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By: Nona Grace O. Isturis, PhD
To speculate is to ask the question “What if…..?” and open
the mind to an infinite number of possible answers to that
SPECULATIVE FICTION is a broad genre that
encompasses stories that take place in imaginary worlds as a
result of one or more “what if….?” questions.
Speculative Fiction explores the “what ifs” of what is
possible in the world. What if all human functions could
already be done by robots? The author creates a world
entirely different from ours and speculates upon the results
of changing what is real or possible.
Speculative fiction includes the genres such as:
■ Science fiction deals mainly with the impact of actual or
imagined science upon society or individuals. The premise
may either be based on or flatly contradict scientific facts
and principles. Ex. Avengers; End Game, Godzilla,
Terminator, Venom
■ Fantasy uses magic and supernatural elements in plot
theme and setting. Magic is central to the fantasy genre.
These stories often involve journeys and questions. Ex. JRR
Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, JK Rowling’s Harry
Potter, and JM Barrie’s Peter Pan
Speculative fiction includes the genres such as:
■ Utopian Fiction presents a world that is ideally perfect in
all aspects of society. Ex. Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach,
and The Magellanic Cloud by Stanislaw Lem.
■ Dystopian fiction presents a futuristic, imagined world in
which there is only an illusion of a perfect society, but is in
fact one which is oppressed through corporate,
bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.
Ex. V for Vendeta, Divergent
Speculative fiction includes the genres such as:
■ Apocalyptic Fiction deals with the end of civilization either
through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster.
Ex. End of the World, Dante’s Peak, Independence Day
■ Post Apocalyptic Fiction is set in a world or civilization
after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately
after the catastrophe, focusing on the struggles of survivors,
or some time later when the existence of civilization before
the catastrophe has been forgotten,
Examples: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; World
War Z by Max Brooks
Speculative fiction includes the genres such as:
■ Alternate History is set in worlds in which one or more
historical events unfold differently from how it did in
reality. It is based on the idea that for every event that
occurs or a decision made in our reality, there is another
place (a parallel universe) where the event or decision
turned out differently.
Examples: Napoleon in America by Shannon Selin; Age of
Aztec by James Lovegrove
 Dystopia refers to a state or condition in which life is
extremely bad.
■ Dystopias are usually exaggerated imagining of the
future, with the intention of criticizing a current social
norm, trend, or political system.
■ Dystopian fiction asks the question “what if” to show
us the worst possible future consequence of an issue
that we have now.
Characteristics of dystopian society:
■ The citizens of society are controlled by propaganda.
■ Information, independent thought and freedom are
■ A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens
of the society
■ Citizens are perceived to be under surveillance.
■ Citizens have fear of the outside word.
Characteristics of dystopian society:
■ Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
■ The natural world is banished and distrusted.
■ Citizens conform to uniform expectations.
Individuality and dissent are bad.
■ The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.4
DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth
What if people were grouped according to, and lived only with
people of the same personality type?
■ Get Started:
1. Imagine your school classified its class sections based
on students’ personality traits. You would have
classmates that all had the same personality as you. Do
you think that would allow students to perform better in
class, or work together better as a class? Would you
prefer that arrangement? Why or why not?
2. Reflect on the following descriptions and check the
ones that best describe you. There are no right and wrong
answers here.
Loveable Smart Brave Honest Caring for
Creative Eager to Physically Fair others
Peaceful learn new strong Objective Selfless
Smart things Determine outspoken helpful
Likes to d
read, study, Athletic
3. Do most of your traits come from the same cluster of
descriptions? Or do you have several traits across
Divergent: Text Analysis
1. What does the opening sentence suggest about the
narrator’s faction? What qualities do they value?
2. What do roads and buildings suggest about the
condition of their city? What have transpired in the
previous years that caused the city’s infrastructure to
be that what?
Divergent: Text Analysis
What do these words mean? Look up the meaning of the
following words in the dictionary.
a) Abnegation
b) Candor
c) Amity
d) Erudite
e) Dauntless
Divergent: Text Analysis
4. From their dictionary definitions, what can you infer
about the kind of factions these names represent?
a. What kinds of people are those from Abnegation?
b. What characteristics do people from Candor value
c. What is the main character trait of people from
d. What does it take to be a member of erudite?
e. What would a person from Dauntless be best known

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