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New Formation Specifications for Heavy

Axle Load
(Case Study For Availability Of Blanket Material)
Approval of Guidelines by Railway Board
• RDSO prepared the Guidelines
• Critical items Reviewed by CAO/Cs Committee
• Formation Specifications for New Lines/Doubling/GC
Works to be carried out on IR, for existing axle loads in
the range 22.5t to 25t , should also be kept as same as
those for 25 T as per new specifications.
• Railway Board has approved the committee’s
recommendations & the New Secifications/Guidelines
vide letter No.2007/CE-I/Geotech/02dated 26.10.09.
- The guidelines is to be put to use only on new works and
would not apply to on going project.
- This may be first tried for a year and half to get the field
appreciation and correction, if any.
• The approved guidelines have been already circulated
to the Zonal Railways for adoption. Also available on
Formation Heavy Axle Load

• New Formation Specifications vis a vis

Existing GE: G-1 2003
• Availability of blanket material
• Cost Comparison (New Formation
specification verses Existing Guidelines)
The Existing ‘Guidelines of Earthwork in
Railway Projects, GE:G-1, July 2003
stipulates :
Type of Soil SUBGRADE Blanket Thickness For
22.5 T axle Load
Rocky sub grade, GW, SW NIL
GP, SP, GM & GM-GC 45 cm
GC, SC, SM, SM-SC 60 cm
CL, ML, CI, MI, CL-ML 100 cm
CH, MH soils Unsuitable for use in
top 3 m of bank
– Organic soils, Dispersive soils will be treated as
Unsuitable Soils etc.
(B) There is provision of additional
blanket thickness to cater for Heavy
Axle Loads in Existing Guidelines,
GE:G-1 also which is :

• For axle load > 22.5t and up to 25t there is a

provision of additional blanket thickness of 30cm of
superior quality material in upper part
• For axle load > 25t up to 30t there is a provision of
additional blanket thickness of 45cm of superior
quality material in upper part

The same is shown in the enveloping curve in the

next slide
Advantages of Blanket Layer
Let us understand advantages of blanket

1 It reduces traffic induced stresses at top of sub-grade to a

tolerable limit to avoid track foundation failure.
2 It prevents penetration of ballast into sub-grade and upward
migration of sub-grade fines into ballast.
3 It intercepts downward percolation of water, facilitates run
off of water from top surface of blanket layer and provide
drainage path for upward movement of water from
4 Blanket provide separation layer to prevent mud pumping
by checking the attrition of subgrade particles by ballast.
New Specification & Guidelines of
Formation for Heavy Axle Loads’
Consists of:

1.Soil Exploration Surveys

2.Methodology for Ground Improvement
3.Formation Layers Thickness & Material
Specification including blanket
4.Quality Assurance Tests
Concept adopted in New
Specifications / Design
• It is with objective of selecting the granular layer
thickness based on threshold strength of the
subgrade soil.
• To limit the stress on the subgrade soils to less than
a threshold stress
• To prevent subgrade failure due to excessive
plastic deformation, which is more pertinent in case
of cohesive soils viz – clay type soil.
• CBR value and particle size distribution are
governing factor for the formation design.
New Specification consists of :
• Multi layer system which includes blanket, prepared
subgrade over embankment fill.

• The 2 different system are as under:

Single Layer i) Blanket Layer over Blanket

Embankment fill

Two Layer ii) Blanket+ Prepared subgrade over Blanket

Embankment fill
Subsoil Requirements
1. We have talked about the multilayer system however
subsoil parameters are equally important since subsoil
is the foundation of the Formation
2. Ground Conditions requirements are given below

2.1 Ground Soil/Sub-soil Strata should have Minimum

Undrained shear strength of soil, = 25 KPa or SPT (N-
value > 5)
2.2 Otherwise Ground Improvement is required, if Undrained
shear strength of soil, < 25 KPa or SPT (N-value < 5)
Soil Grouping
The soils to be used in earth fill is locally
available soils. The soil grouping has been
done for embankment fill & prepared
subgrade both, as under :

• SQ3 (fines <12%) (CBR > 10 Min.)

• SQ2 (fines : 12 to 50 %) CBR 5-8 (min)
• SQ1 (fines > 50%) & CBR 3-4 (min)

Fines – Particles finer than 75 micron

For prepared subgrade, additional requirements is

to have Plasticity Index < 12
Comparision of Soil Grouping of New
Specifications with GE:G-1
As Per Existing GE : G-1 New Specifications Likely Soils types falling
(Governing factor) in groups of new
(based on IS classification)
Rocky sub grade, GW, SW

GP, SP, GM & GM-GC SQ3 (Fines <12%) GW, GP, SW, SP,
(CBR > 10) GW-GM, GW-GC, GP-GM,
GC, SC, SM, SM-SC SQ2 (Fines 12-50%) GM, GC, SM, SC
(CBR 5 – 8)
CL, ML, CI, MI, CL-ML SQ1 (Fines >50%) CL, ML, CL-ML, CI, MI,
(CBR ≥ 3) CH, MH

Unsuitable Soils Organic soils, Unsuitable Soil – Organic CH, MH with CBR < 3
Dispersive soils, Soils, Dispersive soils,
CH, MH (not in top 3m) etc. Soils with CBR < 3

Therefore, it can be concluded that all usable soils as per GE:G-1 are also falling in the
new soil grouping & combination (multi layer) thereof in the new specifications.
New Blanket Specification
i) Cu > 7 and Cc between 1 and 3.
ii) Fines (passing 75 microns) :3% to 10%
iii) Los Angeles Abrasion value < 35-40%
iv) Minimum CBR value 25 of the blanket material
compacted at 100% of MDD
v) Size gradation within specified range or enveloping
vi) Filter Criteria should be satisfied with subgrade
layer, as given below :(OPTIONAL)
Criteria–1: D15 (blanket) < 5 x D85 (sub-grade)
Criteria–2: D15(blanket) >4to5 D15 (sub-grade)
Criteria–3: D50(blanket) < 25 x D50 (sub-grade)
Gradation of Blanket Material
SL IS Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight)

1. 40 mm 100

2. 20 mm 80 - 100

3. 10 mm 65 - 85

4. 4.75 mm 40 - 70

5. 2 mm 25 - 50

6. 600 micron 12 - 35

7. 425 micron 10 - 30

8. 212 micron 5 - 22

9. 75 micron 3 - 10
Gradation of Blanket Material & Comparison
with Highway Granular Sub-base
Explanation of Blanket Enveloping curves
w.r.t. Railway Embankment & Highways

1. Distribution of larger size particles is more

as per new enveloping curve to meet with
Heavy Axle Load requirements.
2. Railway new enveloping curves covers
larger %age and range of finer particles
than Highways.
3. Railway Blanket Specifications are liberal in
comparison to Highways.
Single Layer System
(Blanket on Embankment Fill)
Embankment Fill (Top Layer) SQ3

Embankment Fill (Top Layer) SQ2

Embankment Fill (Top Layer) SQ1


Thickness (cm)

120 80 75 80

100 100
80 60


40 75 75

Soil Type Below Blanket SQ1* SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3
Min. CBR of Top Layer CBR  6 generally but CBR  6 generally but CBR  7 generally but
of Embankment Fill not < 5 in isolated cases not < 5 in isolated cases not < 6 in isolated cases

25 T 30 T 32.5 T
Axle Load
Two Layer System
(Blanket + Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)
Blanket (Min. CBR – 25)

Prepared Subgrade of SQ3 Soil

Prepared Subgrade of SQ2 Soil



60 60
45 45 45
Thickness (cm)



60 100
100 100


Soil Type Below Blanket SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3
Min. CBR of Prepared CBR  7 generally but CBR  7 generally but CBR  8 generally but
Subgrade not < 6 in isolated cases not < 6 in isolated cases not < 7 in isolated cases

25 T 30 T 32.5 T
Axle Load
Comparison of Blanket Thickness (25 T)
With the New Formation Specifications, following reduction
in Blanket Thickness have been achieved.
Soil As per New New
Type Existing Specification Specification
GE:G-1 (Single Layer) (Two Layer)
SQ1 130 cm 100 cm 30 – 45 cm
Can be used in
fill but to be
overlain by
SQ2/SQ3 soil
SQ2 90 cm 75 cm 45 cm

SQ3 75 cm 60 cm 30 cm
Comparison of Blanket Thickness (30 T)
With the New Formation Specifications, following reduction in
Blanket Thickness can be achieved :
Soil As per New New
Type Existing Specification Specification
GE:G-1 (Single Layer) (Two Layer)

SQ1 145 cm Can be used in 45 – 60 cm

embankment fill Can be used in
but to be embankment
overlain by fill but to be
SQ2/SQ3 soil overlain by
SQ2/SQ3 soil
SQ2 105 80 60

SQ3 90 75 45
Advantages of New Specifications

1. Requirement of Blanket Material is reduced

considerably which will reduce the overall cost.
2. Materials like prepared subgrade have been brought
in requiring lesser stringent specifications.
3. This will enhance use of locally available materials.
4. Economic optimization is possible by varying
thickness depending upon available materials.
Quality Assurance Tests
There are three Quality assurance tests

1. CBR Test : CBR test is required to be conducted

for ground soil, embankment fill, prepared sub-
grade & blanket material to ensure the minimum
specified CBR value of these materials to be
used in construction. This test is carried out on
soil sample in laboratory as per procedure,
detailed in IS : 2720 (Part 16) - 1987.
Quality Assurance Tests
2. Compaction Test: Heavy compaction
Test is required to be conducted to
determine the Maximum Dry Density of
soil. In-situ density is measured in the
field by Sand Replacement Method (IS:
2720 – part 28) or Core Cutter Method
(IS: 2720 – part 29) to calculate the
degree of compaction w.r.t. MDD.
Quality Assurance Tests

3. Plate Load test for Ev2 Value (Optional)

EV2 – Elastic Modulus at 2nd Loading in Plate Load Test

Plate Load Test is required to be conducted in-

situ for measurement of EV2, as per
procedure detailed in German Code
DIN:18134, 2001, titled – “Determining
Deformation & Strength Characteristics Of
Soil By Plate Loading Test”.
Case study
Mechanical Production of Blanket Material

• Most of the time naturally available

materials do not meet the desired
specifications of blanket material.

• Blanket material can be produced by

mechanical process from crushing or
blending method or combination of these
two methods.
Crushing Methodology
• Rock Boulders are crushed & sieved from different sieves to produce
aggregates of different sizes.
• Trials and permutations of feed speed, crushing cycle, sieve combinations
may be required to arrive at the required particle size gradation.
•These aggregates are mixed in pre-determined proportions over
conveyers and mixed with water, stored.
Blanketing in Chandigarh – Ludhiana New BG Line

Crusher Plant visited in the month of May 2005 & Nov. 2009 at
Chandigarh to inspect crushing methodology for production of
blanket material. Details are as follows:

Name of crusher owner: Hargobind Stone crusher

Site : Panchkula, Chandigarh
Make of crusher: Gurudev, Lalkuwan, Delhi
Source of stone: River Ghaggar
Plant capacity: 830 cft/hour (Approximately)
Unloading of
Material at site
Compaction of Blanket Material with Vibratory Roller
Finished Blanket after Compaction
In-situ density measurement of Blanket Layer
Gradation of Blanket Material in Chandigarh – Ludhiana project
Gradation of Blanket Material in Chandigarh – Ludhiana project
Components :
Four bin aggregate unit
Pug mill mixer unit
Water tank and metering system
Conveyor belts
Storage silos (optional)
Anti segregation surge hopper
Automation and controls
Different available materials, coarse aggregate, local sand/soil are blended in
pre-determined ratio.
Blanket by Blending in Southern Rly

• Gauge conversion project between Manamadurai

and Virudhunagar
• Most of the alignment of track passes through the
land of black cotton soil.
• A gravel quarry was identified at 35 km away from
the work site.
• This material not satisfying blanket Specification.
• Blending of Gravelly material was done with
available sand using Pug-mill Blender.
Gradation of Available Gravelly Material
Gradation of available Sand for Blending
Mix ration of gravel to sand was taken 4 (Gravel) : 1 Sand and tested for
gradation found OK.
Materials : storage, conveying, blending and loading process
Blanket : Laying, Compaction, Finished Surface & Quality check

Degree of Compaction
achieved : 98.1 to 99.6 %
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and new specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket
material & earth fill being used of Section Chandigarh - Morinda
(NR) & rates of SQ1 & SQ3 soil has been assumed bearing in
mind the transportation cost aspect.

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 948 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil (SM Type) 133 (Actual)

Analysis has been done for Bank Height of 1.75m

( maximum depth of variation in Formation Layers)
& Single Line
Tentative Cost Comparison (Chandigarh - Morinda, NR)
Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km
Load subgrade/subgrade
As per GE:G-1 SQ2 87,54,070
SQ3 83,04,480
25t SQ2 75,10,530 (85.8 %)
SQ3 66,89,120 (80.5 %)
SQ2 52,53,645 (60.0 %)
SQ3 49,02,840 (59.0 %)

As per GE:G-1 SQ2 1,00,70,295

30t SQ3 94,46,180
SQ2 79,18,030 (78.6 %)
SQ3 80,80,700 (85.5 %)
SQ2 63,45,080 (63.0 %)
SQ3 59,67,860 (63.2 %)
SQ2 96,21,380
32.5t Single
SQ3 84,98,250
SQ2 63,45,080 (65.9%)
SQ3 59,67,860 (70.2 %)
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and new specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket
material & earth fill being used of Section Manmadurai -
Virudhunaagar (SR) & rates of SQ1 & SQ3 soil has been assumed
bearing in mind the transportation cost aspect.

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 825 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil (SC Type) 180 (Actual)

Analysis has been done for Bank Height of 1.75m (maximum

depth of variation in Formation Layers) & Single Line
Tentative Cost Comparison Manmadurai - Virudhunaagar (SR)

Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km

Load subgrade/subgrade
As per GE:G-1 SQ2 82,82,025
SQ3 75,34,500

25t Single SQ2

SQ2 55,11,750 (66.6%)
SQ3 49,01,475 (65.1%)

As per GE:G-1 SQ2 93,23,700

30t SQ3 84,88,625
SQ2 76,20,000 (81.7%)
SQ3 74,67,700 (88.0%)
SQ2 63,75,150 (68.4%)
SQ3 57,25,650 (67.5%)
SQ2 89,68,050
32.5t Single
SQ3 77,93,200
SQ2 63,75,150 (71.1%)
SQ3 57,25,650 (73.5%)
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and New specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket material
& earth fill being used of Section Palval _ Bhooteswar (RVNL) & rates
of SQ2, SQ3 soil has been assumed adding the transportation cost over
and above the soil being used in earth fill

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 700 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil 120 (assumed)
Rate of SQ1 Soil 60 (Actual)

Analysis has been done for Bank Height of 1.75m (maximum

depth of variation in Formation Layers) & Double Line
Tentative Cost Comparison (Palval – Bhooteshwar, NR)
Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km
Load subgrade/subgrade
As per GE:G-1 SQ1 1,54,61,300
25t SQ2 1,17,76,200
SQ3 1,17,92,500
SQ1 1,19,28,500 (77.1%)
SQ2 96,94,500 (82.3%)
SQ3 87,80,500 (74.4%)
SQ2 71,06,100 (60.3%)
SQ3 69,61,300 (59.0%)

As per GE:G-1 SQ1 1,73,14,100

30t SQ2 1,33,16,100
SQ3 1,30,75,000
SQ2 1,05,33,800 (79.1%)
SQ3 1,09,44,100 (83.7%)
SQ2 86,68,500 (65.1%)
SQ3 85,14,100 (65.1%)
SQ2 1,27,97,000
32.5t Single
SQ3 1,16,43,800
SQ2 86,68,500 (67.74%)
SQ3 85,14,100 (73.1%
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and new specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket
material & earth fill being used of Section Rewari – Ajmer
(RVNL) & rates of SQ2 & SQ3 soil has been assumed bearing in
mind the transportation cost aspect.

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 400 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil 150 (assumed)
Rate of SQ1 Soil 107 (Actual)
Analysis has been done for Bank Height of 1.75m ( maximum
depth of variation in Formation Layers) & for Double Line
Tentative Cost Comparison (Rewari - Ajmer, NR)
Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km
Load subgrade/subgrade
As per GE:G-1 SQ1 94,86,185
25t SQ2 80,51,250
SQ3 83,50,000
SQ1 78,68,825 (82.9%)
SQ2 69,84,300 (86.7%)
SQ3 66,76,225 (79.9%)
SQ2 59,34,420 (73.7%)
SQ3 60,86,185 (72.9%)

As per GE:G-1 SQ1 1,03,34,420

30t SQ2 87,15,000
SQ3 88,63,000
SQ2 74,45,810 (85.44%)
SQ3 77,86,420 (87.8%
SQ2 66,59,025 (76.4%)
SQ3 68,14,420 (76.8%)
SQ2 84,91,250
32.5t Single
SQ3 81,39,560
SQ2 66,59,025 (78.4%)
SQ3 68,14,420 (83.7%)


TYPE- JAW CRUSHER - 15 x 30 AND 10 x 20 CUM
ROLLER CRUSHER - 34 x 22 (dia)
SCREEN SIZES - 75mm x 30mm
OPENINGS OF SCREEN - 4,15,22,32,50, 72mm


Factors contributing are -
Mechanical Production
of Blanket Material
Blending Methodology
• Blanket material could be obtained by proper blending
of two or more soils or in combination with soils and
crushed material like stone chips or quarry dust.
• Before approving such sources, trials for blending to
judge the final product, needs to be done. Detail
methodology of blending to be adopted to produce large
quantity of blanket material with consistent quality,
needs also to be laid down in advance.
• Blending of either natural or crushed materials in a pre
decided ratio could be adopted.
• Theoretical and laboratory trials are required in order to
establish the desirable ratio of the blending materials.
This exercise may be done in advance before finalizing
the contracts for such a material.
The methodology of blending trials is explained below:

• Identify the usable materials/soils.

• Take equal weight of the soils for sieve analysis.
• Write down the weight retained at each sieving stage
for all the soils.
• Apportion a percentage component to each soil and
work out a theoretical mix.
• Draw particle size distribution curve of the mix to
find out desirability of gradation.
• If not successful, make another trial, and so on.
• Trials and plotting work can also be done using
simple computer programs.
• Mechanical blenders using simple technology are now
available in the market.

•Two types of mechanical blenders are quite common:

Drum type blenders
Drum type machines may involve weigh batching or manual
feeding of material. They involve more moving parts. Hence, these
machines are both manpower and maintenance intensive. They
may pose a problem of segregation of material and as such do not
afford any cost advantage either in the short or long run. These
may be suitable for small quantities and not for large-scale
production as required in construction projects.

Pug mill type blenders:

For continuous production of mix in large quantities, the best way
is to feed the aggregates/ soils of pre decided gradation by way of
3 or 4 bins with conveyor belt. The required output grading can be
achieved by adjustment of gate openings of bins. The use of pug
mill type blenders is found very cost effective, as the manpower
involvement is very little and only 4-5 people can run a plant of 100
tph. The pug mill blender consists of:
The other important features of this
technology are:

Automatic feeding of soils/aggregates under

Arrangement for precise control of mixing of
Either direct loading into trucks, or optional
storage at plant
Availability of domestic manufacturers, and
low cost of set up
Advantage of removal and relocation with
World Railway Practice
• UIC (Mainly European Rlys)
• AAR (American & Canadian Rly)
• Australian Railways

• It Is A Multilayer Concept.
• Soils Are Divided Into QS0, QS1, QS2,
QS3 Types.
• QS0 Soils Are Avoidable.

• QS1 Soils Are Equivalent To Cohesive Soils,

Fines > 40% (CH, CI, CL, MH, MI, ML, SC, GC,
GM, SM) & CBR (min) 2-3
• QS2 Type Of Soils Contain Fines 15%-40%
(SW-SM, GW-GM Etc. And Moderately Hard
Crushed Rocks) & CBR >5 (min)
• QS3 Type Of Soils, Fines < 15% (GW, GP, SW,
SP & Hard Crushed Rocks) CBR 10-17(min)
UIC Code 719 R - 2008 Thickness (e) Of Track-bed Layers


E = 0.70m For prepared subgrade of QS1 soil

E = 0.55m For prepared subgrade of QS2 soil
E = 0.45m For prepared subgrade of QS3 soil
a – Thickness factor depending on GMT
b – Thickness factor based on Type of Sleeper and its length
c _ Thickness factor based on difficult working condition on existing lines
d – Thickness factor based on max. axle load
f - geo-textile to be provide for QS1 & QS2 soil used in prepared
sub grade
Prepared subgrade thickness : 35 – 50 cm

• The Blanket Layer Comprises Of :

- A Foundation Layer Sandy Gravel Having

Good Filtering Characteristics
– Not Required On QS3 prepared sub grade
- A Sand Filter Layer or a Geo-textile Filter For
prepared sub grade of QS1 or QS2 soil

• Sandy Gravel Layer Directly Below Ballast

Must Be Well Graded And Sufficiently
Durable e.g.
- Los Angeles Abrasion Value < 20 Or 25
- For Silty And Clayey Soils Blanket
Material Should Have 20% Fine Sand (< 0.2 mm)
Practices of American Railways
American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-way Association (AREMA)
Manual of Railway Engineering 2002
recommends use of 12 inches ballast and 12
inches sub-ballast on main track.

Use of soils with Plasticity Index > 12 for a

depth of 4 feet below sub-ballast should be
avoided, if possible.
AREMA Specifications for Sub-ballast
(American Railway Engineers and Maintenance-of-way Association –
AREMA Manual 2001)

• Material to be used is similar to highway bases and

sub-bases such as crushed stone, natural or
crushed gravel, natural or manufactured sands,
crushed slag etc.
• Sub-ballast shall be granular material so graded as
to prevent penetration into sub-grade and
penetration of ballast into sub-ballast zone.
• Filter principles should be used in drainage to the
grading of sub-grade.
• Maximum size of sub-ballast should not exceed
maximum size of ballast.
• Not more than 5% of the sub-ballast should pass
No. 200 sieve (60 micron).
Blanket (Capping) Layer in Australian Railways
Blanket (Capping) Layer in Australian Railways
Particle Size Distribution

Atterberg Limits -
Liquid Limit : Maximum 30 (35 for arid areas)
Plastic Limit : Maximum 20
Plasticity Index : 2 - 10 (2 - 15 for arid areas)
Linear Shrinkage : Maximum 3%
Maximum Dry Density : Minimum 2.0 t/cum
Soaked CBR : Minimum 50 on material compacted to 95% (min.) Maximum Dry Density
Case study for Blending of Blanket Material

NHAI project site between Sultanpur-Utratia Bye Pass Road,

near Lucknow was visited in the month of June 2005 in
connection with production of blanket by blending.

Details are as follows:

(i) Name of work executing agency: Atlanta, Mumbai

(ii) Location: Amar Saheed Path, Lucknow

(iii) Makes of blender: Gujrat Appolo Equipment
(iv) Plant capacity: 160 ton per hour
(v) Approximate cost: 50 lakhs
(vi) Number of persons 7
operating the plant:
vii) Alternative Power Can be operated by 125
supply: KVA Genarator
viii Number of bins: Four
(ix) Salient features: Four bins, pug mills, wet
mix computerized
Comparison of Blanket Specification
Existing Specification Proposed Specification Remarks

Cu > 4 (preferably > 7) Cu > 7 To ensure better well-

graded material
Cc between 1 and 3 Cc between 1 and 3 Same
Fines<= 5%(if plastic fines) Fines - 3% to 10% Min. fines present for better
<=12%(if non-plastic) binding properties
LA Abrasion – not specified LA Abrasion value <40% To ensure adequate
hardness & strength & avoid
crushing by ballast
CBR value not specified CBR value – Min. 25 To ensure no penetration of
ballast into blanket layer
Filter Criteria – Not Filter Criteria to be To check upward movement
Specified conformed with subgrade of subgrade particles
through blanket layer
Enveloping Curves - More restricted To have coarser material
matching to International
Thickness details of different layers- Single layer system
Layers Axle Load 25T Axle Load 30 T Axle Load 32.5T
Blanket 60 cm - SQ3 75 cm for SQ3, 80 cm for SQ3,
75 cm - SQ2 80 cm for SQ2 100 cm for SQ2
100 cm - SQ1 SQ1 – Not to be SQ1 – Not to be
provided in Top provided in Top
Layer of Layer of
SQ2/SQ3 are preferred Embankment & Embankment &
soil below blanket. overlain by overlain by SQ2/SQ3
SQ2/SQ3 soils soils

SQ2/SQ3 are preferred soil below

Blanket Compacted upto
98 % MDD* Blanket Compacted upto 100% MDD*

Min. EV2 – 100 MPa* Min. EV2 – 120 MPa *

Minimum EV2 – determined from 2nd step Plate Load Test on top of
compacted blanket layer (Ref : German Code : DIN 18134 – 2001)
*As in-situ Assurance Test
Thickness details of different layers- Single layer system

Layers Axle Load 25T Axle Load 30 T Axle Load 32.5T

Top Layer of 50 cm 75 cm
Subgrade of
Thickness SQ1/ SQ2/SQ3 SQ2/SQ3 soils
CBR > = 5 CBR > = 6 generally but not <5 in
generally, but not isolated cases
< 4 in isolated

Embankment (For SQ1 soil, CBR

Fill : > = 4 generally,
but not < 3 in
All soils isolated cases)
SQ1,SQ2, SQ3
are permitted in
Compacted upto Compacted up to 98% of MDD
98% of MDD
Min. EV2 = 45 MPa minimum EV2 = 45 MPa

(Organic soils to be avoided in Embankment Fill)

Typical Embankment X-section for Single Layer System
(Blanket on Embankment Fill)
Thickness details of different layers - Two Layer
Layers Axle Load 25T Axle Load 30 T Axle Load 32.5T

Blanket 30 cm - SQ3 45 cm for SQ3, 45 cm for SQ3,

45 cm - SQ2 60 cm for SQ2 60 cm for SQ2
SQ1 – Not to be SQ1 – Not to be used
used in prepared in prepared
subgrade subgrade
SQ2/SQ3 are preferred
soil below blanket.
Blanket Compacted upto SQ2/SQ3 are preferred soil below
100 % MDD* blanket.
Blanket Compacted upto 100% MDD*

Min. EV2 – 100 MPa* Min. EV2 – 120 MPa *

Minimum EV2 – determined from 2nd step Plate Load Test on top of
compacted blanket layer (Ref : German Code : DIN 18134 – 2001)
*As in-situ Assurance Test
Thickness details of different layers - Two Layer
Layers Axle Load 25T Axle Load 30 T Axle Load
Prepared 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm
(good soil)
CBR > = 5 generally, CBR > = 7generally CBR > = 8
but not < 4 in but not <6 in generally but not
isolated cases isolated cases <7 in isolated

Compacted upto 98% Compacted up to Compacted up to

of MDD 98% of MDD 98% of MDD
Minimum EV2 = 45 Minimum EV2 = 60 Minimum EV2 =
MPa MPa 60 MPa

Specification of Prepared Subgarade : SQ2/SQ3, Plasticity Index ≤ 12

Thickness details of different layers - Two Layer

Layers Axle Load 25T Axle Load 30 T Axle Load 32.5T

Embankment CBR > = 4

Fill generally, but not CBR > = 5 generally but not <4 in
< 3 in isolated isolated cases
All soils cases
SQ1,SQ2, SQ3
are permitted in Compacted upto Compacted up to 98% of MDD
Embankment 98% of MDD
Minimum EV2 = 30 Minimum EV2 = 30 MPa

(Organic soils to be avoided)

Typical Embankment X-section for Two Layer System

(Blanket + Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)

•Number of persons- 10 labourers, 1 foreman, 2 helpers
for operating the plant
• Storage capacity : 4000 cubic feet
• Power: 5 HP to 7HP
•Alternative power supply : Can be operated by 320 KVA
• Number of bins: Three
•Number of sieve combination: Three of 20 mm, 10 mm & 6
mm sizes
• Tank ( For water): For wet mixing facilities
Field Trials of Proposed Formation
• Railway Board has Ordered for conducting Field
Trials of the recommended Formation Specifications
to study the implications of introduction of new
specifications and quality assurance tests

• Trial sites have been selected –

* Udhana – Jalgaon doubling project, WR
* Bina – Bhopal 3rd Line, executed by RVNL
Review Committee
• Railway Board nominated committee of CAO/C
deliberate availability of materials and costs
aspects & Formation Specifications for New
linew/Doubling/GC for axle loads in range of
22.5 to 25t.
• Committee recommended :
- Three layer system consisting of blanket, crusher run &
prepared subgrade over embankment fill is not
considered necessary from materials availability & cost
- There will be no difficulty in getting adequate quality soil
for construction of formation all over India.
- Blanket Specifications are slightly improved over
previous one but with lesser requirement in quantity.
- Blanket material can produced be mechanically, as done
in Highway Organization like NHAI.
Recommendations of Review Committee
- Cost of earthwork would vary from region to region but
no significant addition in cost of earthwork in formation
is envisaged on account of new specifications.
- The rate of blanket material will go up primarily due to
mechanical production and blending. However, on a
holistic view, the increase in cost may not be very
significant especially when compared to the additional
advantage accrued with such better specification.
- Formation Specifications for New Lines/Doubling/GC
Works to be carried out on IR, for existing axle loads in
the range 22.5t to 25t should be also be kept as same
as those for 25 T as per new specifications.
Crushing Methodology

• In the event of non-availability of natural source of blanket
material, depending on the proximity of project site from the parent
rock/boulder sources, it may be decided to crush the rock/boulder in
order to produce crushed blanket material.
•Crushed blanket material may be produced as sole product or in
conjunction with ballast or any other nominal size.
•Trials and permutations of feed speed, crushing cycle, sieve
combinations may be required to arrive at the required particle size
•It is possible achieve near total produce of desired gradation
through production cycle management. Alternately, it may be
possible to get by-products of other sizes in the desired proportion
and blanket material as main produce or vice-versa.
•Optimisation of production rates and costs can be achieved by
controlling the output at each sieve stage.
•It is ideal to mix the required quantity of water for OMC (accounting
for loss/gain of moisture due to weather conditions) at the crusher
plant and transport the material in wet condition.
Sampling of
blanket Material
Compaction of Blanket
Material with
Vibratory Roller
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and new specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket
material & earth fill being used of Section Chandigarh - Morinda
(NR) & rates of SQ3 soil has been assumed bearing in mind the
transportation cost aspect.

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 948 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil (SM Type) 133 (Actual)

Analysis has been done for Bank Height of 1.75m

( maximum depth of variation in Formation Layers)
& double line
Tentative Cost Comparison (Chandigarh Morinda, NR)
Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km % COST
Load subgrade/subgrade REDUCTION
As per GE:G-1 SQ2 1,54,69,840
SQ3 1,46,43,040
25t SQ2 1,33,83,440
SQ3 1,19,38,440
SQ2 94,17,800 39.12 %
SQ3 86,87,040 40.67 %

As per GE:G-1 SQ2 1,76,37,740

30t SQ3 1,65,57,920
SQ2 1,40,68,040
SQ3 1,42,98,875
SQ2 1,13,61,575 35.58 %
SQ3 1,05,97,000 36.00 %
SQ2 1,69,03,575
32.5t Single
SQ3 1,49,97,000
SQ2 1,13,61,575 35.58 %
SQ3 1,05,97,000 36.00 %
Tentative Cost Comparison of Existing GE-1
and new specifications (all 2 alternatives)
For working out the cost we have taken actual rate of blanket
material & earth fill being used of Section Manmadurai -
Virudhunaagar (SR) & rates of SQ1 & SQ3 soil has been assumed
bearing in mind the transportation cost aspect.

Type of Material Rate (in Rs./cum)

Rate of blanket material 825 (Actual)
Rate of SQ3 Soil 200 (assumed)
Rate of SQ2 Soil (SC Type) 180 (Actual)
Tentative Cost Comparison Manmadurai - Virudhunaagar (SR)

Axle Layer System Soil Type in prepared Total Cost/km % COST

Load subgrade/subgrade REDUCTION
As per GE:G-1 SQ2 1,45,06,200
SQ3 1,32,31,000

25t Single SQ2

SQ2 97,16,175 33.02 %
SQ3 85,76,800 35.17 %

As per GE:G-1 SQ2 1,62,21,900

30t SQ3 1,48,31,000
SQ2 1,33,96,800
SQ3 1,31,25,375
SQ2 1,12,54,500 30.62 %
SQ3 1,00,68,175 32.00 %
SQ2 1,56,40,500
32.5t Single
SQ3 1,36,73,400
SQ2 1,12,54,500 30.62 %
SQ3 1,00,68,175 32.00 %

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