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Thales (624-550)
Thales (624-550 B.C

His philosophy consists of two


A-The principle of things is water. All

comes from water and all returns to

B- The earth is a flat disc which floats

upon water. Water is the first
principle of everything. Everything in
the universe is merely a modification
of water.
Anaximander(611-547 B.C)
Anaximander accepts that the first cause is material, but it is not any
kind of matter. It is formless, definite and featureless matter. It is
something without boundaries. He called it the “boundless.” there
are innumerable worlds. The worlds began, developed and decayed
giving place to other worlds. The boundless separates itself into the
hot and the cold. The cold and moist matter become the earth.

he believed that the earth is a cylinder. Men live on the top of the
cylinder. Accor- to him the earth was fluid at the beginning.
Gradually it dried up and living beings were produced from the heat.
Firstly man was the fish, living in water. Gradually the animals
migrated to the land.
Note; He was the first construct a map.
Anaximenes (588-524 B.C)

Like Thales Anaximander, Acco-to him, the first

principle is air. The universe was developed from
air. Two opposites of this development.
1. Rarefaction; means growing hot.
2. Condensation; means growing cold.
By rarefaction the air becomes fire and this
because stars.
By condensation air becomes clouds and from it
becomes water, earth, and rocks.
Note; the first principle is air because it is the
principle of life.
the first principle is number. Accor-to him, the objects
are known by means of their qualities, but qualities are
not universal because some things posses some qualities
and others posses others.
E.g. a leaf is green, not all things are green. There is one
quality which applies to everything in the universes. That
is number that is all things are numerable. Without
number there is no relation, order, law, and universe.
The world is made up of number.
Limited and unlimited/ one and many/ rest and motion/
light and darkness, good and evil/ right and left..

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