit enter.

To merge cards

Use the … overflow menu in the corner of any card to merge it into the card above.
💬 Nested cards, Toggles & Footnotes
Interactivity and progressive disclosure > walls of text

Nested cards
When you want to group related ideas, or hide supporting detail, you can put fully featured cards inside of other cards.

Collapsible toggles
Use toggles to walk through key points

Toggles are also good for questions and FAQ's

How can I add a toggle to my deck?

📦 Cards can live inside other cards

For example, you might put the what at the top level of a card, but then share all They're also great for listing out multiple ideas, and letting your audience
the background on the why inside these nested cards. "choose their own adventure."
⚡Editing & Adding Content
If you've used Notion, you'll pick up Gamma in no time

⌨️Slash Menu

Like Notion, Gamma uses a block-based editor and a slash menu.

Type / while editing in a card to pull up the slash menu to browse all of the different content options.

➕ Insert Menu

You can also drag things directly into your deck while in edit mode, using the insert menu on the
☑️Content Blocks
Here's an overview of some of the content blocks you can add in Gamma
🔤 Typography
Eliminate the chaos that comes with infinite font sizes

Gamma uses a pared down set of font sizes so you never have to
burn time choosing between unlimited options or reserving time at
the end to make things consistent.
🪄 Protip: you can use markdown syntax to quickly format text
Heading 1
# Heading 1 Heading 2
## Heading 2
Heading 3
### Heading 3

> Blockquote Blockquote

:emoji: Add an emoji 😍

🧾 Lists & Tables
The usual options, with some new tricks

Gamma lets you create ordered and unordered lists just like traditional slides. Unlike slides, you can also create todo lists, eg. to list out action items or quickly show progress towards open tasks.

Bulleted lists Numbered lists Todo lists

• Item 1 1. Item 1 Milestone 1

• Item 2 2. Item 2 Milestone 2

• Item 3 3. Item 3 Milestone 3

Type * or - then space Type 1. then space Type [] then space


Gamma Decks Traditional Slides

Markdown support ✅ Yes ❌ No

Responsive on mobile ✅ Yes ❌ No

Easy to create ✅ Yes ⚠️Rarely

👌 Multi-Column Layouts
Stop dragging and resizing boxes to create layouts

In Gamma you can create pixel-perfect two

and three column layouts in seconds.

Just drag blocks next to each other to create multi-column layouts.

You can also use the slash menu to insert the number of columns
you want
🖼 Images and Media Galleries


Quickly drag or upload your own images into your presentation.

You can also pull them in quickly via Unsplash and Giphy—just type /unsplash or /giphy while

Gamma images can be resized and cropped inline so you can make them look good seconds.

Present collections of content, without a million slides

Type /gallery to create a media gallery. Galleries handle layouts for you so you don't have to create column layouts or worry about resizing content. Galleries can contain images, videos, links and more.
🖼 Interactive Embeds
Push your presentation beyond text and images. Embed just about anything you want in a presentation

🎞 GIFs

Add some fun and punch to your next presentation using giphy. Type /giphy while editing a card to
add gifs into your Gamma deck.

🎬 Videos

Spice up your next a presentation with a video or two. Embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Loom
or just about anywhere else in a few clicks.
🎨 Themes and Styling

Ever spent hours making your deck look nice? With Gamma, you can style and restyle your deck in one click.
Go Wild. Create Mood
Leverage card styles and backgrounds to immerse your audience in your presentation

This card uses a Giphy gif as its background image

🖥 Presenting, Sharing & Exporting
Present your ideas like a deck, or share them like a doc

Present Mode

▶️Present big ideas in bite-sized pieces

If you're on desktop, you can present your deck card by card, just like a traditional slide deck. Use
your arrow keys to navigate between cards.

👉 Focus on one point at a time with spotlight mode

💬 Realtime Collaboration
Just like Google Docs, Gamma lets you work with others in realtime

🔗 Invite your friends to collaborate with one link

Open the share panel to create an access link they can use to join and edit your deck.
📈 Deck Analytics
Track engagement with your deck, down to the card level

👁 Check to see who's viewed your deck

Track things like recent views, who viewed your deck, when they opened it, how many cards they

🕓 See where people spend their time in your decks

😎 Ready to dive in?
Here are some ways to get started in Gamma

Get goint in a blank deck (desktop only)

Browse our template gallery (desktop only)

🔗 Invite others to join your workspace

Share this link 👇 to invite team members to your workspace.

You'll be able to collaborate on decks in realtime.
💬 Share feedback or get help

If you need help, want to share feedback, or request new features, shoot us
a message. We love hearing from our users.

You'll find the chat in the help menu in the bottom right hand corner of your
Thanks from all of us at Gamma!

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