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Group Members:

Muhammad Ali Naeem (F2020266240)

Ibrahim Khalilullah (F2020266029)
Muhammad Ahsan (F2020266104)
Kaneez Zahra (F2020266479)
Maria Jamal (F2020266041)

Methods of
in an
Effective Teamwork begins and ends with Communication
“Nobody is a stranger you just need a Introduction”

● Importance of Communication
● Communication always two sided
○ Sender
○ Receiver
● Crucial for an Organization
● Channels of Communication
Literature Review
“Digest all the relevant literature, Then Write”
“Methodology gives those with no ideas, something to do”

● Contacted Organizations
related or unrelated to our

● Sent E-mail to Multiple

National History Museum
(The Citizen Archive of
Results of Research
“Research is creating new Knowledge”
Methods of Communication
• All Mainstream Software’s
• E-Mail most preferrable one
• Phone Calls
• WhatsApp
• Online Meetings (Zoom, Teams)
• Face to Face Conversation
Formal or Informal
• Formal Language at all costs
• English Language to keep things Formal
• Basic Requirement for any organization
Proper Guidelines or Code of
• Language: English preferred
• Clear & Conciseness
• Choosing appropriate channel
• Respect all Cultural Values
• Analyze the Feedback
• Train New Employees
Non-Verbal Communication
• Against the Guidelines
• Unprofessional
• Exemption incase of Disability
Challenges Faced
• Difficulty with Clarity
• Tone of Message
• Overload of Messages
• Never Faced Technical Issues
• Trust-Building
Impact of Communication
• Always Positive Impact
• Improved Efficiency by Following Guidelines
• Teamwork & Collaboration
• Increased Accessibility
• Reduced Distraction and Interruption
Emergency Alerts
• Announcement through all communication methods possible
• Rapid Announcement on Emails
Language Indifferences
• No Experience regarding that
• English or Urdu was mostly understandable
• Organization barely has contact with foreign countries
• Local Translator
Rewriting Tools
• Artificial Intelligence
• ChatGPT
• Professional Messages
Improvement in Communication
• Adopt Proofreading
• Improve Guidelines
• Improve Training Methods
• Open to Deploying any new Communication Method
• Interested in Personal Developed Environment
“Discussion is an Exchange of Knowledge”
General Discussion on the Findings of the
• Importance of Effective Communication Methods
• Controversies revolving Organization
• Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools
“Finally, in conclusion, let me say
just this”

Thank You !

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