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Elements of Fiction

C. Sanders English Presentation

What is fiction?
Fiction writing is a story that comes from the writers imagination, though it can be based on actual events and people.

Two Formats of Fiction Writing

Short Stories Novels Short stories are brief works of literature that can be read in one sitting. Novels are longer and more complex narratives.

Elements of Fiction
There are five elements of fiction which are:

Setting Character Plot Theme Point of View

The time and place in which a story occurs. The place can be real or imaginary and spans from time of day, season, and/or a period of history. The setting is usually delivered in the storys exposition.

The individuals who take part in the action of the story. Two types:
Main Characters Minor Characters

The main character is the center of the storys action. The minor characters help propel the storys events.

Dynamic characters grow and change within the plot. Static characters remain the same, despite the events in the story. The development of characters takes place through characterization.

Characterization is developed through:
Physical description A characters own speech, thoughts, feelings, and actions The speech, thoughts, feelings, and actions of other characters Narrator's comments.

The events that take place in the story. The plot will always have a conflictwhether it is internal or external. Internal conflict deals with the main character have to resolve an issue or problem within himself/herself. External conflict is when an outside opposing force comes against the main character within the story.

Elements of the Plot

Exposition Provides background information on the characters and setting.
The part of the plot in which the conflict is introduced.

Rising Action

Elements of the Plot

Climax The turning point of the action where the conflict reaches its peak. This is the highest point of the readers interest. The action that takes place after the conflict- a resolution is made or introduced.

Falling Action

The universal message or truth within a work of literature. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. The theme is timeless and can relate to people outside of the work of the literature. The theme statement is always implied rather than explicitly stated; stated in a sentence or two.

Examples of Theme in Harrison Bergeron

The Individual and Society Society and a person's inner nature are always at war. Hindrances of all kinds mature a leader and make him/her stronger in mind and spirit.

Point of View
Refers to the relationship between the narrator and the events he or she describes Types:
First-person Third-person Third-person omniscient Third-person limited

Unit 1: The Challenge of Change

Unit 1 deals with The Challenge of Change in which people, places, relationships, and societies change over time. Unit 1: Part 1 discusses The Price of Progress- discusses the effects of technological progress on characters in a number of settings within the stories. Unit 1: Part 1 presents that people have the power to evoke change.

Independent Activity
Write about a time in which you felt the need for progress. What did you do to attain positive progression? How did you feel during the process of change? Be prepared to share your answers.

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut

Vonnegut portrays a society in which everyone is equalsociety eliminates individual differences. Discussion Question: What would our world be like if everyone was equal? Can a nation truly achieve equality?

Literary Analysis
Write an explanation that tells what Harrisons rebellion reveals about his character. Include details and examples from the text to support your answer. [1.2.2]

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