RW Week 3

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NAME February 28, 2023

SECTION Reading and Writing

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Lesson 3
Read the definition paragraph below then answer the given questions.
An estimated 50 years old, giant Crocodylus porosus is a saltwater crocodile. It was the largest
crocodile caught alive in Buhawan of Agusan del Sur. According to residents, it is known to attack people
and had eaten animals. The biggest crocodile was given the name of “Lolong” after the name of Ernesto
“Lolong” Goloran, who is one of the veteran hunters from the Palawan Crocodile and Wildlife Reservation
Center, who led the hunt. Dr. Adam Britton, an Australian zoologist and crocodile expert, measured Lolong
at 6.17 m (20 ft. 3 in). And in June 2012 Lolong was officially certified by the Guinness Book of World
Records as the “world’s largest crocodile in captivity”. According to the experts of the National Geographic
Channel, Lolong breaks the record of the previous record-holder with a measurement of 5.48 m (18 FT 0
1. What is being defined in this paragraph?
2. Do the supporting points help you understand the
definition better? Are there facts, reasons, examples,
and details that make it even clearer?
3. What transition words are used between supporting
Definition tells what a word means to have a clear
understanding of any word especially technical words, slang
and specialized words used in the paragraph.

A definition paragraph includes the three components of a

formal definition which are term to be defined, the general
class to which the term belongs, and the characteristics that
make the term different from all other terms in that class.

Its topic sentence identifies the term to be defined, and the rest
of the paragraph develops the definition by examples, by
outlining a process, or by using one or more of the patterns of
development. Defining by negation, that is telling what the
term is not, can also be used.



FORMAL DEFINITION - consists of three principal parts: the species
(WORD) + Genus (CLASS) + Differentiate.
The WORD is the name of the object, process, or concept defined.
This is usually followed by “is” and, “are” and the CLASS or general
group to which the objects belong.
- consists of three parts: the term,
the part of speech to which it belongs ( ex. noun/verb) and all the traits 
or characteristics that are specific to that term. 
Skimming (species) is a reading technique (class) of allowing the eyes to travel over a
page very quickly, stopping only here and there to gain an idea (differentiate).

Term: freedom
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or
INFORMAL DEFINITION - the writer uses known words or
examples to explain an unknown term.
• DENOTATION is the dictionary meaning of the word.
Example: Rose is a family of prickly shrub with pinnate leaves and
showy flowers.
• CONNOTATION is the secondary meaning of a word and is not
included in the dictionary. It is how a writer understands a word
based on their own personal or consensual experiences.
Example: Women feel giddy when they receive red roses.
(Love and romance connote red roses.)
Another example of informal definition:
Freedom, also referred to as liberty or independence, is a state people reach
when they are free to think and do whatever they please.
EXTENDED DEFINITION - generally have components of
both informal and formal definitions. However, as the name suggests, the
author uses a number of other techniques to define a word, concept,
or phrase, including the following:

By stating its San Pablo City is one of the oldest towns in the
Philippines and today, it is known as one of the
characteristics first-class cities in the province of Laguna. It is also
called the City of Seven Lakes namely: Bunot Lake,
Calibato Lake, Mohicap Lake, Palakpakin Lake,
Pandin Lake, Sampaloc Lake, and Yambo lake.
These seven freshwater lakes are crater forms of a
steam-blast eruption from Mt. Cristobal.
By function In this time of global crisis, everyone is
responsible for their actions, such as following
the precautionary measures given by the
health experts to avoid the spread of the virus.

By what it is not Far from the normal situations that we had

before, the pandemic makes each one of us
skip buying unnecessary items.

By what it is Carrot and sweet potato are both root crops

which are good source of carotenoids
similar to
By examples The opening of the classes for School Year
2020 -2021 amidst the pandemic is a great
challenge to the Department of Education.
They continue researching different alternative
ways of teaching and learning to be
implemented in schools such as online
learning, modular learning, and lastly learning
from TV shows and radio programs.

By origin of Writers around the world define literature in

different ways. The origin of the word literature
word or is derived from the latin word litera which
etymology means letter.
Due to the global pandemic, specifically
By its effect COVID-19, the world embraces the new
normal. People have become more conscious
about sanitation and hygiene. They now learn
physical distancing in public places. And, most
of the people stay at home either working or
developing new hobbies and exploring new
Read the following definitions. Notice whether each one is a formal, informal,
or extended definition. The term being defined appears as bold. Answer only.

1. When my friend Katrice was young, she disobeyed her parents

near Christmas. I don't recall the crime, but I do recall the consequence.
When she woke up on Christmas morning, there were no presents for her
under the tree from "Santa Claus." To make matters worse, she had to
watch her younger siblings open all their presents in front of her. Santa did
not come for Katrice that year because she was on the "naughty list." While
her parents may well still stand by their decision, Katrice maintains that she
was the victim of cruel and unusual punishment. I tend to agree, as it
seems that the consequences were too drastic for any child, no matter how
naughty she may have been.
2. Many prisoners of war have been victims of cruel and
unusual punishment; people were shocked and horrified when
they learned of the water torture, temperature extremes, and
sensory overloads that the prisoners were subjected to.

3. The Cornell University Law School website defines cruel

and unusual punishment (noun) as "punishment that is
extremely excessive in relation to the crime, shocking to ordinary
sensibilities, or equivalent to torture."
Write everything you learned about the topic using the graphic organizer.
TASK # 3
Choose one topic below for you DEFINITION
• What is freedom?
• Is romance dead these days?
• Playing video games is good for you.
• What is success?
• Define maturity.
• Compassion: How to define it and why is it
• Why do friendships mean so much in our lives?
• Should uniforms be obligatory in every school?

Lesson 4
EXEMPLIFICATION (or illustration) is the most
common and effective pattern to explain an idea or
point. In developing this kind of paragraph, the writer
develops a general statement –the topic sentence,
with one or more examples to support it.

Here are some transitional expressions in writing

effective exemplification paragraphs: for instance,
namely, to specify, to clarify, to illustrate, for example,
in short, as an example.
CLASSIFICATION is used when a writer needs to sort
out or arrange subjects into groups or categories
based on their common and shared

Here are some transitional expressions in writing

effective classification paragraphs: classified as, one
kind, the last group, another kind, another, final type,
the first category, are categorized as, the next part.
Remember that you can use both exemplification and
classification in developing a paragraph by simply
identifying categories on a particular subject and providing
examples or illustration to explain and clarify meaning.

Essays that use exemplification and classification can be best

understood if a graphic organizer is used. Graphic
organizers visually represents ideas, concepts, and
relationships between various components. It can help students
focus their thoughts for planning, decision making, and writing.
They help students see connections, patterns, and relationships.
They can also help students show understanding of the “big picture”
from a lesson or book.
Some examples of graphic organizers:

Read the text that follows. Transform it using a graphic organizer to show the relationship of ideas.

Test questions generally fall into two categories, depending on how they
are answered: objective and subjective. The first kind, objective questions have
definite right and wrong answers. Multiple- choice, matching, and fill-in-the-
blank questions are objective. Although they can be tricky because of their
wording, most students prefer objective questions, particularly multiple choices
and matching. The answers are already there, and the student just has to
choose the right ones. The questions in the second category are tougher.
Subjective test items, such as short-answer and essay questions, have no
single correct answer. There is a range of p0ssible responses. Students have
to know the information in order to answer each question, and they have to
present it in their own words. For most people, the more concrete, objective
questions are less intimidating than the subjective ones. You can make a lucky
guess on an objective question, but a subjective question doesn't offer much
hope for a student relying on dumb luck.
TASK # 4
Compose your own classification
paragraph with your preferred topic.
Make a draft first using a graphic
Lesson 5
COMPARISON in writing discusses elements that are similar
while CONTRAST in writing discusses elements or ideas that
are different.

A compare-and-contrast essay, then analyzes two subjects

comparing them, contrasting them, or both. However, its purpose is
not to simply state the obvious but rather to illustrate subtle
differences or unexpected similarities between two subjects.

As a writer, you should help the readers see how these two ideas
are similar or different by showing their advantages and
disadvantages so they can weigh the pros and cons before they
make judgment or decision.
Two common ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or
• Block Method - comparing and contrasting two subjects one
at a time. You may begin by saying everything you have to say
about the first subject you are discussing then move on and
write everything about your second subject.
• Point-by-point comparison - addressing one subject at a time

Some cohesive devices you can use in showing similarities are

likewise, similar to, same with, like, in the same manner. To show
contrast, cue words such as: on the other hand, however, while,
different with, in contrast and the like.
ACTIVITY 4 Identify the pattern of organization used in the paragraphs below.
Tell whether the block method or point by point comparison is used.

1. My brother and I share a love for the outdoors. Every spring my brother plants a
vegetable garden full of tomatoes, green beans, and corn. Outside his front door is a
flower garden with perennials and annuals. His favorite flowers are salvia, hollyhock,
and periwinkle, In summer my brother leaves his garden and heads for the beach. He
swims in the ocean for exercise and recreation. Whenever he can, he takes out his
sailboat for a cruise. Not even the cold winter weather keeps him from a life outdoor
activity. He takes regular ski trips. When he tires of skiing, he finds a frozen pond for ice-
skating. Like my brother, I plant vegetable and flower gardens. I love a wide variety of
flowering plants including my brother's favorite flowers-salvia, hollyhock and periwinkle.
I, too, love the beach. Swimming is relaxing and takes me away from my everyday
stresses. I like to feel the wind in my face as I cruise on a sailboat. In the winter I join my
brother whenever I can on his ski trips. I have even tried ice skating though I have fallen
many times. I am glad that my brother and I both appreciate the joys of outdoor activity.
2. My brother and I have different spending habits. This difference is apparent in
the grocery store. When my brother shops for groceries, he never carries a shopping list
or coupons. He just buys what looks good to him that day. However, when I enter the
grocery stores, my shopping list and coupons are always with me. Our attitude toward
buying electronic gadgets differs as well. My brother loves to buy electronic gadgets as
calendars and telephone directories, but he never compares prices at various stores. I,
on the other hand, rarely buy electronic gadgets. When I do, I never purchase one
without comparing the prices from the same way either. When my brother shops for
clothes, he does not have any overall wardrobe plan, and he never even looks at the
price tag. He figures if he likes the clothes, the price should not matter. Unlike my
brother, I know my wardrobe needs and buy clothes accordingly. However, I rarely pay
full price: I always head for the sales racks. I cannot understand how my brother, the
impulsive shopper, and I, the bargain hunter, could be raised in the same family and
have such varying spending habits.
TASK # 5
Write a Comparison and Contrast paragraph by
choosing one among the three topics below. Come
up with at least one similarity and three differences.
• Cell phone units and brands
• Different local fast-food chains
• Enrolling in college or getting employed after
Senior High School
"Start writing, no matter what. The
water does not flow until the faucet
is turned on .“

- Louis L’Amour

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